If You Say Goodbye Today


Once I got home was when the detox really hit me. I opened the door to my house, and stepped inside. I turned to close the door behind me, and that's when I fell to my knees, clutching my head in my hands. It felt like it was going to explode. I stood shakily, making it to my feet, my head still in my hands, and managed to shut the door.

I made my way into my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed, rolling over so my head was pressed into the pillows. The darkness and coolness of the pillows helped calm my head some. I guess the pills Frank had so graciously left me this morning had worn off.

I thought it best to try to move, and get a few more pills before going to sleep.

I made my way off of the bed and stumbled around to the bathroom, trying to find the medicine cabinet as best I could through the blinding white pain in my head. I reached it, and pulled it open. Then, I realized I had to open my eyes to figure out where exactly the pain pills were. I squinted them open little by little, and on the first shelf, found the Tylenol.

I popped the cap off, and deposited two pills into my hand before dropping the bottle to the linoleum floor causing the little white pills to scatter everywhere throughout the room. I moved over to the sink, turning it on, popping the pills in my mouth, and using my hands to scoop enough water into my mouth to make it easier to swallow them.

After I had those down, I leaned on the sink, it helping prop me up from collapsing straight on the floor with the pills. I was breathing a little hard, and I still had my eyes shut tight, keeping the light out.

Standing there, a wave of nausea suddenly hit me. I knew I was going to be sick, so I turned sharply, and reached the toilet just before the stomach acid, and chunks of little things I'd eaten throughout the day came up. My stomach wasn't ready for the pills.

I didn't know how much more I could handle, and after a few more times of being sick, I felt faint, like I would pass out soon. I laid my head down on the cold tile of the floor, letting it cool my hot face.

I needed to talk to him...

I reached into my front pocket, and retrieved my phone, dropping it three times before getting it near my head.

I flipped it open the best my clammy hands would let me, and dialed the number I knew so well despite the cold and the violent shaking of my hands.

I rested the phone next to my ear and let it ring as the tile got colder, and everything got darker.

"Hello?..." Came the voice I wanted to hear for the rest of my life.

"Frank...help me..."

And then everything went pure black.
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idk. let me know what you think