The Light and Dark

Among the Clouds

Kali was soaring through the sky, her arms spread out and her eyes closed. She was flying slowing, taking in this moment. Jamie's words had vanished from her mind into the white fluffy clouds now directly below her. She didn't dare fly higher, for she didn't know the limit of height for oxygen. Kali was well aware of the fact that once she left this place, this perfect peaceful world, this place where no evil, misery or sadness could ever reach, she would soon find all her worries inside her mind again. But for now, she would spend every minute up here in the clouds as long as she could.

Kali opened her eyes slowly, looking at the air whip by her as the clouds moved to the left of her. It was so strange, seeing them move over the ground that appeared to be still, even though it too was moving along, not caring what was going on top of it. No matter how much misery went on, time will always fly by. The world will always turn.

Kali sighed and began to go lower. With each foot she flew closer to the ground, the more memories burned into her. She quickly flew back up again, finding peace once more. Eventually, hunger and thirst would force her to return to Earth. To return to reality...

Something was itching at her mind. Something that wasn't allowing Kali to return to the state of mind she was once in. She opened her eyes once more, a little frown starting to show on her pale face. She knew what that was. Sleep. Kali was known for getting very little sleep. Where else would those shadows under her eyes come from? The pale skin she knew she would never escape. Well, if she spent all her time this close to the sun she would probably get sunburns... but no tan.

Kali's eyes began to droop, to fall. The shadows hiding her face, arms torso and legs were beginning to fade as she lost concentration. Kali had surprisingly gotten flying down very easily, and with the loss of concentration gave her an idea. The biggest thrill of her life...

She broke off all concentration with the darkness after raising herself higher into the sky. Swinging her arms forward as if she were diving, Kali found herself being thrown to Earth. She wanted to shout with all the G’s being thrown at her, but she was nervous that people might hear her if she did shout. This was beyond any roller coaster ride. She let her arms go limp as she began to spin out of control in the air. She shouted a quick ‘woo’ out of thrill, and then hit the clouds.

Kali gasped with shock, for she had forgotten that they were there. They zoomed by her with incredible speed as she suddenly felt very sick from all the spinning and the zero gravity. Kali knew that she’d have to cover herself in darkness once more before people could see her plummeting towards the Earth. Kali focused hard, but nothing came. Panic hit her immediately.

“C’mon, c’mon!” She shouted, closing her eyes tightly. Nothing came. Then, once the clouds disappeared and the Earth appeared below her, she thought of Jamie. The things she said. She thought of her ‘father’. The things he did. She thought that the only way to fly away from danger would be to calm down and focus, no matter what the situation. Of course, the anger of Jamie and her father would help. Instantly, she was covered again, zooming back behind the clouds.

Too late.

People had seen her.
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Wow, this one was short... sorry about that.