The Light and Dark

Dark Thoughts

After Meira left (which was a few hours later for she was too scared to leave Kali, and Kali was nervous without her) Kali left the lake with no intention to go back anytime soon. She was sitting high in a tree in her backyard, thinking about what had happened.

Give me your power! Kali could still hear very clearly that guy's threatening voice in her head. Her hand slowly moved up to her throat. She ran her finger over where he had his grip. He seemed so powerful... so young and yet old at the same time. What did that mean? Kali sighed and dropped her hand to dangle down for she was lying on a branch. Her feet were up against the tree trunk. She was staring up at the sky, thinking.

An image flashed before her eyes, she saw the kid's eyes. His black eyes... Kali couldn't even see his pupils, his eyes were filled with nothing but darkness. Was that was she would become? Nothing but a dark eyed shadow controlling villain?

All the stories, movies, pointed to the darkness being the villain. Darkness always resembled evil. Kali was darkness. She was the 'dark side' in Star Wars, she was the shadow that was evil in Lord of the Rings. She was what everyone considered evil. She was cruelty, violence, death... wasn't that what darkness is always portrayed as? All that is evil in the world?

Meira, though, she resembled all that was good. She was the hope, she was light in the never ending darkness in every story. Even in real life. There was darkness in this world. War, death, bloody battles. Was that all that Kali was? Nothing but darkness?

"No." She whispered as a reaction to her thoughts.

"No." She repeated, thinking harder. She was going to prove to the world that the darkness was something other than evil. She had to for her own sanity.

Meira was back home when her mother confronted her.

"Where have you been?" She snapped. Meira was lost for words.

"Umm..." She mumbled, trying to come up with something that wasn't 'I was off saving my friend's life battling darkness'.

"I was shopping, I told you that before I left." Meira said.

"Shopping with who?" Her mother asked, folding her arms.

"Tail of course. Who do you think?" Meira asked, walking around her mother desperately wanting to just run upstairs and hide in her room. Her mother, though, put her hand on Meira's shoulder.

"Hold it. You rarely ever shop, and you've been gone for hours. I want an honest answer." She said. Meira sighed, thinking of a good teenager response that wasn't 'shut up and leave me the hell alone'.

"It's personal. Tail and I needed to talk and we talked for a few hours. Now don't ask 'talk about what' for like I said, its personal! Now please leave me alone." Meira said harshly. That did it. Her mother let go of Meira's shoulder and let her be.

Meira ran up the stairs, ignoring her little brother's plea to play Super Smash Brothers. Meira needed to think. Something wasn't right...
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Grrr... this one was still short... >:(

O well.