The Light and Dark

Fast Food Resturant

"So, what do you say?" Tail asked Meira. She was on her cell phone, talking to her. Meira bit her lip, feeling guilty that she would have to lie for she already had plans with Kali. They were going to just go to some random fast food place (probably Taco Bell) and talk about their plans for the future. Tail had just invited her over to her house.

"Umm... I'm really sorry, Tail. I would if I could, but my family and I are going out to dinner with uhh... some neighbors." Meira said. She could feel Tail suddenly become depressed.

"Well, OK then. Maybe another night!" Tail sighed. Meira’s guilt built up from there.

"OK, sorry again, Tail. I wish I could." Meira said. She silently wondered, if she had a choice between meeting Kali at Taco Bell or a sleepover at Tail's house, she questioned which one she would choose. The thought that her friendship with Kali was weakening hers with Tail's, the friendship that she had had for years, made her feel sick to her stomach.

“OK, I’ve been wondering about this for a while,” Kali said, itching her black cast as she spoke. She and Meira were sitting in Taco Bell, staring at their untouched food while thinking about what they were going to do about this ‘little issue’, “What do you think would happen if we were to combined light and dark?” Meira frowned, thinking hard. She couldn’t come up with anything that might happen but a small gray blast. What else could happen? Meira shrugged.

“Dunno…” She muttered, looking down at her food. She grabbed a fork and started to play with it, still refusing to put any in her mouth. Kali looked up at her, confusion and worry in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” She asked. Meira opened her mouth to answer, but something caught her eye. Light brown hair, glimmering in the sunlight. It was followed by two blondes (neither were natural), and another brunette. Then, Meira actually decided to turn her attention to their faces. Kali too turned around to see Jamie, Caterina, Jessica and Alaina walk in. Meira cursed under her breath. Kali moaned and turned around to find Meira hiding her face with her bright blond hair.

“They won’t recognize you!” Kali whispered. Meira shook her head.

“Yes, they will. They’re always coming up to me, trying to be friends with me even though I have not the slightest clue why. They won’t leave me alone!” Meira whispered, looking out the window. Kali sighed, she couldn’t help thinking that Meira’s bright, natural blond hair would attract the snobs attention. It really stood out… sure enough, Kali heard a little gasp from the counter. The four girls had ordered their food and was about to sit down when they saw Meira.

“Why is it we keep running into them?” Meira muttered, for she heard Jamie gasp with excitement too. Kali sighed.

“Here we go…” She whispered. In the next second they were surrounded by them.

“Hey Meira!” Jamie said enthusiastically. The three other girls had those fake, plastic Barbie smiles on their faces.

“Um, I’m busy, Jamie.” Meira said coldly. They all turned their attention onto Kali, feeling there was no need hide the shock on their faces.

“With her!? Why would you want to waste your time on an emo kid anyway?” Caterina asked. Kali bit her lip, shaking her head. She was used to comments like that, people talking about her like she wasn’t even there.

“Where’s your friend, um… what’s her name again? Fail?” Caterina snarled. The three other girls laughed. Meira glared at her.

“Tail.” She nearly hissed. Kali looked down at her hand. She was gripping her plastic fork tightly, and she thought that she had seen a little light building up from the center. A light from fury. Kali widened her eyes for a second at Meira to give her a warning to calm down. Meira nodded once, looking away from the girls around them. Kali knew that she needed to get them to leave Meira alone if Meira was going to resist blowing them to kingdom come.

“Leave us alone.” She said, looking up at them all. They turned their heads slowly, their mouths open.

“And why are you talking?” Alaina snarled.

“Funny I was going to ask you all the same question.” Kali said, remaining calm. She wasn’t angry at all, this actually felt good.

“O, please don’t act like you’re important you little shi-” Jamie started, but Kali broke out into laughter, unable to stop. Everyone was looking at her. The four snobs were getting highly annoyed.

“Why the hell are you laughing!?” Jessica snapped. Kali’s pale face was suddenly red with laughter as she gripped her sides, gasping for air.

“You, you, you think you’re IMPORTANT? Y-you spend your time making fun of other people you pathetic snobs! Hahahahaaaa, O, you idiots make me laugh!” Kali gasped. She was not laughing because she thought of herself as a highly important person, only that these girls weren’t.

“DON’T LAUGH AT US!” Caterina shrieked. Everyone in the fast food restaurant turned to glare at them, including the single security guard there. Jamie looked to Caterina and shook her head, a little smile on her face.

“And you think that you’re of any importance? Please, you annoy everyone so much that I hear your own dad walked out on you!” Jamie whispered. Kali’s laughter quickly died off as Meira dropped her fork while her eyes widened. Kali frowned and turned to Jamie’s smiling, satisfied face.

“What did you say?” She hissed, her voice beyond harsh or hostile. This pleased Jamie.

“I have to say, it’s really sad that you’re such a drag to be around that your own father left you! I feel sorry for your mom, only having you to-” Jamie started, but something stopped her. Kali swung up her good arm, curled her fingers into a tight fist in mid air and slammed it into Jamie’s face, knocking her off her feet. Kali’s fist had also grown a little in size, for it was surrounded by a powerful darkness. Meira gasped and turned to Kali with the same wide eyes she had had before. Kali’s eyes widened as well from shock at what she had just done. Jamie was sobbing to get attention; people in the restaurant had shouted in shock and had left because of it. The security guard jumped to his feet and was walking over to Kali who had already gotten to her feet and scurried out the door, tears filling her eyes. She knew that she wasn’t done with Jamie, and if she had stayed any longer she knew that the energy flowing through her hands, the energy of darkness, would have been released. Kali ignored Meira’s calls to her. Instead she walked around to the back of Taco Bell and released the darkness. It surrounded her, allowing her to disappear behind the clouds in flight as she pretended that none of that had happened.
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Message to Luna: THERE!! Lolz, no more yelling at me because I didn't update!! ^_^