The Light and Dark

Horrible Surprise

After a few hours of training, Kali and Meira were both equally powerful. Not only that, but they had each learned new things.

Meira knows how to make herself become covered in light which would blind any human for a few minutes -they know this for Kali lost her vision for about three minutes- while Kali can make herself blend in perfectly in the shadows and jump from shadow to shadow no matter what the size making her invisible (you can just barely notice for the shadow she would be in would be much darker than all the others). Also, Meira can make her palms simply glow light a flash light in the dark. They both can absorb their power, as well. For if it is dark in a room, Kali can absorb all the darkness. And Meira can absorb all light in any object that contains it.

Then there was a move, spell whatever that Kali discovered by accident. She thought about her father, like she did when she used her dark blast. She wanted to try to make it more powerful, and her hand was shaking violently before she decided to let it out. In that instance, Meira called her name. Kali had thought that she lost concentration and turned around, her arm still raising. Meira ducked just in time to avoid having her head sliced off. For it was as if a four yard long blade of darkness was sticking out of her hand. When Kali turned around, the blade moved too, slicing cleanly through trees, bushes, anything. Even a fly would have been perfectly sliced in half if it was in her trail. Yes, Meira was lucky she had such good instincts.

The blade left a long and large trailed of darkness, giving it the strong look of power that she really wanted. When Kali realized that she had almost killed Meira, the blade quickly disappeared and Kali refused to stop apologizing. She felt horrible.

“I-I’m f-fine!” Meira assured her, standing to her feet. Kali nodded about five or six times, still amazed but mostly horrified. They had basically destroyed the small patch of woods they were in. Meira’s spot was ruined, but she didn’t even notice. She was looking at all the damage they had done with light and dark.

“Who knew that we could become so powerful so quickly…?” Kali whispered.

“Maybe it doesn’t take very long to find the power… maybe it just starts so… so… violently strong from the beginning.” Meira whispered back. Kali shrugged.

“Hey I’ve been thinking about that shooting star or whatever and why I caught it without meaning to catch it.” Meira said. Kali looked up, curious.

“It wasn’t a star itself, it was the light of one. An infinite source of light thrown at the Earth that I happened to be in the way of. When I put my hands up to block my face rather pathetically, it stopped, realizing what it had reached, and went into my skin giving me its power. I think it was an accident that I got the power over light.” Meira said, staring at the ground. Kali frowned, thinking.

“Then… what about me? The shadow’s purposely shot at me after gathering up together… that was no accident.” Kali pointed out. Meira turned around.

“Maybe it was.” She said. Kali wanted to keep talking, but suddenly she had a thought.

“O, crap! What time is it!?” She asked. Meira looked at her cell phone.

“Almost four thirty.” She said.

“I have to go, I’ll cya later!” Kali said (they had already exchanged phone numbers and such). Meira nodded and said bye, heading back to her car. Kali was already in hers by the time she left.

When Kali got home she had already come up with an OK story for what she did, for she knew that her mother would ask. She stopped in the middle of the road in horror when she saw that her father’s old car was in the driveway.