Status: still writing.... not sure really what else to write... should update soon.

The Perfect Romance

Baby Approaching

When we got back to my mother's house I couldn't wait to tell her and Shawn. They both were going to be very excited for me, then I'm going to have to call Dad and Crystal. The list got longer every time I thought about it. Kendra was on that list somewhere but my parents were definitely the most important. If I didn't tell them I would never ever hear the end of how Kendra knew first. Plus, it'd be my mom's first grandchild since I'm her only child. Oh and Mr and Mrs. Way would need to be called. I needed to have Gerard do that. I love his parents but it's going to be overwhelming enough telling my own.

We walked in the door and Mom and Shawn were right where I left them, at the kitchen counter. Mom was making something at the stove and Shawn was reading the Trenton newspaper and on his phone checking emails.

"Mom. I have something I want to tell you. That's why Gerard and I went out early this morning.." I said starting to sweat and become really anxious and tongue tied.

"Okay, what is it, another trip?"

"No,... um... how do you feel about being a grandmother... because--" I didn't even get the rest of the sentence out before my mom screamed with delight.

"OH EMILY! I'm so happy for you both. Congratulations! How far along? What gender?" Once it came out my mother was full of questions and delight. I'm glad that went over so well. I mean I'm only 27, so I wasn't sure how she'd feel about that and that Gerard is 30.

"She's a girl, and I'm almost 2 months pregnant. " I told her.

"Your father and Crystal are going to want to know, and so are Gerard's parents. Shawn you're going to be a step grandfather! How does that make you feel??"

"I don't know..." Shawn just sat there no emotion on his face.

I called my father and he was very excited for me. And Crystal was too which was a relief I don't think I could have dealt with two weird responses.

Then Kendra was called and she decided she was throwing me a baby shower. I don't know if I was supposed to know that but I did. She's crazy. She's been my best friend forever. I do love her even I don't always act like it.

Gerard called his parents. I could tell he was nervous but I had been too. I knew he was fine though Donna Way was very excited to be a grandmother. I was glad everyone was as happy as i was about the news.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to get the next chapter out. Life has been crazy.