The Light and Dark

A Promise Without Promises

Meira sat down on her bed, holding her hands above her face while having a glowing light appear and disappear inbetween her hands. Eventually, she got bored. She sighed and laid her hands across her waist. She was sitting against the wall outside. Her arms wrapped around her knees as she brought them up to her chest. She just sat there, thinking.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed. She jumped like she always did whenever her phone was set to vibrate. Meira looked at the caller ID before answering. She never thought she'd be a little upset that it was Tailynn calling. She was hoping for Kali.

"Hey, Tail!" Meira said, keeping her voice just as cheerful as it always was.

"Mei, I need to tell you about something!" Tail ordered. In that second, Meira instantly forgot how she wanted the caller to be Kali when she realized that Tail wanted to rant. Meira smiled.

"Begin! I'm wanna know!" Meira said, Tail took one deep breath.

"OK, so I run into the snobs at the mall yesterday (Tail had invited Meira to come, but when she did Meira was busy blowing a hole in the Earth with her light that she hadn’t even noticed her phone buzz) eating a pretzel, and then there they are! They spot me like four disgusting piranhas that look at a bleeding fish. Next thing I know, I’m surrounded by their hideous make up covered faces! I said ‘and what do you want’ they said ‘looks like Meira finally made the right choice and ditched you. I would have done it years ago!’ Jamie, said that. I glared at her and said ‘you’re right, because you’re an expert at being a true bitch aren’t you?’ (Meira’s eyes widened. Tail never cussed unless she was very, very angry). And she just said ‘hmph’ and was done talking. Then it was Caterina’s turn!

“What did you call her, bitch? Caterina had asked. I frowned at her, rolled my eyes and was done. Done with them. I didn’t want to cuss anymore, or anything. I just wanted them gone! Of course, I haven’t even been their biggest target either! I… I just pushed by her, well, half push half slam my greesy hand in Jamie’s face as I pushed my way out of their stupid circle. I hate them, I hate them I hate them!” Tail repeated I hate them many many times. Meira sighed.

“I’m so, so, SO sorry! I can’t believe they targeting you…” Meira mumbled. She glanced down. She hadn’t realized that her palms were glowing so brightly with rage while her hands shook with energy that she almost sent a blast of light through her balcony floor. She sighed and gritted her teeth together.

“It’s OK… I just had to talk about it.” Tail mumbled. Meira could hear her throw herself on her bed.

“We’ll get them back!” Meira said through her teeth, meaning every word.

“No. Please, I don’t want anything to do with them! Please, please, please just let it go. Like I said, I just had to talk about it.” Tail pleaded. Meira sighed and nodded.

“OK, I promise. I won’t get them back or blast them with a huge blast of light and destroy her.” She said every word clearly. It was followed by a long moment of silence.

“Umm… Okaaaaaaay…” Tail said after a minute, “Well, other than the crazy that suddenly entered your head, I have to go. Mom is calling me, dinner time.” Tail said, and she wasn’t lying. Meira could easily hear Tail’s mom calling her.

“BE RIGHT DOWN MOM!” Tail called back. She said bye, Meira said bye, and then they both hung up. Sure, Meira had promised she wouldn’t do anything. What she forgot was that Kali hadn’t, and Kali would get her chance.