
Chapter One

"She won't get out of my head..." I half wispered to the fat lady who was questioning me today. "Who won't get out of your head?" "She won't get out of my head..." I mumbled louder..slightly annoyed. "Well...what, when she is inside your head?" I thought about lying...but then I realized that it probably wasn't worth I said "She..tells me to do things..."
She studied my face as I looked down at my hands. My nails were completely bit off and there was dried blood around where the once boyish nails once took place. "What does she tell you to do?" " She tells me to...sacrafice.." I said, slightly smirking, not that she could see through my long black hair. "S..sacrafice..? Um..what do you think she means...?" she said, I could tell she was scared..."She wants to come back...she wants to...come back..."

My room here is white...and they keep the lights I don't hurt my eyes. No windows..just a mattress and pillow and blanket..they don't trust me with anything else I don't think...

I could hear them talking about me through the walls...they think I can't hear them say "I don't know whats going on in there to be honest...should we put her on anti depressants?...yeah, I guess you are right...oh no..she could do some damage with that in her hands..we can't even give her a pencil for christsake.."

"So, Tanya...what do you say to her when she tells you these things..?" the fat lady continued. "I tell her no...sometimes...but other times...I just..." The girl nobody can see told me to stop or she would show me things I didn't want to see. " What do you say to her these other times Tanya..?" "I...end up saying...h..he...hel..." I studdered...the images were showing...flashing...won't go away..even if I burned my eyes out "" I said louder "HELP ME!! STOP SHOWING ME THOSE...THINGS!!!! I WON'T...AAAHH MY GOD IT HURTS STOP SALINE STOP IT STOP IT THAT HURTS OH SHIT!!" I screamed as I felt my blood catch on fire and 2 million knives stabbed me. The fat woman tried to hold me down while the familiar men in white came with the jacket that made me feel as if I was in a demon's grasp. "TAKE THIS THING OFF ME!!!" I pleaded as the woman left the room, her eyes wide open. One of the men tried to calm me down by saying "Im sorry,Tanya...but we can't take the straight jacket off until you calm just relax.."

They decided to leave me alone in my room. I hit my head against the wall..lightly at first...then getting harder each time. They heard the banging and rushed in and decided to continue talking to me. They sat me down in that cold metal chair across from the fat woman and she continued.

"Tanya...I heard you say the name Saline...who is Saline." "She is Saline...the one in my head..." She looked confused for a minute...I could hear the tape recorder near me on the table...I imagined what the tape would look like being forcefully wrung around her neck...
"So...what was she doing to you...that made pain." I cringed as she said the words. The images began playing in my head again...the blood...oh god so much blood...the- "Tanya? Tanya, can you answer me?" I lifted my head up, hurting my neck. "No." I said flatly. "I won't say." "Why not?" She urged. "SHE DOESN'T WANT ANYONE TO KNOW!!"

I still had the jacket on, so they just brought me to my room, and put me to bed. I closed my eyes, not sleeping, just viewing what she wants me to see that night.

Seline Elezibeth was born in a shed by her 14 year old mother. She lived in an orphanage and was never adopted, so she felt rejected and shunned..and tried many times to commit suicide, but never succeded. She would sneak onto the roof of thhe tall building, and stare at the sun for hours and hours...destroyig her eyesight, until she was legaly blind. She would sit alone in her room, feeling the sting in her eyesockets. One night, around 1:00 am, a strange man broke into the orphanage, and found 13 year old Saline in her bed. He covered her mouth and raped her, then killing her. Nobody found out for 3 days. Saline's tormented soul was not put to rest, so she haunts the mind of Tanya Valo, who's mother abandoned her, and her father's location is unknown.

I woke up to one of the nurses in white saying "Tanya..Tanya, honey you have a visitor.." while she very gently nudged my shoulder. "Wh...who?" "Why don't you comeout and meet him, honey.."

We walked into a room, the same room that the fat woman questioned me in, and she sat me down at the table. A strange, rather peculier man walked in, his long, brown and wavy hair down to his shoulders, he cautiously sat across from me, as the nurse walked away. He looked at me for a minute, studing my saddened face, then he said, "Tanya know, I know alot about you..." "How?" "Because I just do.." he continued sternly " I...believe you...about..Saline."
Her name peirced my scull...or she might have done that...Im not sure..
"Saline..." I muttered, repeating him. He smiled slightly "Yes...I know what she is doing to you.." "Can you make it stop..?" I asked in a low voice, then I wispered "Can you make her go away?"
His face looked sad "No...I'm sorry..I can't...can you tell me what she-" "Wait wait were sent here by...them...weren't you...? You just want to askme questions like people do every day...then the keep every word I say.." The dim light flickered behind me "You will call me crazy...they all call me crazy...and I want to kill them when they say things like that..." "Nobody sent me here...but I believe that something like this can happen to people...and I read about you and-" I was confused "Something like..what, can happen to people..?...What do you mean?" He sighed,looking away then said "When somebody dies a tragic death...sometimes they aren't able to cross over to the other, they...well...haunt..I guess.."

We just looked at eachother for what seemed like an hour. "What..are you saying...?" I asked. "You...are being haunted..I a girl named Seline Elizibeth...she was raped and killed in an orphanage she lived in..I have her files in my car, I will go get-" "No." I objected, grasping his arm as he tried to get up. He gasped at the strength of my scrawny pale arm. "Stay. How did you find her files?" I asked as he sat back down. " I went to the orphanage...and asked for them..." he said, as if pointing out the obvious. He sure was an interesting man. His voice was deep..and almost satanic, yet it was smooth and beautiful...almost like an angel singing. He wasn't afraid to say things to me...I could tell, because his voice wasn't as hesitant as the others'.
"What is your name?" I suddenly asked after a moment of silence. "My name?" he said "Oh..I'm Ville.." he said..he sounded like he was about to say a last name, but then decided not to.
Suddenly she began to burn my eyes, It felt like they had burst into flame, and I closed my eyes right after I saw blood on the table. " Oh my god!!! TANYA!!" He yelled as I plunked my head down onto the table. I felt many sets of hands trying to pull me, push me, pick me up, I don't know. I felt cloth go over my eyes as the voices got quieter and quieter, and I drifted off into a real sleep this time...