I Saw Her Standing There


I felt myself slowly waking up, I curled up more into the covers making sure they were over my head to block out any sunlight. I really didn't fancy getting up today, everything was hurting. I kept my eyes tightly shut praying for a few more minutes in bed before the alarm on my phone went off.

It never happened, that annoying tone that I usually makes me want to throw the phone somewhere never came, my phone never went off, and I was sure I'd been laying there for longer than five minutes. Maybe I had got up a lot earlier than I thought.

I slowly opened my eyes staring at the blankets cocooning me in, the were simply a dark purple, no flowers or funny circles. These defiantly weren't my bed sheets. I groaned stretching out and taking a deep breath ready to face whatever I had done last night.

I instantly took in the familiar sent and smiled, at least I was at Padge's house not at home, got thank him for something. As I was about to get up, I heard the bedroom door open. Padge obviously thought I was still asleep, as he said nothing, as I watched him from his bed.

“Padge?” He turned suddenly staring straight at me.

“You're awake,” He points out the obvious.

“No shit,” I mutter making him chuckle. “Everything hurts,”

“That'll teach you,” He smirks walking over and sitting on the bed with me. “Want some paracetamol?”

“I'd love some, and water, and I really want some toast and marmite,” Padge raised his eyebrows watching me.

“Do I look like your personal slave?”

“Did you let me drink last night?” He nodded waiting for me to make sense. “Therefore it's your fault I'm like this, so food please,” I smiled sweetly, but talking was only hurting my voice and my head was pounding. “And you love me,” I add making him chuckle.

“Yeah that love thing gets you away with murder,” He smiles at me running his finger tips across my cheek. “I love you,”

“I love you too,” I smile unsure where this serious side had come from. “You okay?”

“Of course,” he smiled leaving a kiss on my forehead. “I'll go and get your toast!”

“Thank you!” I shout before collapsing back on the pillows. I sat their staring at the ceiling trying to remember something about maybe what day it was or what we did last night, or why I had woken up alone in this bed and Padge was fully dressed at- I paused to look up at the clock- at half nine in the morning.

Okay last night we went out, whose house? Jays? Yes it was Jay's house, loads of people and large amounts of alcohol. Okay I drank a lot, a hell of a lot, and Padge?

Where was Padge?

“Marmite toast, crunchy nut toast, green tea and paracetamol,”

“You are my saviour,” I smile accepting the drugs first before filling myself with food. “So Padge?”

“So Rhian?”

“Where were you last night?” He sat down with me giving me a worried glance.

“I went to a party with you, fucking hell were you that wasted?”

“No I just don't remember everything, I remember talking with Niki and Taylor and us talking, then talking about rollercoaster rides with Moose, then Niki and Taylor talking, and sitting with you and-” I paused trying to remember anything else but blanked. “Nope that's it,”

“You drank a lot,” He said simply, but that was all he said, usually when the phrase you drank a lot is said there's laughter and stories about what I did. But there was nothing, Padge just went quiet again, this wasn't a comfortable silence though. This was an awkward silence, there was no physical contact, there was no cute smiles or eye contact. There was nothing.


“And what?” He asked turning to me, I shrug, “And nothing really,” He said simply. “You just passed out and I took you home,”

“Why weren't you here this morning?”

“Got up early, now I've gotta meet up with the guys,” He says simply leaning over and pressing his lips against my temple before getting up.


“I'll be back by lunch probably, I phoned school and said you'd were ill, I hope you don't mind,”

“Okay thank you,” I smile as he walks off, leaving me very alone and very worried. I leaned over to grab my phone and searched for a much needed number.


“Hey Taylor, it's Rhian,”

“Obviously, what's up? “

“Have you got a break today?”

“Have indeed, 1pm, you want to meet up?”

“Yeah, and I kinda need a chat,”

“That's fine, you okay?” Her whole tone changed, obviously caring a little more now she knew there was something wrong.

“I think so, just don't let me drink ever again!”

“Don't worry dear, it'll all be okay, I see you at 1?”

“Okay thanks Taylor, bye,” I put the phone down and looked at the empty dishes around me, guess I should do some cleaning then. I trundled down the stairs with the tray, placing it in the kitchen and debating on what to do exactly. I walked into the living room stopping as I glanced at the sofa. Covers and a pillow were screwed up on the sofa.

Padge slept on the sofa?

Why didn't he tell me?

You know ,I couldn't deal with this, he was lying to me. Whatever I did last night really pissed him off or I'd really hurt him. I'd managed to fuck this up.

“Hola!” Taylor calls as I walk into the salon, she couldn't cut hair or do much at the moment cause of her hand so had been rendered to receptionist.

“Hello! You okay to go?”

“Yeah they owe me a lunch break, and we're going to go meet up with Niki, she's tattooing Moose but they're coming with, if you want, but I kind of presumed this is about last night so you might not?”

“No its fine, I just, Taylor I can't remember last night, well some of it, but it's Padge,” Taylor just nodded walking out from behind the counter and shouting at someone to cover her, she grabbed her coat and bag before pushing me out of the salon.

“Okay Niki we have serious problems to deal with!” Taylor shouted walking into the tattoo parlour, everyone treated this place like a second home.

“Out back come through, what's up?!” She shouted back as Taylor lead me through the shop.

“Padge is being a cock, hey Moose,” she added smiling at a slightly pale looking Moose who Niki was stabbing the tattoo needle into.

“Hey, and what's he done,”

“Nothing! It's just me seriously over reacting about this!” I add looking to Taylor who just rolled her eyes.

“Okay give me five seconds to finish tattooing this idiot and we can go for lunch,” Niki glanced over smiling at me. “You okay?” I nod sitting down on a spare stool.

“You'll be sitting here next,” Moose tells me as I shrug.

“Yeah bitch, I am so doing your first tattoo!” Niki claps excitedly wiping the blood off Moose's arm as she chucks the gloves, needles and tissues in the bin. “Right sug' your done!” she smiles as Moose who nods looking down at his arm.

“Thank you, ya know you've got such a talent for this,”

“That's why she owns her own salon dip shit,” Taylor mutters rolling her eyes at the stupidity of Moose, I just smile following the three of them outside. “So where are we going for lunch?”


“Anything but burger king or mcdonalds,” I mutter rolling my eyes.

“Oh what about the cafe?” Niki suggested, the three of us nodded, finally something we all agreed on. It was like a five minute walk down the high street to a cafe the guys frequented. It was a normal cafe, just had a lot of history for them apparently, it was nothing special but the people were nice.

The four of us took the table by the window, ordering a large amount of food, and some warm drinks, before getting into convocations. They explained most of what I remembered last night, my attention only snapping to their convocation when Taylor started talking.

“I don't know exactly what went on but you pushed yourself away from him and said simply Even though it was what I wanted, I mean you looked pretty hurt dear,” I sipped at my coke trying to remember that point. “Then you ran off, Padge didn't move for a while he seemed as if he was just thinking! He did disappear to find you, brought you back like an hour later and said you were going,” Taylor explained.

“You had defiantly been crying, and you didn't say anything to any of us,”

“We thought maybe Padge was actually keeping you as his slave!” Moose adds, I just laughed shaking my head.

“He made me marmite on toast, cereal, tea and got me paracetamol this morning, no way am I his slave!” I chuckled as the girls both smiled and Moose mumbled whipped under his breath.

“So what did he say this morning?”

“Yeah babe if he's making you breakfast you must be okay,”

“He lied to me, he said he got up early but I found the covers and pillow on the sofa, he was just acting really odd,” I sighed finally putting my drink down and leaning back on the chair. “It's gotta be something I did,”

“No it hasn't!” Niki growled. “Don't you dare think that way! He lied to you, it's his fault now,” I sighed looking for some support from Taylor or Moose.

“You really should just talk, there's no other way round this,” I groan pathetically.

“I don't wanna cause an argument though,”

“Oh grow up, if you want to be in a relationship Rhian you have to fucking grow up and act your age,” I turned to Niki who snapped at me. “You are mature enough, just act it, I know you are only 17 but you choose to be with Padge so you are going to have to act a little bit more adult, this isn't some high school crush,” I bit my lip, the truth was a bitch at times, but Niki gave it straight and that was the only way to be.

“I know,” I mutter as Moose puts his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into him.

“Ya know none of us have ever liked any girl Padge has gone out with, he picks fucking rough shit, there was the one who smoked more weed than him and turned her brains to mush, the girl with massive boobs and bleach blond hair-”

“The bleach went into her brains!” Taylor smirks.

“And the one who thought she could get Taylor and I deported cause apparently we flirt with her boyfriend, so her revenge was to fuck our relationships up,” Niki added with a little growl.

“And the girl who kept buying him shaving kits because she was hinting that stupid facial hair had to go!” Taylor laughed. “She might have had a point,” she adds as I just smile.

“But your the only girl we've liked,” Moose finishes. “You're a little odd,”

“Slightly naive,” Taylor adds.

“Fucking cheap drunk,” Niki smiles, “But you're alright, and you and Padge will be fine sug',” I smiled back at the three of them resting my head against Moose.

“Thank you,” I say sincerely. “Thanks for listening to me whine, and thank you for that,” I added meaning the compliments. “I should probably get back he said-” I paused staring at Moose. “He said he had band stuff,” Moose shrugged getting a sharp kick from Taylor.

“So did Matt, they probably do dear,” She smiled as I nodded standing up with the rest of them. “Moose is just a lazy ass!”

“I am not!” He groans. “I've just gone through pain!” He points to the bandage around his arm.

“Aww so brave!” I mock as Niki roles her eyes.

“Fucking wimp, it's nothing,” I listened to the two argue as we trailed out of the cafe and each went on our own way. Moose offered me a lift home but I turned it down preferring to walk home and being alone with my thoughts.

I guess if I was honest with myself this is probably my fault, the phrase even though it was what I wanted had stuck in my mind. I could guess what it had been about, and it probably was something that was affecting us more than it should.

I reached Padge's house rather cold and rather fed up, I'd managed to depress myself even more and I was worrying way more than I should; I was getting to point where I was starting to honestly feel sick. I took a deep breath knocking on the door, I didn't have a key because well I don't even live there but I'd left everything there.

“Come on,” I mumble not being able to get the horrid feeling out of my body, I was feeling so ill, headaches I was getting hotter and feeling sick. It was horrible and I couldn't seem to stop worrying. What if Padge was going to leave me? I mean I keep changing my mind every five seconds, and I'm only young, what if he's got bored?

There was a horrible pain thumping through my head as I kept having images of him breaking up with me, or saying I was just being pathetic. I was though, I needed to sort myself out, I was being immature.

“Hey can- Rhian,” He smiled as he opened the door, I went to say something but the pains go worse. “You okay?” He questioned moving to let me in. I shock my head, tightly closing my eyes and opening them again as the pains got worse. “Rhian?”

“Are-Are you going,” I couldn't get the words out as I started to lose my breathing pattern. “Padge I-I I'm sorry, I just I d-don-”

“Rhian, I kind of think you should sit down,” He muttered putting an arm over my shoulder but I shock my head leaning against the wall as I tried to clam down. “What's wrong? Did something happen?” He asked as I slipped down the wall to flop onto the floor. My chest was getting tighter and tears were starting to fall as the pain in my head only got worse. “Rhian please,” He said clearly taking my hands in his. “What is going on?” I close my eyes trying to stop the tears, I couldn't believe how ill I was making myself.

“I went out, with Taylor, and Niki and Moose,” I managed to get out as he knelled in front of me watching me intently. I took a few deep breaths resting my head against the wall. “I'm fine,”

“Oh yeah, appear at my door looking pale, not being able to speak, and then falling onto the floor in tears, that's fine is it?”

“What happened last night?” He raised his eyebrows. “What did I do that was so terrible you couldn't bare to sleep in the same room as me?” He sighed obviously realising what this was all about.

“You worried yourself sick?” I nodded pathetically, listening to him talk, as I slowly started to feel better. “Fuck Rhian,” He sighed stroking the side of my face as he shock his head, watching me as the pains started to fade. “Last night I was drunk, not as drunk as you,” He smiled slightly as I groaned. “But I upset you, I pushed you away I couldn't have your first time a drunken blur, I mean you wouldn't have remembered losing your virginity, and I knew that's not what you wanted,” I looked at him, he really did care, he really was one of the good guys. “You say you wanted it, maybe you did or do, but I couldn't have it happen like that, I'm sor-”

“Don't you dare apologise!” I point at him smiling slightly, feeling my energy return was helping. “That is the sweetest most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me, fuck any other guy would have just fucked me there and then, Padge you are amazing,” He shrugged slightly.

“Trust me it was hard, seriously you are so fucking hot when your horny,” My eyes go wide as I slap his chest hard. “Oh come on, your as bad as the rest of them, Niki and Taylor have competition,”

“I am not that bad!” I laugh as he stands up pulling me with him.

“You are, look last night, I gave you the impression that I didn't want you and I know that hurt, but that's not it okay, I do want you I just want to wait okay?” I nod smiling up at him.

“Thank you for not doing what I asked, I want my first time to be with you and I want to remember it,” He smirked to himself. “What?”

“Babe you won't be able to forget me!”

“Cocky bastard,” I mutter pushing away as he just smirks at me, pulling me back into his body.

“You okay now?” I nodded leaning up to press my lips against his.

“Your friends were very helpful, even if I did worry myself sick, they give good advice,”

“What was there advice?” He questioned as I led him into his own living room.

“I just had to talk to you,” he nodded sitting down on the sofa with me in a comfortable silence, sometimes it was just good to be with him it kind of put all my worries and troubles at rest. “I like your beard,”

“What?” He laughed looking down at me in amusement.

“Just saying,” He raised his eyebrows as I shrugged, “Someone explained to me why you have a million shaving kits upstairs,” He gazed down at me before it seemed to click and he groaned slightly.

“What have they been saying?” I smiled innocently leaning up to press my lips against his.

“Just you have rubbish taste in girls,” He shrugs kissing me back.

“I thought you were pretty decent choice,”