
Chapter Two

When I tried to murder my mom and stepdad 2 years ago, they blamed me...obviously...but it wasn't my fault. She would hurt me if I didn't do what she told me to do. They didn't send me to jail, because I have a "mental illness" which I don't 100% deny. I try not to believe that she is there...I try to ignore her...but she keeps coming back...her red, dripping eyes and her ugly scowl...she glares at my eyes and tries to rip them out when I don't obey...I would rather die than live like I tried, before this Nazi hospital cleared out my room that I have here. I tried to not see her anymore by standing on my bed and holding my eyes up to the extremely bright florecent light. I tried to make razorblade type things by sharpening the plastic butter knives from the cafeteria.

I will finish this later...i guess..
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