The Light and Dark

To The Hospital

Needless to say, Kali gave Meira quite a fright. Meira was standing in her balcony yet again, staring up at the stars in wonder. That was when she saw something move, a large ball or oval of dark matter, heading straight towards her. She gasped and summoned up a wall of light, ready for a fight. The darkness stopped instantly a foot away from her wall with a frightened gasp, flying around the wall and into Meira's room. Meira had recognized that gasp...

"K-Kali?" Meira stuttered, turning around while keeping light in her hands but she had lowered the wall. She stared at the dark matter, floating a foot above her floor. In a second, every shadow inside it scurried to a shadow in Meira's room. Kali, no longer being held up and surrounded by darkness, was suddenly visible. She fell on the ground and fell backwards. Her arm was held tightly against her chest while she held her stomach with her other hand. She looked terrible... more terrible than usual.

"What happened to you!?" Meira gasped, running to her door and locking it before running to Kali's side.

"L-light..." Kali coughed, sitting up.

"What?" Meira asked. Kali turned and explained everything that had happened. When she was finished, Meira was speechless. It was a few minutes until she did speak.

"Your arm, is it broken?" Meira asked in a concerned voice. Kali nodded.

"I think so..." She said, not moving her arm. She also kept the other over her stomach. Meira guessed that it still ached from the blow she had received there.

"We should get you to the hospital! You're all out of breath and you might feint or something!" Meira said, getting to her feet. Kali shook her head.

"I will in a minute, but we have to talk about them first!" Kali protested, not standing, "By the way, the reason I'm out of breath is because of flying. I kinda learned on the flight over here that it takes energy..."

Meira was fascinated by the fact that they both could fly, but she had other, more important things to think about.

"OK, OK. So, what's your theory on this again?" Meira asked. Kali sighed.

"It's not a theory. The guy said so himself, the light falling from a star, the blast of the shadows, that happens once like, every one hundred years! He and his friend calculate whenever it will happen so that they will get more power! Also, it keeps them young. Who knows how old they are now, but the reason they're coming after us is because we got the power by... 'mistake' or ‘accident’. They aren't happy about that..." Kali muttered, rubbing her stomach again. Meira nodded, they obviously were very, very ticked.

"But we both beat them! Both times! If we fight them together, then we'll definitely win! But we won't if you ignore that fact that your arm is broken!" Meira said, Kali sighed.

"In a minute! Listen, they can fly as well, they can teleport! Their fists and blades are ten times stronger than ours! I won today by mere luck, not by skill or power! I told you everything that had happened, I was hopeless there. You won last time because you took him off guard and because he wasn't expecting you to know so much already. They are both well aware of what we know, and they've had more time to train. I'm assuming that each time they'd get the light and dark, they become more powerful! I have a sickening feeling that the next time they see us... they'll show us what you can really do with the light and dark." Kali mumbled. Meira was starting to get afraid. It all made perfect sense! It all fit! But that made their odds very pathetic. Kali groaned once when she tried to sit further up and then sighed.

"Fine, fine, I'll go to the damn hospital..." Kali said, and in a much more quiet voice she said, "I hate the hospital..."

Meira would have smiled or even laughed if she could at that, but then she remembered how Kali had gotten that injury. All humor vanished in that second. Kali glanced outside and gasped.

"HOLY CRAP! I have to call mom, NOW! She's probably freaking out, calling the cops and what not!" Kali said, reaching in her pocket to grab her phone. When she pulled it out it was smothered to pieces from her battle. Kali frowned, muttered 'how in the hell did that happen?' And then she turned to Meira.

"I need to borrow your cell phone." Kali said. Meira nodded and handed her phone to her. Unfortunately, that phone made the person on the other end sound extra loud. Meira could hear Kali's mom perfectly.

"Hello!?" Her mother, Phoebe, asked frantically.

"Hey mom, it's me." Kali mumbled. Meira heard a gasp of relief.

"Thank God you're OK! Where have you been!? I've been worried sick!" Phoebe nearly shouted. Kali winced and pulled the phone away from her ear in shock of how loud Meira's phone was.

"Umm... I uhh... had an accident, in the mall... kinda, broke my arm..." Kali muttered. Meira could see her trying to come up with some excuse as to what had happened.

"WHAT!?! Are you OK? What happened!?" Phoebe asked, returning to her panicking voice.

"Umm... some, kids, were running through the mall. I turned around when I thought I saw something in a store that I wanted, a video game, and they... crashed into me. I landed on my arm." Kali muttered. Meira replayed the lie in her head. It sounded realistic enough. She could hear Phoebe sigh.

"I can understand that... are you at the hospital!?" She asked again. Kali bit her lip and said 'Mmhmm'. She looked at Meira. Meira nodded, leaving the room. She ran downstairs and shouted at her mom 'I'm going to Tail's house! Be back later!'

"At this hour!?" She shouted, looking at the clock. It was only eight... but still.

"Umm... yeah." Meira said. Her mom stared at her for a few minutes and shrugged.

"You'll be back, right?" She asked. Meira nodded.

"Yup! Cya!" She called, leaving the house before her mom could say anything else. By the time she had reached her Volks Wagon bug, Kali was already there.

"What a girly car... here!" Kali said, tossing Meira the cell phone with her good arm.

"Hey, don't insult my car!" Meira said. Kali sighed and got in the passenger side.

"By the way, I have to get there before my mom does." Kali said. Meira shook her head

"This is really cutting it close..." She mumbled while she pulled out of her spot in their three car garage. Kali sighed again.

"What else was I suppose to say? 'No, mom. I'm still at the mall even though it's closed hanging out with my arm feeling like someone just stabbed me'!" Kali mumbled, wincing in pain when she dared to try to move it. Meira couldn't help but smile.

"Now there's a story! You know you could have told her that you had saved a girl from like… possibly a rape or something. How could she be mad at that?" She said as they raced across the road. Kali was keeping her eyes out for cops, for Meira was speeding.

“I hate that guy… I hope he rots in hell…” Kali muttered. Meira had no doubt she was thinking of that terrified girl’s expression. Meira could all too easily picture it.

"What are we going to do?" Meira muttered after a minute. She could hear Kali lock her teeth together.

"We're going to give those two a fight they never saw coming." She whispered. They were silent for the rest of the way.
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Hmmm... you'd think that I would have something to say! But my mind is blank, o well. lol. ^_^ Hope that those who are reading this are enjoying it!