I Saw Her Standing There


Ann Summers parties should come with a warning, but they do have all the ingredients for a perfect girls night in. Add around 15-20 young women, a large amount of spirits and wine, one very open, loud, outrageous host, add her slightly clumsy but funny as fuck best friend, a mixture of new people, sweets shaped like penises and loads of other questionable sex toys and underwear, and you have the funniest evening ever. My recolections are nothing compared with the real thing.

The boys had been sent away, refused entry to the all girls party, which they were not impressed about.

“Can I interest you in a Malibu surfer?” Taylor questioned passing both Sarah and I drinks.

“Does he come with the drink?” Sarah questioned as Taylor just smirked.

“We wish love, what d'ya think?” I sipped the drink and smiled slightly.

“Ain't half bad for you,”

“Oi! I'll have you know I'm an excellent cocktail maker!”

“She's better when drunk!” Niki adds appearing behind us. “Girls meet Raychel, Ray this is Rhian, Padge's girlfriend, and Sarah her friend from college,” Niki smiled pointing towards us. “Ladies this is Raychel, she working in the parlour with me at the moment,”

“Nice to meet you,” She smiled, the American accent shinning through, I swear these Americans are taking over Bridgend.

“Yeah you too,” I noticed the look Taylor was giving me. “What?”

“We're setting her up with Moose,” She muttered in my ear, as I rolled my eyes.

“Taylor that's a bad idea,” I wasn't sure I'd trust Taylor's match making skills.

“No it's not, is it Niki?”


“The plan,”

“Oh the plan!” She nodded excitedly adding an evil mastermind laugh to it as Raychel gazed between the two of them.

“You should be worried,” I muttered picking up on of the drinks. “Here, apparently its a Malibu surfer,”

“The only problem with the drink is there's no surfer,” Sarah mused as Raychel just laughed, at least someone understands Sarah then. I walked around meeting people as Taylor continued to try and give everyone alcohol poisoning, until finally Niki screamed at everyone announcing the fun was beginning.

The rep from ann summers was a little reserved,not that loud, but she put everyone at easy. Not that Niki, Taylor, Raychel or Sarah would ever need to be put at easy. We spent a good amount of time playing games.

“Okay so two lines! Now the person at the front puts the sweet between their teeth, and you pass it down the line, first team wins,” I had to be on the competitive team didn't I?

“OW!” I screamed as Niki bit me, by accident but still it hurt.

“JUST FUCKING GO!” See what I mean by the competitive team, we would have one as well if it wasn't for Taylor.

“Okay where's the sweet?” The lady laughed as we turned on Taylor who was violently coughing.

“Swallowed it by accident,” Raychel explained smacking Taylor on the back, that didn't help the coughing just got louder.

“Maybe Taylor needs a lesson in swallowing, what have you and Matt been doing?” Niki smirked at Taylor who just picked up the nearest thing to her and threw it at her.

“I'd prefer if the toys were not-” Too late the women was fighting a lost cause as Niki picked up another vibrator and there started the sword fighting with dildos. “I have never seen such immaturity in my life!” She squealed as I looked at Niki and Taylor.

“Then you have obviously not met these two before,” I mumbled flopping onto the sofa and watching, with interest, the two girls fighting.

“Ow! It hurts!” Taylor screamed a large red mark starting to appear on her arm, that would bruise.

“Seriously you two probably shouldn't fight with them,” I added earning looks of disgust from both girls, as if it was stupid to suggest not fighting with the vibrators, I mean how silly of me to think it was a bad idea!

“I think I'm on the same wave length as these two,” Sarah muttered appearing with a packet of sweets quite clearly written on them Suck me. “See,” she stated producing the penis shaped sweet out of the packet.

“Glad someone's on the same wave length as you,” I mumbled rolling my eyes. “I was starting to believe you were from outer space,”

“Yeah me too,” Sarah smiled as if that was the most normal thing to believe. I shock my head in amazement as I turned back to the fighting girls, honestly it looked like some messed up sword fight.

The guys would have had a field day if they were invited. They'd probably be right along side fighting with them, or staring at the lingerie now being brought out. If those boys were here now they'd be having a heart attack.

Actually I think the lady who had come to sell stuff to us was going to have a heart attack, Taylor had found that bras make excellent sling shots and was now testing that out. I think she'd had far to many bottles of alcohol today, and anyway who was willing to tell her stop was just getting challenged to sword fight.

“Drink?” I gazed to my left as the shorter American girl I'd been introduced to today appeared.

“Thanks,” I smiled taking the orange drink off her, I sipped it and gave the drink a questioning look.

“Niki's making cocktails,”

“Shit,” I mumbled making her laugh.

“My thoughts exactly,” She laughed sitting down beside me, letting out a scream as a flying vibrator hit her straight in the head, her eyes flashed towards Taylor who just smiled innocently.

“I haven't perfected the aim on these things!”

“Don't bother!” I shouted back throwing it at her, it was shocking how bad my aim was as the vibrator landed in Taylor's cocktail and started, well, started vibrating. “Not good,” I whined as Raychel just laughed.

“It's turning out to be a fucking hilarious evening though! Did you see the women explaining to Niki about testing the vibrator?” I shock my head looking up. “Niki didn't understand that she meant just pressing it by your nose, Niki shouted at her a lot! Something about being an exhibitionist!” I just laughed watching the rep from ann summers putting stuff in her bag and trying to keep toys away from Taylor who was a serious problem.

“You are aware these handcuffs won't hold anything!” Niki laughed holding them up as the rep laughed.

“I can assure you they are very good,”

“I doubt it! You need proper heavy metal shit, not this fluffy plastic crap!” Niki explained swinging them round her fingers.

“I promise these will be fine for all your light bo-”

“Light!” Niki laughed as I groaned.

“I'll be back,” I smiled making way upstairs to use the bathroom, I slipped my phone out of my pocket to check for messages and smiled noticing one from Padge. I shut the door behind me.

Hey love, enjoying ur sex party? xxx

I laughed pressing reply and typing my message.

Having lots of fun thank you! Enjoying your alone time with your weed? xxx

I pressed send, and slipped the phone back into my pocket. The music could be heard through the house, Taylor and Niki voices raised above most, and the rep was showing and trying to sell us stuff. I had to admit Raychel was right it had been fun and a laugh.

My phone buzzed as I stepped out of the bathroom.

At least the weed loves me! Doesn't desert me for sex parties. You coming here 2nite?

He was so childish sometimes, I loved him for it though, it was obvious he was high or a little high at least. The childish side came out after he'd drank alcohol or smoked weed. I liked this side of him.

Well if the weed loves you more....nah maybe I will, Why do you think I'm buying something?

I smiled to myself pushing the phone back in my pocket and jogging down the stairs.

“This is for you,” I gazed at the envelope Sarah had passed me. “Order form,”

“In an envelop?” I questioned following her back into the living room, I felt my phone go off in my pocket but ignored it for a few minutes as the rep started explaining the order forms. Apparently its for privacy, though neither Niki nor Taylor cared, stating quite clearly what they thought people should and should not order.

“And ladies your host,” The rep pointed to Niki who just looked up smirking. “Has provided you with goody bags, I'm sure they'll be quite exciting,”

“Why do I know they won't be exciting?” I laughed as the bag was placed in my lap.

“Sorry about the handcuffs,” Niki said quite loudly getting yet another growl from the rep. “They aren't that long lasting,”

“One round of her and Jay,” Sarah mumbled making me laugh.

“Okay ladies just fill in your order forms and pass them back to me by the end of the evening, I believe there's more food and drink, if you trust those cocktails,” She added glaring at Niki who just rolled her eyes. I had to admit there were some quite impressive alcohol mixes going around.

“So you going back to Padge's tonight?” Niki winked at me as she handed me another strange mix. People were starting to leave now, and the five of us had taken to drinking the remainder of the kitchen supply of alcohol.


“Oh really?”

“Really!” I laughed as Taylor raised her eyebrows.

“Padge is gonna get some! Padge is gonna get some!” She sang to herself as Raychel and Sarah laughed at her.

“Grow up!”

“This is as tall as I'm gonna get sweetie!” She smirked poking her tongue out as I rolled my eyes.


“You know it!” She giggled taking my drink away from me and sipping it.


“You're not old enough! I'm being a responsible adult!” Taylor warned me as I just sighed, and watched Niki steal Sarah's drink. Sarah put up more of a fight but was shot down quickly.

“So Sarah my dearest is there a lucky guy in mind?” Niki questioned sipping the drink.

“His name would be Jason,”

“Ooo, is he cute?” Taylor asked as Raychel looked up in interest, Taylor fails miserably at being mature when she's intoxicated.

“Yeah, he's American, just arrived. Just turning 20. He's seriously hot, and the things that man can do,” She smirked as the rest of us laughed.

“What's he look like?” Raychel asked.

“Umm taller than me, kinda gottee beard thingy going on, kinda long for a guy brownish hair, that he-”

“Ties in a pony tail! Oh my fuck, that's my brother! Eww!” Raychel screamed jumping off the side and doing some funny freaked out little dance. “I can't believe that, just no!” She groaned as Taylor, Niki and I were in fits. “I can't believe that fucker!”

“Aww I like him!” Sarah giggled resting her head on my shoulder. “I really do,”

“I'm glad he makes you happy, but eww,” Raychel groaned looking at Sarah with a sudden realisation. “You're the fucking hot girl he's been banging, oh god, I didn't need to know that!” She whined as Sarah shrugged and the rest of us laughed.

My phone went off again bringing me out of my laughter fits.

“Lover boy's texting her!” I just rolled my eyes sliding the phone open.

Of course you are, Jay said Niki had plans. See ya later then xxx

I turned to see Niki leaning over my shoulder smirking at me.

“I did indeed have plans, also I have plans of more alcohol!” She smirked passing me another drink.

“Niki I've reached my limits!” I laughed, I was tipsy, I needed no more alcohol. “Seriously,” I groaned as she didn't take no for an answer, shoving the drink into my hands.

“So Ray, which lucky guy did you have in mind?” Niki turned back to Raychel who shrugged obviously not bothered by the question.

“No one?” Taylor asked raising her eyebrows.

“Not a single person?” Sarah added, as I just smiled at her.

“Not really, I'm not that bothered,” Oh they'd change that.

“Not bothered that's bullshit!” Niki laughed gazing at my half full drink. “Rhian either drink it or I'll drink it for you,” I rolled my eyes, she kept forcing the alcohol upon me and then wasn't happy when I didn't down the shit. “But seriously Ray, sort it out!”

“I've been here for like a few weeks!” She defends herself, and then I noticed this mischievous glint in Niki's eye, it was the same matching glint Taylor had. “What?” Raychel noticed both girls looking at her.

“There planning on setting you up,” I stated simply gaining death glares from the Americans. “Oh come on! It's your own fault for giving me alcohol!”

“Who are you setting me up with?” Raychel said quite sturnly making me giggle.

“You'll see!” Was all Niki said as Taylor's phone went off.

“And that dears is my cue to leave!” She smiled flicking her phone open. “Hey love, I'm just coming!.....no not literally!” Taylor groaned the rest of us laughing. “What kind of party did you havce this down for?” She questioned the person, I presuming Matt, who was on the other end of the phone. She hugged everyone goodbye still talking down the phone, good at multi-tasking obviously.

“I think that's my cue to go as well, do you need any help cleaning up?” I questioned Niki who shock her head.

“Nah sug, me and Jay are having the alcohol and I can do some shit tomorrow, it'll be fine!” She smiled hugging me goodbye.

“Sarah you alright to get home?”

“I was gonna go round JB's cause his sister was at a party and we'd have the house to ourselves but that seems to have changed,” Sarah smirked as Raychel just cringed.

“How about we both go back and give him quite a shock?” Raychel questioned as Sarah nodded. “Just you and him aren't doing anything under that roof!”

“Oh but-”

“No!” Raychel groaned grabbing her bag. “Thanks for having me Niki, see you at the studio, and it was nice to meet you Rhian,”

“Yeah you too love,” I smiled giving her a friendly hug as her and Sarah left.

“You're not walking back are you?” Sarah questioned as I reached the front of the house.

“Yeah it's only down the next road,” I shrugged as Sarah and Raychel both sighed.

“Let us know you get home alright?” I nodded turning the opposite direction to them, I had to admit I wasn't a fan of walking home in the dark, but I had my life line so it was alright. I'd done it before, just had to walk home alone so I'd phoned Padge up, and talked to him all the way home.

I made it to Padge's without a problems though, not that I expected any, Bridgend may not be perfect but I never really saw that much trouble. I jogged up the steps to his house, there was the problem it was starting to rain and I was already freezing cold, just wearing a skirt and thin top wasn't the way forward in Wales.

Padge always takes far to long to open the door.

“Hey babe,” He smiled opening the door and letting me in.

“Cold!” I whined instantly hugging him to steal some warmth.

“Fuck you are,” He groaned wrapping his arms around my body and shutting the door with his shoulder.

“I know! Silly weather,” I mumbled keeping hold of him. “You smell of weed,”

“No shit,” He chuckled, the low rumble of laughter made his whole chest vibrate, “Should be happy I don't smell of another women,”

“Now you mention it,” I mutter sniffing his shirt again.

“Oh you're funny,” He left a kiss on the top of my head. “Did ya want a drink or anything?”

“No, I've drank enough,” I groaned making him laugh. “I'm gonna be such a bitch tomorrow morning,”

“Not around me you're not,” He muttered moving away and walking into the living room, I followed dropping the silly goody bag on one of the seats before laying down on the sofa. “What's that?” He added gazing over at the bag as my head dropped onto his lap.

“Niki made up party bag things,” I muttered as Padge gazed down at me. “Don't ask,” I groaned fluttering my eyes shut.

“Okay, you had fun then?”

“Yeah, met Niki and Taylor's next victim!”

“Oh really, victim for what?” Padge questioned moving me up so he could wrap his arms around me.

“Setting Moose up,” I muttered as Padge pulled me onto his lap and I shifted to be more comfortable. “On a date, with a girl,”

“Poor girl, what's she look like?”

“Oh you're so shallow!” I laughed resting my head on his shoulder as my finger tips trailed through his fine hair. “But she's really pretty, and funny, kinda excitable,”

“Excitable?” Padge mocked my choice of words. I nodded with a little smile.

“I think he'd like her,” We fell into silence again. I continued to play with his hair, as he stayed focused on the tv.

“Have you spoken to your parents yet?” I groaned. “Rhian,”

“Yes, I spoke to my dad, my mum still thinks I'm a bitch, or whore, whatever,” Padge sighed kissing my open lips, his tongue sliding into my mouth, as he made me forget everything my parents had said to me. His hands slipped up my shirt as mine moved to the back of his neck pushing his body closer to mine, the kiss deepened. I moved my body to straddle his thighs, yearning for more physical contact with him, his hands pressing on my back.

“I like you tipsy,” He breathed against my lips as the kiss broke.

“Me too,” I replied opening my eyes to focus with his. “I like your bed as well,” I pecked his lips before jumping off his lap.

“I like the way you think,” He smiled following my moves towards the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay I'm having one of those days, ya know the day where police phone you up, hospitals phone you up, and you spend four hours in one.

Sooo this story is on a break to further notice. Just this one, if your that bothered why i'll explain but its not important(actually the reason is more important than you'd believe but thats not the point!) . I will update the other one.