The Light and Dark

Final Words to Her

Meira was staring at Kali (unable to be seen behind the darkness carrying her beyond the clouds) in disbelief. How Kali managed flying down, she’d never know. She just hoped that no one noticed Kali's fist double in size with darkness in the fast food restaurant. Another thing she hoped for was that Jamie didn't have a concussion... well, she sort of hoped.

"YOU!" She heard a familiar shriek. Sighing, she turned around to face Jamie. She jumped in shock. Her nose was bent to the side.

"You... need to fix that..." Meira muttered, quickly grabbing Jamie's nose and snapping it back in place. She screamed again, waving her arms around in the air in pain.

"GOD DAMN IT!! What the hell is wrong with that FREAK!?" She screamed, looking around for Kali. Meira stood frozen in place, noticing that Jamie was alone. Caterina, Alaina and Jessica were nowhere to be seen.

"She left." Meira muttered, suddenly remembering what Jamie had said. Maybe it was time to shut Jamie up once and for all...

"Why were you with her!?" Jamie asked, twisting around as if she were talking to a close friend she was furious with.

"She's my friend." Meira said talking like she was talking to someone who was mentally handicapped. Jamie didn't notice.

"Why?" She hissed. Literally, hissed. Meira stared at her, her eyes ice cold.

"Because she is a good person unlike you." Meira said. Her heart suddenly leapt inside her and slammed against its cage of ribs. It did that whenever Meira spoke cruelly to someone, no matter what they did. It wasn't in her nature. Kali had already told Jamie off a lot, and she just punched her to the wall, and that still wasn't enough. Meira felt that maybe if she, the good never-ever-be-mean girl, told Jamie off, then they'd be left alone. Sort of... sure, there would be rumors, but they never bugged Meira. Usually...

Jamie was speechless. Why she felt that she and Meira were close friends, Meira would never understand.

"What are you talking about? I am true and loyal to all my friends! That Kali, though, she's just an emotional freak! I didn't mean the stuff I was saying, I was just kidding anyway!" Jamie said, smiling at the end of the sentence. Suddenly, Meira had a flashback. She remembered the girl who Jamie ditched. She remembered how they had been friends up until tenth grade. (Jamie was actually nice back then). She remembered the girl’s happy attitude, always hyper and positive. Then she suddenly became the depressed, keep-to-herself emo kid. If there was one thing Meira knew, it was that Jamie didn't give a damn about friendships.

"What about that girl?" Meira's voice was a little more than a whisper, but there was an unmistakable rage twisted around every single pronunciation. Jamie frowned.

"What girl?" She asked.

"That girl that you were friends with up until ninth grade, then you ditched her! You tossed her and your friendship with her into the garbage like a bag of trash! Do you even realize the pain you cause? From what I see, you don’t care about friendships anymore than you do others feelings!" Meira hissed in return. Jamie frowned and thought for a minute until her light bulb went on.

"O! You mean Ren?" She asked. She spoke the name like she had done nothing wrong. Either she really didn't realize just how much she had hurt Ren (Meira finally knew what her name was) or she just didn't care.

"Yes," Meira growled through clenched teeth, "Yes that's her." Jamie laughed. Meira was shocked. She was laughing?

"Yeah, she kinda took that hard, huh? Well, I dunno, we just grew apart. I can't help the fact that I was Ren's only friend. OK, so I changed, big whoop! There was no need for her to turn into an emo child like that! She's just sensitive, I guess." Jamie said. She spoke as if she didn't even realize what she was saying. Didn't get how hurtful those words, that laugh, might have been to Ren? The same went for anyone! People just didn't get how much friendship means. How some people take it seriously, as they should. They take it for granted, and they have no idea how much it hurts when they just take that friendship and throw it away without caring. Without caring... they never really cared, then. Never once cared, maybe even thought the friendship was just a joke, a side friendship. What that does to the other person... no one will ever truly understand unless they've gone through it themselves. Gone through it with a truly close friend.

"Shut up," Meira said, Jamie's smile disappeared, "Leave me and Kali alone. If I see your face ever again I'll actually help Kali with beating your nose off your face. The same goes for Tailynn. Leave. Us. Alone. I never want to see your face again. I want you out of my life." Jamie stood there, staring wide eyed as Meira turned and walked away, off to find Kali.
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Just as a f.y.i., for the sentence Why she felt that she and Meira were close friends, Meira would never understand, I know that I kinda used Meira's name in there a lot, but how else was I suppose to write it? Replace the second Meira with a she then it would sound like I was still talking about Jamie. Get it? I dunno, I was thinking about that for a little bit and the sentence still bugs me with having Meira's name in there twice. I'm not all that good writing in third person. O well, I'll just have to get over it. lol. But I'm going to get off of the Jamie subject here for good, I'm sick of writing about her and want to get on with the story. Sorry you had to put up with that. But friendship means a lot to me, and I had to put that in here by showing that people shouldn't take there friendships for granted, or even hang out with someone and make them think that they are friends with that someone just to hurt them in the end.
