The Window of Opportunity

Chapter 11

An hour later ---->

“Ohmigod”, Billie said after looking at Amy's cell phone.
“What”, she said sitting on the bed next to him.
“I've been in here for, like, four hours. It's 4.30”, he laughed.
“I better let you guys get some sleep”, Billie said getting up from the bed.
“Girls, I'll see you in the morning. Uh, the security guys will bring clothes into your rooms and... toothbrushes and things so don't worry”, Billie said then walking to the door.
“Goodnight Billie”, Amy said then it being repeated by the girls.
“Night girls”, Billie said and then he was gone, out the door.
Tia and Sky went back to their room shortly after and Amy and AJ fell asleep straight away.

The next day,
March 31st ---->

Amy awoke to a knock on the door. She turned over and saw AJ still asleep in the bed next to her. The door knocked again and AJs eyes flicked open. The girls looked at each other for a second then AJ jumped out of her bed. She opened the door quickly and saw it was a man wearing a black jacket with “security” written on the back in yellow.
“Uh, hi”, AJ said.

The man just smiled and another man came with some clothes on a rack.
As AJ let him through a woman came through with some other stuff.
“Uh, what's going on?” Amy asked sitting up in her bed.
“I'm Jade, I'm the guys wardrobe designer and just organize all that sort of stuff”, the woman said as the security guys left.
“What is all this?” AJ asked looking at all the clothes.
“Yeah and what's the time?” Amy yawned looking around for her cell phone.
“It's about quarter to seven”, Jade said walking up to the bed with some things.
“Ok, you guys. Contest winners. You want to look your best for Billie, Mike and Tre. I'm here to help you. So take a shower, brush your teeth, every thing's already here for you”, Jade said as Amy and AJ looked at each other.

The girls took it in turn to take a shower and everything, then Jade sat them down on the bed. A man had joined them after the girls had showered. His name was Steven, Jade said he was a good friend of hers.

He was obviously gay.

“Steven is here to do you guys hair so lets get started”, Jade said walking to the clothes.
“A total punk thing here”, she said pulling a black shirt off the rack.

Amy had her make-up put on first while AJ had her hair done.
“Oh my god”, Amy said looking in the mirror.
She had thick eye liner put on neatly and lipstick to match her skin.
“Super model in the making”, Jade said going and brushing Amy's hair.

When they had that done, Amy's hair totally straight, Jade started picking random things off the clothes rack.

“AJ I think this would suit you”, she said pulling a pair of black pants with a scull and crossbones on the back pocket and the bottom of the right leg.

Amy had been given a short skirt with a Grey and black spaghetti strap top.
The girls ran and looked at them selves in the bathroom mirror.
“Oh. My. God. I don't think I've ever looked this good”, Amy smiled totally shocked at how she looked. “I know, I never thought I would look like this”, AJ said staring into the mirror.

They met back up with the other girls and they had been given a make over too.
“Oh my god look at you guys”, Amy said as Sky ran and gave her a hug.
“Have you guys heard?” She said after pulling away from Amy.
“No what?” Amy said real excited.
“We're gonna be doing a photo shoot with Green Day”, Sky said jumping up and down due to too much excitement. The girls standing in the hallway, a few security guys standing by, screamed in unison and started jumping up and down.
“Ok. Ok, ok, ok, chill you guys. Breath”, Amy said stopping everyone jumping.
“Can you believe were actually here, with Green Day and had a make over and now were doing a photo shoot with them. I can't believe this. What next?” Sky said grabbing hold of Amy's hand.
“Ladies”, one of the guards said walking over to them, “your car is waiting down stairs and the boys, Cole, Shawn and Ben are already down waiting for you”, he explained.
“Where is uh, Green Day”, AJ asked.
“Ok, well here's the deal. The guys have a small problem that they need to sort out, but they said you guys travel your self and they'll meet you there. I'm Justin, I'm in charge of you guys and getting you places on time and just everything so, you guys stay close to me ok”, Justin said pulling his cell phone out of his pocket.
“Do you guys have your phones with you?” He asked.
The girls all said yeah and got them out.
“If you have any problems you call me and I will sort it out”, Justin said as the girls got their cells out. “My number is 555-2652”, he said as the girls put the number in their phone books.

After Justin had gotten ALL of their numbers he took them down to the car. He was on his cell phone most of the time but the girls understood. He was like controlling peoples safety and Green Days safety! The girls sat in the car, Tia and AJ in one row of the people carrier and Amy and Sky in the other.

Justin sat in the front with his partner Gavin. Amy whispered to Sky in the back seats, “I don't really like Tia that much”.
Sky nodded and said, “me either. And she snores like a pig”.
They started laughing and Tia and AJ turned around and looked at them.
“What?” Sky said as they turned around again.
“Let me and you stick together Kay”, Sky whispered.
“Ok, AJ is ok though”, Amy said looking out the window.
“Yeah but, I think me and you would make the best friends”, Sky said looking out the window like Amy. “Tia isn't like us though is she?” Amy whispered then looking at her, making sure she wasn't listening. “No she's too, like goodie goodie”, Sky said.