The Light and Dark

All Questions, No Answers

"You... and, here... I..." Kali muttered, sitting up straight. She was speechless at how Meira had gotten there in time, and she was out during the entire fight so she had no idea what happened.

"How... did you know?" Kali managed to asked. Meira shrugged.

"It was, strange... like, around fifteen or ten minutes beforehand I felt dizzy and I couldn't see. Then I, I heard your thoughts. Just two words." Meira said. Kali looked down.

"Meira... help..." She guessed. Meira nodded.

"So... what, does this mean that, we're somehow... telekinetically connected or something?" Kali asked, frowning at her own words. Meira shrugged.

"Dunno..." She said.

"Well, what about that guy? How did you get rid of him?" Kali asked, sounding highly interested now. Meira looked down and rubbed her neck.

"I uhh... fought him..." She said. She wasn't sure herself why she was so uncomfortable with that fact. What was the big deal that she whooped some jerk's ass?

"You, fought him?" Kali asked, raising her eyebrows. Meira looked at her and nodded. Kali didn't have much to say.

"Did you notice that he could teleport?" Kali asked. Meira's eyes widened and nodded.

"There was some other things he did too. By the looks of it, we still have plenty to learn." Meira said, Kali nodded.

"I'm really eager to learn how to teleport." Kali said, remembering how he appeared constantly in front of her, behind her, he seemed to be everywhere at one time. Kali shivered at the memory.

"But there was something else about him..." Kali said, Meira looked up.

"Well, when he was, a-attacking me, he told me to give him my power. I was just confused, and whenever I tried to run he'd just get angrier, demanding for me to give him my power. But what I don't understand, is how does he know about us? And about my power, and he obviously already had power of darkness, but he still wanted mine." Kali said. Meira was also blown away by this.

"He knew about us both?" She asked. Kali nodded.

"He said it was too bad -for him I'm asuming- that we've already met and trained together." Kali told her. Meira frowned.

"Why would that be bad?" She asked.

"It just means it's bad for him and his light buddy to steal our powers." Kali mumbled. Meira looked up again.

"His light buddy?" She asked. Kali nodded.

"I'm assuming that he knows someone who controls light. I think it'd be best if we watch our backs and train any time we can." Kali said. Meira nodded in agreement.

"Yeah... sounds good." She said, completely and utterly terrified now. She couldn't get it out of her head that maybe she'll be attacked by the light, and she won't be able to defend herself. Only Kali could, but would Kali reach her in time? Or would it be too late?

Meira shivered at what the future might hold.
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Sorry that this chapter was so SHORT! :(