Born for This

Chapter Eleven: Heaven Tonight

Chapter Eleven: Heaven Tonight

xXFrankie’s POVXx

When I came home from Cain’s house, it was way past curfew again. For the entire walk home, my mind was racing with thoughts of what would happen to me. Would I be grounded? Sent away? But by the time I reached my block, I was calm. The nicotine Jazz had given me was just kicking in, along with the alcohol, making me want to collapse on the concrete and fall asleep forever. And the thoughts and feelings that came with the crash amazed me.

Luckily for me, Mom and Dad were still at my grandmother’s that night, helping her with her commute from the hospital to home, after hip surgery. I opened the door to Zach, sitting up and watching Jay Leno, and a friend of Mom’s we’d never met, asleep on the old armchair in the corner. Zach nodded in my direction, shoving popcorn into his mouth. I smiled tiredly back at him, and made my way upstairs.

Since that night, it’d been going easier for me and the parents. Zach never blabbed about me being out until three that morning when Mom and Dad came back home four hours later. The friend of Mom’s was asleep from the start. It almost seemed as if Lady Karma had been in my favor that night. Why? I’m not too sure. Maybe all that work throughout school last year was worth it.

Now, it had been one month to that date. On the dot. The leaves outside were starting to morph into red and yellow, and were soon falling to the frosty grass below. The holidays were approaching fast, and it made me even more antsy than I already was.

Cain had asked me out after that night, about a week later. His kisses were soft, and tender. He never pushed harder than that. He called me ‘Beautiful’ every day, even if I looked like utter shit. When I got a cold two weeks ago, he skipped school to make me soup and watch old movies. He was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.

Jazz and General Peroxide had had several gigs at local parties and coffee houses down the road. I went to every one of them, because thats what you do as a best friend and brother’s girlfriend. I was hypnotized every time. Atlanta didn’t make fun of my name anymore, and Kurt was as quiet as ever.

Tonight, I’m not seeing anyone. Mom had grounded me to my room, after getting a C- on my report card for Creative Writing. I told her it was probably a mistake, being that it was one of the few classes I actually enjoyed to work in, but no. She didn’t believe me. Now, I’m stuck here while she and Dad are having some sort of party downstairs.

I took a drag of my cigarette and a gulp of Vodka.

Sure, one could say I’d become a little rebellious. A hellion even, being that I was actually smoking in the house. But I was a smart one. I had the windows opened only halfway, and a small, portable fan on my lap. I turned it off and put it out on my upper thigh. I threw the bud into a little baggie I had under my bed. The vodka made its way down my throat again as I sat up, grabbing my vibrating phone from behind me.

Opening it, it appeared to be a text from Cain. The vodka entered my esophagus. Strangely, I almost didn’t want to talk to the love of my life right now. I was tired, and kind of sick from having to deal with Mom and Zach all day. The phone shivered in my hands. Now annoyed, I closed my phone and shoved it under some pillows in a basket, muffling Cain’s urgent pleas to sneak out tonight.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. I quickly pushed the vodka into my nightstand drawer and shoved a handful of mints into my mouth. I sprayed myself with perfume, and, as I swallowed, I stuttered, “C-Come in.”

Mom opened the door gently, revealing her dress. It was purple and looked like silk. The straps pulled back, not letting anything be revealed. The dress went down to her calves. “Franchesca,” she started. I looked at her softly.


“Your father’s looking for his vodka. Do you happen to know where it is?” she asked. I looked at her calmly, trying my best not to give anything away. Thank god she could not see my eyes.

“I’m not sure,” I told her. “Zach’s been in his room all night. Maybe you should ask him.” Mom looked back towards the hallway, mumbling a thank you as she walked to Zach’s room worriedly fuming. I got up and shut the door lightly, going over and grabbing the bottle from its resting place. I put the glass mouth to my lips, only to be interrupted by the home phone on my nightstand.

Not aware of who it was because of the lack of caller ID, I picked up. “Hello?” I said into the mouth.

“Hey babe,” Cain spoke gently. My heart melted a little bit. “What’s tonight’s plan? We haven’t talked much since Friday.” Silence. How could I tell him? “Did you get busted for your grades or something?” I said nothing. “Did your parents find out about your lack of attendance for curfew?” I said nothing. “Was it the cigs?” Nothing. “Franchesca, hun, was it something I did?” Nothing. “Come on babe. You have to talk to me eventually.”

“It was the grades,” I told him. “I got a C-minus in Pascille’s.”

“But you’re the best writer in that class.”

“That’s not true-”

“It is babe. And you know it. So don’t lie to me or yourself.”

I got quiet again.

Suddenly, there was a beep on the other line. “Hold on. There’s another call.” Without hesitation, I hit the hold button, and then hit call. Zach had picked up already, and was talking to the girl. Obviously, the call had been for him. But I still stayed on, hitting mute to stifle my breathing. I needed o know the familiar voice.

“It’s not so bad as a freshman in high school I guess. I kind of like it actually. A lot of people outcast me though.” Zach rummaged around with something that sounded like a candy package in the background.

“That’s a shame.” the voice told him. It was a quiet voice, all too familiar. “You’re too cute to be outcasted-Wait, no! I mean-” The girl cut herself off. I could almost hear her blush.

Zach laughed. “I know what you mean. All of the girls are dumb for not liking me, right?”The girl mumbled a ‘yes’. “Okay. Off-topic then, how’s life in the country doing?”

“It’s okay. Mom almost drove us into a cornfield yesterday. Little scary.”

Zach laughed harder than I’d ever heard him before, at least since he was little. “That’s funny. You don’t live near city I take it?”

“It’s not that. We’re about a half hour away from the city. It’s... just a weird place is all.”

“I hear ya.” He munched on something from the food package. Silence fell over them, but it was different. It was almost a happy silence between them, like they were an old, married couple, reading each others thoughts, just content with hearing each other’s breathing and munching.

“So how’s your sister?” the girl asked. Zach sighed. I could hear him put down the bag of food.

“She’s all right.” he stated. “Misses curfew a lot now. She’s dating some kid I think. I’ve seen them around, holding hands and kissing. You know. Stuff couples do. All I know is that if he breaks her heart, I’m gonna break his leg. I can’t stand to see her hurt ag-” He stopped himself with a grunt. He wanted to keep it secret I was ill two months ago. He was respecting my personal life. “Yours?”

“She’s okay.” she half-whispered. “Quieter than usual since we’ve moved. People talk about her a lot. Rio too. I feel guilty for not sticking up for them.” Zach asked what kind of names they called them. “I don’t even know. Horrid things, like dykes and-”

I canceled the call and curled up into a ball. How was it she was in pain? And not only that, but how was it I was being effected when we didn’t even talk anymore? Why does she keep coming back to me? Will she haunt my memories for the rest of my life, making me never be happy or at peace?

The last call was still on. Cain was saying my name over and over. The phone was still on mute. I stifled my sobs and pulled back my tears, thinking of somewhat happy things like Cain, General Peroxide, and nicotine. I choked back every once of pain I had in me. But still, the memories came and brought me below the surface of paradise’s waters again. I did the only thing I could do. I lit a cigarette and kissed the glass mouth once more.

And I gulped and I gulped until I could gulp no more.