The Light and Dark

First Long Night

Meira was in her bathroom after scrubbing her hands for half an hour. The little white diamond shaped light resemblance things on her palms refused to be washed off. She even took the rough side of a sponge and scrubbed violently until her hands were red and in horrible pain. Eventually, she gave up. Glancing at the clock, she noticed that she just beat her 'staying up late' record of two thirty. It was three seventeen. Yet, she wasn't even the slightest bit tired. She knew the second she fell asleep she'd have dreams of that star -or whatever it was- hurdling at her at such a speed it could have knocked off her head clean.

Meira sighed. Her entire family had already gone to bed and she could clearly hear their snores or sleep sighs. Meira had already shut and locked her balcony doors. She refused to look at the stars until she had figured out what just happened. The star basically fell from the sky, shot directly at her and she somehow miraculously caught it with her bare hands as time pressed pause. It was so strange, so terrifying, so... impossible!

Meira bit her lip, refusing to look at her hands. Not until she figured it out! Strangely, that girl Kali came into mind. Meira frowned and shoved her half covered face out of her head. Why she managed to creep into Meira's head was beyond her. Instead, Meira remembered the light. The way it disappeared... like her very skin had absorbed the star and it's blinding light.

Meira threw herself onto her bed, burrying her face in its pillows. The strangest thing of all was her new vision. Everything was just so clear! The room seemed... brighter, clearer. There was no other way to describe it. It was like her vision had just been improved in such a way no one thought possible. She still saw things normally, but she could just as easily see in the dark than she could in the day. But it wasn't like she couldn't fall asleep because it was like the light was on, no. The darkness still had it's same peaceful affect, but Meira could see everything now.

Finally, her eye lids became heavy. Meira stretched her arm towards the lamp. When her hand touched the bottom of the light bulb, it lit up. It became brighter than any lamp Meira had ever seen. It even became brighter than her lights over their kitchen table (and they had all complained about how bright it was. It was like being in an interrogation room when you were under those lights). But, this bright light did not make Meira squint her eyes to avoid the brightness. It was normal to her. She could easily stare and focus in on the light without an discomfort. Meira let go of the lamp, and it became normal. She grabbed it, bright. Let go, normal. Grabbed it, bright, let go, normal, grabbed it bright again. If someone far away was watching they'd think she was sending some sort of signal to someone. Like turning a flash light on and off.

Then, Meira tried another experiment. She switched the light off, and grabbed it. To her amazement, it lit up just as bright. Then it hit her.

The shooting star...

The power of light.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's kinda funny, Meira and Kali don't meet for a while...

By the way, for those of you that didn't know 'sleep sighs' are, they're tiny little sighs coming from someone when they are deep in a dream. I've heard someone sigh in their sleep, it's funny. lolz

So yeah, in this chapter Meira is starting to figure out what's going on.