If You Say Goodbye Today


The sun stung my closed eyes, sending a sharp throb of pain throughout my head. I groaned and turned away from the opposing light, squinting my eyes enough to find the clock located on my bedside table.


Well, shit.

I glanced around on the table a little more and spotted a glass of water and some pills. Then a worse wave of pain hit me...

Shouting...slamming doors...


What had I done?

I shot up in my bed, throwing the too-warm covers off my body and darting through the house. He wasn't here...

I returned to my bedroom and sat on my bed, reaching for the water, and seeing a piece of paper that had been set under the waterglass. I picked it up, afraid of what it might say...

I forgot my car keys.

That sounds just like him...

I stayed for a few more hours and made sure you passed out. My key is on the table where we usually put them. I'm not sure I'm coming back. I'll see how I feel in a few days...

I love you.

I crumbled up the paper and tossed it across the room, and shut my eyes tight. It would hurt too much to cry now.

I took the pills and decided to get a shower, thinking it would help clear my mind. I started the water and undressed, all the while staring at myself in the mirror over the sink. My eyes were swollen and my hair was unkempt and rugged looking, and my mouth tasted horrible. All the alcohol...

I turned away and stepped into the shower, trying my best to untangle my hair, but giving up and just scrubbing it with shampoo. I wet my rag and put soap on it, attempting to rub the pain off...it wasn't working too well. After I dried and dressed I made some coffee, laying on the couch drinking it, and thinking.

At about 3:00 that afternoon, I got sick of sitting on my ass, so I got up, grabbed my car keys, and left to pay Mikey a visit.
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i have to go cram for my finals tomorrow... comment and let me know if i should keep on writing....