The Light and Dark

Darkness in a Room

Kali rushed home the second she gathered her senses back together. What were these shadows on her hands? What just happened? What was the darkness? She had never been so terrified in her life.

Kali threw her bike back ontop of the junk in the garage as she ran inside, slamming the door and entering her green and black room. The world was spinning as she looked at her hands. That was not going to wash off. She wasn't even going to try. Now, she jumped at every... light, not shadow. Now shadows seemed more welcoming than the light.

Her vision was what freaked her out. Everything seemed like... it was like when you turned down the lights in a house or the light on a computer screen. You still saw everything just as clear, just as perfect but it just seemed a little darker! Not only that, but the dark did not effect her eyes. She saw perfectly in the dark. It was... scary.

Kali looked at the darkness in her closet. For a minute, she wanted to go in it. To become absorbed in the darkness, or until the darkness devoured her. She stepped inside and closed the closet doors, sitting down and hugging her knees. Then, the light under the closet doors suddenly disappeared.

Kali kicked the closet door open and looked in her room. She could still see everything, but the room was pitch black. She darted her head up to look at her light, it was on. Then… why was the room so dark? Kali looked more closely. A dark matter had filled the room, blocking out all light.

“AH!” Kali shouted, waving her hands in the air. With each wave, all the dark matter moved in a different direction. Kali raised her eyebrows, could she control all this?

Then it all clicked. The shadows at the lake, how they flew into her as her very skin absorbed the darkness.

The Power of darkness.

“No… no way…” Kali said, looking at her hands. The shadows on her palms… they signified her power. Was that even possible? So what, supernatural powers did exist after all.

Kali knew she had to get rid of all this dark matter. She raised her hands, trying to grab the darkness but it wouldn’t move. She waved her hand violently in one direction, and sure enough all the darkness in the room waved in one strand of darkness at the same time. But the long thick strand soon spread out once again. Kali did that over and over again in a constant motion until all the darkness had disappeared. That, or until it had all seeped back into her skin.

Kali shivered and stared at her room with her newly dark eyes, in all her life she had never felt so alone.

What she didn’t know, is that light must always meet the dark.

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Yeah, Kali figured out her she could control darkness much longer before Meira discovered her power of light.

Question to all those reading, do you think that you'd be a person of the dark, or a person of the light? O.O