The Light and Dark

"Wrong House"

Meira’s smile lit up once more as she turned, eager to meet Kali’s mother. Kali’s head snapped up, as did her arm. She grabbed Meira and yanked her back.

“I need to give her a warning first.” The words were wrong, but what else could she say? Meira frowned, stunned.

“A… warning?” She stuttered. Kali rolled her eyes.

“She’s going to be thrilled to meet you, but I’ve never had a friend before. I need to prepare her so she doesn’t shout with joy and jump up and down, frightening the neighbors.”

Meira raised an eyebrow, but did not protest. Kali walked toward her door, not sure why she was dreading telling her mother this. She assumed it was because she would have to lie. To say that they randomly became friends out of no where – two complete opposites, with nothing supernatural involved.

Kali was perfectly aware of Meira trailing behind her, but she said nothing about it. Unlocking the front door, Kali’s heart began to pound. It really took off when she heard her mother call her.

“Kali! Guess who’s here!” Her mother exclaimed. Kali froze in place, a chilling fear rising in her. Someone special was here, other than Kali’s first (and probably last) friend?

“Who?” She mumbled, glancing at Meira with uneasy eyes.

“Your brother – oh!”

Phoebe had just come around the corner, in view of the door, and she had caught sight of Meira. Meira was wearing her elbow high gloves, to cover her palms. Her natural blonde, waist length, neatly brushed and styled hair, ninety dollar navy blue jeans, tank top and fancy shirt over that tank top. All bright colors in the dim lit house. Standing next to her was, of course, Kali. Baggy black pants, gray shirt, spiky hair and all. Phoebe put her hand to her mouth, hiding the smile that had overridden her face.

“Who is this?” She asked, her voice muffled from her hand. Kali was craning her next over her tall mother’s shoulder, trying to find her brother whom she hadn’t seen in months. He was no where in sight. She returned to where she was, feeling the need to introduce Meira. She could only pray that her mother wouldn’t let an excited squeal of joy burst from her lips at the mention of the word ‘friend’.

“This is my friend, (Kali paused, Phoebe remained the same) Meira.” Kali spoke slowly, allowing her mother to take in the words at the same slow pace. Kali thought she heard a squeak, but that was all. Her mother Phoebe calmed herself before addressing Meira, whom she was eyeing adoringly.

“Can I get you anything, Meira?” She asked, her cheeks turning red. Kali looked at the ground, horribly depressed. Had she really been so miserable in the past that her mother would blush, squeak and squeal in excitement at a small hope of happiness in Kali’s life? While Meira answered ‘yes please’ to Phoebe, Kali stood in the hallway, looking at her past life.

It was so… sad.

Kali’s throat became thick. Don’t you dare cry here! she demanded herself, swallowing hard and following Meira into the kitchen. After all, She thoughtThat was then, this is now. I have other things to worry about…

Phoebe asked Meira about her home life, school, family (Meira though became stiff at the word family, and Phoebe had quickly moved on to a different subject), eventually leading on to how Meira and Kali knew each other. Kali was the stiff one then; fortunately Meira already had a story ready.

“Oh, we just have the same lunch and art class, and the teacher moved Kali to sit next to me. We’ve been talking, and we’ve been friends since.” She said, flicking a glance at Kali. Kali could only nod in agreement. It was so simple, so realistic Kali wished it could be true…

Kali turned her head at a sound coming from Kali’s bedroom, her Brother Matt’s old room. She quickly went into what was now her room to find her brother unpacking his things, throwing Kali’s clothes out of the drawers.

“Hi, Matt.” Kali said, keeping her excitement at seeing him at bay.

Her brother had inherited his mother’s looks. He had the same red hair, same brown eyes, and same smile. Only there was that little light in her mother’s eyes that he seemed to lack. He merely grunted in response.

“Um… so I haven’t seen you in a while.” Kali murmured, shocked by his mood. He usually was a bit more cheerful than this, not so grim…

“College tends to keep you busy.” He stated plainly. Kali nodded once, stiffly.

“So how long are you going to be here?” Kali whispered, fearing the worst. Matt smiled, surprisingly.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t flunk out of college. I’ll just be here for the weekend.” He said, handing Kali his suitcase currently filled with her clothes.

“Oh, and I’m staying in your room while I’m here.”

Kali suppressed a sigh as she walked out of the room, the feeling of awkwardness radiating off of her. Meira smiled when she entered the room, and Kali smiled back, but that was all. She plopped herself down on the couch, bringing her hands up to her eyes with stress. Fortunately her mother Phoebe was still talking non stop to Meira to notice. Thank God, she’s not so observant for once…

Suddenly, Meira’s pocket began to vibrate. She excused herself from the room to answer it when Phoebe decided it was time to talk to Kali.

“Everything Meira told you is true, mom. Do we really have to go through this?” Kali mumbled. Phoebe frowned, obviously bothered by Kali’s reaction.

“Sweetie, I’m sorry I’m upsetting you, I just – “

“It’s alright, mom. I’m not upset, just… tired.” Kali muttered. Hey, it’s the truth, right? Kali’s dark shadows under her eyes had not disappeared. She still had that pale look about her.

Phoebe opened her mouth to ask another question, but there was a knock at the door before she could say anything. Something about that knock made Kali’s insides twist.

“I’ll get it.” She said, her voice barely more than a whisper. Phoebe’s eyes followed her daughter as she went to get the door.

Wishing Meira was standing behind her, Kali opened the door.

It was him, the one Brian said name was Nick.

Kali froze.

Her stomach suddenly became cold, as if ice were building up inside her, freezing her from the inside out.

While Kali contemplated whether or not she should risk attacking Nick, he smiled warmly at her.

“Hi, I never properly introduced myself, my name’s N – “

Shrouding herself in darkness, Kali grabbed his throat and threw him as far back as her arms could. She assumed he had not seen that one coming, for he did nothing to protect himself. Before he had the chance to hit the ground, he slipped into the closest shadow possible. Kali could see him there, the darkness in her allowed that.. She ran back into the house, thankful that her mother was speaking to her brother, completely oblivious to the danger she was in. She seemed to have forgotten already that there was someone at the door.

“Kali, who’s at the door?” Phoebe called. Kali moaned and said the first thing that came to mind.

“He had the wrong house.” I wish Kali added mentally.

Kali grabbed Meira from the other room, grabbing her phone up before she could finish her sentence. Kali said into the phone “she’ll call you back” before snapping it shut..

“Kali!” Meira exclaimed, but stopped short once she saw her expression.

“C’mere!” Kali hissed, pulling her to the front door, closing it behind them. She pointed to the shadow she had seen Nick jump into, only to find it was empty. Meira frowned, staring at Kali with worried eyes.

“He was here.” Kali whispered, more to herself then Meira.

A gentle breeze blew through the trees, brushing Kali’s hair into her face completely, blocking her eyes from the shadow she had been staring at intently. She closed her eyes, the sense of loneliness and confusion overwhelmed her. What were those two up to?

“…Kali?” Meira asked once the breeze had slowed.

“It’s… nothing.” Kali answered before turning back into the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been too long since I've updated...

Sorry, I've been... busy, with stuff.

I'll try to update more often (ugh, I know I've said that a lot, so I guess I can't promise anything.)

Well, we're kind of reaching the end of this story. I'd say around 15 more chapters, but I hope it's more. I really enjoy writing this story, and I hope all of those reading enjoy it too. (And to my readers, well, thank you for reading. It means, a lot. And I hope you all will continue)