The Boy Next Door.

Well That Was Awkward...


My head was killing me, I was silently thankful to be seated on the quiet end of the table.

Anne and Joe’s chemistry was amazing; to be honest I was super jealous. He was all over her and the way he looked at her was just breath taking. I looked around the table for my curly haired wonder but I only found a very friendly Kevin smiling at me from the end of the table.

Funny how he looked like he knew exactly what you were thinking. I slumped back in to the wooden chair in defeat when I hear Anne asking, “Where is Nick?”

Joe then relayed the question to his mother and I quickly learned that Nicolas was in an interview, I’m not surprised I mean the three of them are just so famous, it truly is hard to believe that someone like Anne is out there. I think Joe feels the same way.

I glance up at Anne and Joe, their gossiping about something in low whispers and giggling like small children. “And cue Nick Jonas...” I hear Joe whisper. I quickly snap up instantly wishing I didn’t.

Nick Jonas was walking through the French doors with his head down; I ripped my gaze away from him and back to my empty place setting in front of me. I consciously noticed him sitting down across the table from me, glad he hadn’t noticed me yet.

Then suddenly my skin prickled and a shiver ran down my back, “Wow, it’s great to see you again” the familiar voice of Nick said sounding shocked. I glanced up and saw his paled expression. He probably really didn’t want to see me; I started to get up out of my chair, “Um, yeah. Look sorry if you want me to go I will, I don’t want to intrude.”

I glanced up at him and saw that he had the most tragic expression on his face, “NO! I really want you to stay,” He said with a shy smile, “I was just worried I wouldn’t see you again.”

I smiled back at him feeling a little more confident with him again and we ate in silence when the food arrived. I was pretty sure with what he had been drinking; his head would feel no better than mine. I occasionally caught him smiling at me; then he leaned across the table and told me in a low whisper to look at Anne and Joe.

I glanced up and saw Joe whispering in her ear and touching her in a way that would offend many, it was a little kinky for 7 am don’t you think.

Anne sure can pick ‘em. Nick gave me a grin as Joe and Anne got up from the table and went up stairs.

“Um, Mom?” I want to show Marina around, K?” Nick asked as he came around the table and pulled my chair out. Denise gave him a warm smile and nodded briefly before continuing with ......... in the deep conversation they were having.

‘Mhmm, he has nice hands.’ I thought as he pulled me up the stairs, not pausing once to quench my curiosity for what the rooms were. We stopped in front of a closed white door, that didn’t look any different from the rest but I bet it is his room. Well... he doesn’t waste time that is for sure.

“Hasty to get me to your room are we?” I said in a teasing tone with a raised eyebrow as I punched him in the arm, he turned around and gave me a very embarrassed face.

“ know I thought you might want to see the view first.” He led me into the room that was openly fitted out, with a medium sized bed, a desk and a love seat.

“Sure sure Jonas, whatever you say.” I jiggled my eyebrows which earned me a small chuckle. It was the cutest thing about him, last night it was just so... never mind.

He was right the view was spectacular, “You’re right it worth seeing, but not as much as I wanted to see you.”

His slender fingers touched my cheek and they ran softly down the side. His soft touch left a tingle on my skin with a mass of Goosebumps...I just hope he doesn’t notice, I don’t want that Jonas getting too cocky about what he does to me.

He cupped my face in the same hand and gave me a wink, “Don’t think I don’t notice what I clearly do to you.” A soft chuckle escaped into the air once again before I found his soft lips crushing onto mine. I was so shocked that he was kissing me again; I failed to notice that we were slowly walking back into his room...back to his bed.

He held me tight and kept me entwined in a fantastically experimental kiss probably hoping I wouldn’t catch on. Why not just play along and see what the guy had in mind....It usually works.

His tongue was curling around mine and running up the sides as his legs hit the bed. He stopped walking backwards and broke out of the kiss leaving a slender trail of saliva of unknown origin between us. I giggled at the sight and he let out a famous chuckle as he wiped it away and proceeded to turn us around so that I was facing the bed.

He placed three chaste kisses on my lips, “You smell amazing Marina.” He whispered huskily into the 3rd kiss. I just grinned wildly and gave him a peck, but he grabbed my face again at the contact of my lips on his and launched into another kiss.

Apparently last night was just him being shy... god I could get used to this. Just as we started to have another tongue war he leaned his weight on me causing me to fall backwards onto the bed... this time I pulled away from underneath him and raised a very interested brow.

A smirk was my reply as he continued with his plans for me. His hand went from my jaw, down my neck, shoulder and arm until it came to the bottom of my shirt where he pulled it up to the base of my bra. He looked up innocently; I knew what he wanted so I nodded eagerly in reply. His hand proceeded to lift my pink shirt all the way over my head and I flopped back onto the bed as he started to kiss my stomach. I tried to concentrate on my own plans of getting him shirtless but his mouth on the sensitive skin was hard to tune out, I eventually got the mindset to lift my hands up and ride up his cotton shirt half way up his torso. He stopped the kisses and gave me a sexy glance as he sat up, straddled on me and pulled his shirt over his head, muscles clenching as he did so. I never really knew Nick was so dam ripped but he looks amazing shirtless.

He lent back down, staying straddled over me and gave me a very passionate kiss. His hands were travelling on my sides around my bra, clearly wanting to get inside, but no way I was going there just yet. I let my hands slip into his mass of curls once again. Our bodies grinded onto the other trying to get as close as possible, it was turning me on like crazy. He was softly moaning into my mouth as the pace quickened and I could feel a hardening bulge through his black skinny jeans.

Suddenly the room felt electric and his hands slid under my back and pulled me up closer to him and his lips. I needed air so I broke away and rested my forehead on his, “Nick...” I whispered. He simply gave me a smirk and placed his lips on my collar bone at which an involuntary shiver ran through my body, he smiled into my neck which he was now nibbling and pecked his way up my jaw until he came to my ear, “You know I don’t usually do this kind of thing.”

I placed a hand on his bare chest and gently pushed him away, “Then why are you doing it?”

He stared into my eyes considering the question, “Cause you got me goin’ crazy.”

“So you have stooped to quoting your songs now have you Jonas?” I laughed as he blushed at the realisation of what he had said.

“Crap, um but I mean it,” He got off of me and sat up, I propped myself up on my elbows fully are of our shirtless state, “You just make me lose all rational thoughts and I just want to get close to you, touch you.” He blushed deep red at the last phrase.

“You’re exactly the same to me but there are other ways to get closer.” I said grinning and glancing around for my shirt.

He looked solemnly at me, “Marina?”

My head sprung up at my name, “Yeah Nick?”

He got up on the bed, to a cat like position and stalked over to me until his glistening bare chest was above my own, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I gave him a blank look, “So, Nickolas Jonas wants to date me, sure why not.” As soon as my sentence was out he was kissing me again. It was much softer than the last time.


Joe stormed in the door without knocking and stopped in front of the bed. His face was shocked to see him with a bare chest and slightly sweaty on top of me, shirtless and breathing hard. We stayed still perfectly petrified for a few seconds.

“Oh...hey sorry I didn’t know you guys were in need of...err...” Joe stuttered as he turned quickly to leave.

“Wait its ok we were done here.” Nick said with deep red still flourishing on his cheeks. He rolled off me and handed me my shirt which I quickly put back on. We then both sat on the edge of his bed.

“If you say so... to me it looked like you just got started.” He smiled at me, eyes crinkling with amusement.

“Ok Joe, so do you actually want anything? Or did you just feel the need to yell out my name?” Nick said with a sneer.

“Well actually, I needed to find Marina, Um... Anne kind of just passed out.”

Oh dear god, the idiot must have forgotten her meds. “Ok, where is she?” I asked as I jumped off the bed and ran towards the hall with Nick and Joe behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ala ka-zam... jonas in a pan!

M&N actions for ye!
it will make this person very happy!