Born for This

Chapter One: Shayne

Chapter One: Shayne

xXFrankie’s POVXx

I was lost in my usual dreamless state, that was, until I felt the pillow hit my face. “Get the hell up!” me adorable little brother Zach yelled. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Raising my head, the pillow fell onto my covered lap. I grabbed the purple material and chucked it at his head. It hit him square in the hip.

“Get outta my room fucker!!” I screamed at him. With that, Zach ran out of the red and black striped room, slamming the door behind him. I sighed and fell back on the mattress. God, I’m tired. I need more sleep. My eyes began to fall closed again.

The phone rang, and my eyes shot open. I reached over to my cell phone, which was playing my Skulker ring tone. That could only mean one person was calling.

“Hello?” I asked the caller. Of course, I knew who it was right away.

“Goood Morning Vietnam!!!” she said cheerfully. Yep. It was none other that Shayne Riley, the best friend I ever had.

“Hey,” I replied tiredly. I seriously was not a morning person. Not even Shayne could get me up half of the time. It got that bad.

“Can you hang out today?” she asked. I could almost hear her pouting, which made me chuckle.

“Sure. Any reason why?” We usually hung out in groups with Anna and Croissant. So...why does she wanna hang out with me privately.

“I, um,” she paused nervously, “Need to tell you something.”

“So tell me on the phone.”

“No,” she told me, “I need to tell you in person.”

“Okay,” I agreed. She cheered. “I’ll see you later. Bye.”


With that, I hung up my cell and sat up un the bed, crossing my legs. I started to wonder. What could Shayne possible wanna tell me? Whatever she could say to me, she could obviously say in front of Anna, or Jen. And why did she suddenly lose the spark in her voice when she said goodbye? She sounded nervous...

But what about? Is someone sick that she’s close to, like Rio or her mother? No. Probably not. I saw her mom in the store yesterday when I had to get a bottle of vinegar for my science project. She seemed fine. And Rio’s been away at school, so I have no clue about her.

God, this is way too much to comprehend about in the morning. I’ll shower and eat, and then see what Shayne tells me.

I stood up from my double bed and walked over to my drawers, pulling out my heart and zebra print tank and black and white plaid skirt with striped leggings. I took my pile of clothing into the bathroom, laying them down on the edge of the sink as I got undressed. I put the shower on hot and walked in.

After half an hour of getting dresses and blow drying my black and white hair to make it straight, I went down the stairwell into the kitchen, jumping off the last three steps, knowing my parents hated that. Dad stared at me for several seconds like I’d been smoking something I shouldn’t. I gave him a wide grin, and we went back to his Friday issue of Newsday.

“Morning Franchesca,” my mom said to me, laying a kiss on my head as I sat down next to Zach. God, I hated when she called me that! It made me think I was in trouble, which I probably was after throwing the pillow at Zach’s head. Well, he shouldn’t have been in my fucking room.

“Uh, morning,” I replied. I turned my head to Zach, who was eating a chocolate chip waffle. He stared back at me.

“What are you looking at?!” he asked defensively.

I smirked. “You,” I replied, stating the obvious. I knew that pissed him off.


“Because I can,” I smiled at him dreamily, “Why? Does that bother you?”

He was now fuming. “Yea, it is.”

“Well, you’re gonna have to get used to that for next year,” I told him, “You’ll be a freshman at Belleville High. All the girls will be swooning over you, Mr. Popular.”

His cheeks burned a bright red. “Why would they do that?”

“Because you’re just like your adorable big sister,” I stated. I ran my fingers through his dark brown and red fringe, and stared into his confused baby blue eyes. “That’s why.”

Zach’s hands clenched at the table. I knew I sent him over the edge with that comment. He not only hated people fussing over him, he hated, absolutely despised, people stating he looked like me. Sweet Revenge for the morning, right?

“Fuck you,” Zach bellowed, just loud enough for mom to hear. She flipped around from the sink where she was washing dishes. She hated when her little Zachy cursed. Heh.

“Zachary Joseph Falcone, you will not use foul language in this house!” Mom screamed at him. He glared at me, then averted his eyes to the floor, “Do you understand me? Now apologize to your sister!”

He turned to me, not even looking into my eyes. His were still downcast. “Sorry,” he mumbled. I nodded.

“It’s okay Zachy!” I replied cheerfully. I patted his head like he was some sort of pet, or a small child. “I forgive you!” His fists clenched again.

Luckily for him, the doorbell rang. “Oh, that’s Shayne!” I exclaimed, seeing her platinum colored hair out the big glass window. I grabbed my messenger bag out of habit. “Bye!” I waved to Mom and Dad, and headed for the door. But I stopped by Zach quickly before running out the door, whispering in his ear:

“Payback’s a bitch sweety...”