Status: Non-Active

A Twist in My Story

By Your Side

I put my head down. I was ready for everyone in the room to explode.

“Who’s that?” Tom asked.

“This is Douglas” he laughed.

“That, is Douglas”

“Yeah I’m Douglas and who may you be?”

“The names Tom” he said reaching his hand out to shake Douglas.

“Can I ask why you are holding my girl friends hand?” Tom laughed again.

“This is my girl friend”

“What?” he asked looking at me.

“Sorry” I said.

“You’re going against your father when he hates you, good job. I hope you die in a hole” he said leaving then.

“Oh Tom” I said as I cried on his shoulder.

“I’ll be back” Tom said leaving me there.

“What no!” I cried as he left me. I held my hand out but he had already gone so my hand was there for no reason.

“Sam what’s going on? And who is Douglas?” Bill came over to me. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at him. I looked away then so the tears could fall.

“Are you OK?”

“No Bill, not at all, I’m in so much trouble right now” I said as he sat down and wrapped his arms around me.

“Shh” he said trying to calm me down, but I was shaking and sobbing by this point.

I had cried my eyes out for a good 20 minutes and by that time I had told Bill everything he had asked.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Do you know where Tom went?”

“Um no not really, I know he ran after that Douglas guy-”

“He did what?”

“Yeah, I know, but he’s back”

“He is?” He pointed and there was Tom, and Douglas was behind him. I was going to run up to Tom and hug him, but that didn’t seem right. Behind Douglas was my dad. I could tell this was going to be just fun.

“Sam” Tom came over to me. I looked up at him; I didn’t say anything just nodded.

“I was talking with your dad and Douglas” A worried look crossed my face.

“I reassure you that, your dad has changed his mind”

“Changed his mind? What on?”

“You don’t have to marry me anymore” Douglas said.

“He said I could continue to date you, isn’t that great?”

“Yeah, but why, why all of a sudden did you change your mind?”

“Sam Hun, I changed my mind because I’m the reason you ran away from home, I’m the reason that made you unhappy, I guess I needed a way to make you happy, and I guess telling you who you should marry isn’t ever going to make you happy. But I know now that you are with Tom, whom I don’t totally agree with, but I was also talking with Georg, and he told me that from what he’s seen Tom is treating you right. So what I’m saying is, be free your only young once, live I know I wasn’t letting you live before”

“You really mean this. This isn’t a joke?”

“It’s no joke” he said.

“Thank you” I said as I hugged him. I was glad that Tom had knocked some sense into my father.

“So is everything good?” Tom asked after a minute of awkward silence.

“Yes Tom it is” I said kissing him.

I was glad everything had turned out happily even though it didn’t seem it. I was also glad Douglas wasn’t mad at me for “breaking up” with him. Instead he had a girl friend the very same day. My friend Melissa had a crush on him since forever, and I was glad that they could finally be together. And as for me and Tom, nothing could get any better than this. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me, he was the twist in my story, and I’m glad he twisted it!

“I’m so glad that your mine” he said kissing me again.

“Oh Tom”

The End