The Light and Dark

Pointless Mornings

Kali's hair was midnight black, cropped short and pointing in every direction. She never wore make up, not even to add color to that ridiculously pale face of hers. She had shadows under her eyes from staying up late every night, deep in her drawings. And to answer the question of anyone who saw her who had read Twilight, no. She was no vampire (even though she wished she was).

Kali always considered herself to be an emo, even though she refused to cut her wrists. She had everything else. Avoiding people, some of her pointed hair completely covering her blue eye to hide her from everyone. Her other blue eye sat out of her hair, always looking down as she fiddled with her key chains waiting for the school day to be over. She refused any contact with anyone, mostly because everyone in her school hated her first day before she even turned emo. She wanted nothing to do with those preppy girls, anyway... Kali was always ditching gym, getting in her beat up van and going back home (she lived only minutes from her school. If she had the energy she'd walk there if she wanted). She had done the math. If she ditched only a certain amount of days and aced the both semester exams she'd get a C in gym. It was her free period some days.

Kali awoke in her room, painted both black and green (each wall was green or black). Her annoying alarm clock screaming in her ear as she gained back her senses, leaving her dream that at one time made sense but now was just nonsense as she awoke into the real world. She swore it had been a good dream, that much she knew...

Kali moaned as she smacked the alarm clock until it was silent. She rolled her and smothered her face in her pillow after wrapping herself back up in her blankets. She knew what was going on today, first day before spring break. All teachers had made sure to get through to their students that they would be doing nothing. Probably a game or two while other classes watched videos. She wouldn't be missing anything.

"Kali! Get up! Just one more day!" Her mother called to her. The only people Kali didn't act emo around was her family. Really, she wasn't a true emo, shunning everyone until they left you alone. She just hated her school. Hated it with a burning passion.

"I told you..." Kali mumbled, "We're doing NOTHING today! You can look at my schedule for today. I'm missing nothing! I had no homework, I have no tests. There are no reasons for me to get up out of my bed today."

"What about your friends?" Her mom asked, a little hope in her voice. Kali sighed with annoyance. She was tired for she had only gone to bed about three hours ago.

"What friends...?" Kali mumbled. Her mother sighed, taking in those words. She knew how miserable Kali was. She would let her have today off.

"All right, I guess." She said, closing Kali's door after turning the lights back off. Kali smiled, she never did that at school. Not once.

Kali thought about the lake down the road from her house. It was usually cloudy here in North Dakota, and the snow had just started to melt on account that spring was here. She loved it when it was cloudy, to her there was no better days then a cold, windy, and gray day. She peeked out her window. Yup. Nothing but gray in the sky. She smiled to herself and let the blankets cradle her once more as she caught up a little on rest. She wasn't planning on sleeping too long, just as long as there were no spiders in her dreams. Only snakes. Snakes and dragons and she was good.
♠ ♠ ♠
I knew that the introduction for this chapter would be short, so I'm not going to complain about how short it was. Anyways, really, for this story I don't mind if you comment or not. I am planning to work on this story no matter what, and I guess a little feedback would be nice. But I'm not expecting much, so...
