The Light and Dark

Slight Revenge

Kali stormed in her house, shouting at the top of her lungs,

"WHY THE HELL," She turned the corner and saw her 'father', pointing at him, "ARE YOU HERE!?!"

And there he was. His usual jeans, T shirt and jackect. Brown eyes and brown hair. Kali always hated that she had a face similar to his. That was part of the reason she hid half her face to the world with her mother's colored hair. He looked at her like she hadn't said anything.

"Hello Kali. But Kal, if you'll excuse me for your mother and I are having a ta-"

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE YOU'RE MY DAD!" Kali shouted at him while looking for her mother. She was on the other side of the room looking out the window, hiding her face as well.

"Don't shout at me." He ordered, raising a finger.

"I'LL SHOUT AT ANY BASTARD THAT DESERVES IT!" Kali screamed. Her mother remained motionless as she stared out the window, even though Kali was sure that her eyes were closed.

"DON'T CALL ME A BASTARD! I'M YOUR FATHER!" He shouted. Kali could feel her fists shaking, but not only with anger. But with energy. Suddenly Kali feared that she would soon see what would happen if she were to ever lose control or get too angry.

"I have no dad." Kali said, trying her best to keep herself under control. Her voice was as sharp as a razor. She wanted to stay in control, even though she might hate this man she did not want to become a murderer because of it (an accidental murderer of course).

"What are you talking about? You're looking at him! Now will you please leave us alone!?" He said, folding his arms. His deep voice made Kali twitch with anger as she shoved her shaking hands in her pockets. can't lose control, can't lose control, can't lose control... she thought to herself.

"Get the hell out of here." Kali said through clenched teeth. Honestly, she was not one to cuss, and her mother knew this. Only she did not stop her nor scold her. Why? Kali knew. She knew that her mother felt that her ex husband deserved every word. And he did.

"Do not talk that language in front of me!" He said, taking a step forward with a finger raised. Kali slapped it away.

"Get your flithy hands out of my face. And don't you dare talk to me like you're my dad, my dad left a long time ago. Now he's just a jackass who has no right to be here." Kali said, staring her dad hard in the eye. He did the same.

"I'm asking you again to leave us alone." He said, glaring daggers at her. Kali simply smiled.

"Did you say something?" She asked, her hands starting to calm down. It didn't last.

Her so called 'father' grabbed her shoulder and twisted hard. She winced at the pain as he began to pull her out of the house. Now she didn't really give a damn on whether or not she lost control. Kali swung her left hand up in the tightest fist and most powerful swing that no one could beat, for a strong shaking energy was serging through both her arms. The second her fist punched her husband's eye, he shouted. Not in pain, but in shock. When Kali punched him, there was like a miniature explosion of dark matter that surrounded his eyes and sank into them. He gasped with horror.

"I CAN'T SEE! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" He shouted, looking around with wide eyes that saw nothing. Kali would have smiled, but mostly she was scared. That was new to her.

"It looks like I b-blinded you..." Kali whispered, but her voice sounded scared. Of course, she would have happily blinded him with anything other than her power. She was just worried that she'd get caught. Her mother was around the corner in a second, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Kali was worried what he wanted.

"I CAN'T SEE! I CAN'T SEE!" He shouted.

"O, shut up!" Kali's mom said, looking at her mouthing 'what did you do?' Kali showed her the two finger in the eye move that human's usually did to one another in a fight. Her mom nodded. Kali looked back at her terrified father.

"Don't ever touch me again!" She shouted, getting down on her knees to try something.

"O, stop moving for God's sake... you ass!" Kali muttered the 'you ass' part, putting her hands over her 'father's' (whose name was Brian) eyes, gently rubbing it. Really, she was absorbing all the darkness that she had accidentally punched in Brian's eyes. After a few minutes he opened his eyes and sighed with relief.

"Fine, you can be here for the talk." He muttered, getting to his feet.

"Idiot..." Kali muttered, desperately wanting to kick him between the legs once he turned around.

"We're n-not talking. No, that's my f-final answer. N-now get the h-hell out." Kali's mom (whose name was Phoebe) said, pointing to the door. Brian looked at her like he just told her that she had a million dollars and wasn't going to give him a penny. But thankfully, he left without another word. Kali followed him out to the front porch and shouted at him as he got in the car,


She meant every word.
♠ ♠ ♠
yeah, this one was a little...

what's the right word for it?