‹ Prequel: Vengeance Banks In

The Gates of Hell

Love Ain't Gonna Wait For You

I felt so confused; my mind was slow acting as I tried to process my thoughts. I kept glancing around, trying to take in everything so it would make more sense. The only thing that seemed to wake me from my stupor was the fact that my stomach wasn’t swelled anymore, my baby Haven wasn’t in there, I couldn’t feel her anymore. “Momma, where’s my baby!?” I panicked feeling around my stomach to make sure I wasn’t just seeing things. “Dear God! Where is she?”

“Baby, calm down. They got her out, she’s alive and doing fine in the nursery,” my mother explained quickly, grabbing my hands before I went into an anxiety attack and hurt my sewn up stomach. “Haven is just fine.”

Those three words were better than anything in this world, I let my eyes shut as I started to sob, and it felt amazing. I was a momma now, my baby was safe. “I want to see her,” I whispered clutching her hand. “Please, mom—I have to see her.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing, I’ll go get her,” she kissed my lips quickly like she used to when I was little and brushed back my hair before she took off out of the room like a speeding bullet. I waited anxiously, twisting the bed sheets in my hands, I glanced under once and wished I hadn’t. I would have a remarkable battle wound from my safe Haven. When mom came back in, she had a group of lost puppies trailing in behind her.

“My baby,” when I caught sight of the little bundle of pink in her hands, I forgot everyone else in the room and gently snatched her from my mothers’ hands. “Oh you look so much like your father.”

“Speaking of Zacky,” Caty spoke up from her spot at the door, startling me. “We called him; he’s on his way back home. He was pissed off bigger than shit that he wasn’t here; I could hear Matt in the background telling him to stop cussing before airport security hauled their asses away.”

“Thanks,” I whispered brushing my fingertips over Haven’s small fingers on her left hand. “She has my nose.”

“I hope you don’t mind, I was the first to hold her when she came out,” Johnny spoke up, catching me off guard once again, I was just so fascinated by the child I had made with Zacky.

“I don’t mind at all, Johnny, you’re her grandfather,” I gave him a smile and watched as his face drained of all color that had been there before.

“I’m a grandpa—I’m twenty four—I can’t breathe,” Johnny sat down before he fell down, Leana helped him by fanning his face with a paper but no one else seemed to care, not even my mom.

“Where is Brian?” I questioned cuddling Haven to my chest, my stomach ached but I wouldn’t let them know yet, they’d take her away from me and get the doctor.

“When Danielle called us, he answered the phone and rushed us all up here, when he found out you were okay and he seen Haven, he left—“ Jimmy was explaining where Brian was when the door literally slammed open and Matt came barreling in with Zacky behind him. They were both sweating and out of breath, they apparently didn’t take the elevator.

“My baby,” Zacky gasped and stumbled to my bed, he stared down at Haven with wide eyes for about ten seconds and then like a rock, he hit the floor with a loud bang.

“He’ll be fine,” I stated rubbing my fingers over Haven’s little forehead. “Matt come and see your niece before she goes back to the nursery.”

Matt carefully stepped over Zacky, after hugging Val and sat down on the bed beside me. “Oh man,” he murmured when I handed over Haven to him, he cradled her with such care it almost brought a tear to my eye. “Wow…I can’t imagine having a daughter, I’m proud as can be just having a niece—no wonder Zacky hit the floor like a pansy.”

“Be nice,” I scolded him with a stern glare, he cowered and kissed Haven’s head sweetly. “Guys—my stomach hurts.”

“I’ll get the doctor,” Caty stood, stopped at the door and glanced down at Zacky. “And maybe some smelling salts from the nurse?”

“Just keep Haven in here for Zacky to see her, please,” I said softly, my eyelids drooped shut, I was tired as hell all of a sudden.


“I didn’t have to feel pain, I passed out and they did a C-section on me,” I stated happily, Caty was glaring a hole through me. She had just found out she was pregnant, by none other than Brian Haner. “They have drugs, it’ll be alright.”

“Fuck you, bitch,” she crossed her arms, she was scared to hell and back, can’t say I blame her there. She was delivering naturally. “Where is that son-of-a-bitch with my curly fries?”

Son-of-a-bitch: Brian. {A.K.A. :the bitch)

“Hiding if he knows what’s good for him,” I mumbled standing up with my glass of Pepsi in hand. I went downstairs, out the back door and trailed across the yard to my fully finished home, when I stepped inside I found out what was taking the son-of-a-bitch so long with the curly fries, he was stalling. “Smart man.”

“I’m about ready to kill her,” he spoke, holding the eight month old Haven in his arms, he gently handed her to Zacky and stood. “I should go get her fries now, huh?”

“I’d be a wise choice,” I nodded, noticing Zacky was walking to the bedroom with Haven, he was going to have his afternoon nap with his baby girl. “She’s emotional, remember how bad I was?”

“You were an angel compared to bi-polar bitch up there,” he grunted and walked to the door, I followed. “I like her but damn Bri—I don’t think I can deal with her much longer.”

“Should have thought about that before you dismissed protection there, Bri-Bri?” I smiled sadly as I patted his shoulder.

“You know,” he took a very deep breath as he turned to me fully, I stared at him expectantly. Then he kissed me.

I was so not expecting that.
♠ ♠ ♠

Here we go again.

Listen, not many of you are really commenting, I really do love how the loyal readers do but if you want me to post another I need at least five comments a chapter, I'm not asking much.
