‹ Prequel: Vengeance Banks In

The Gates of Hell

Like Whoa

“I cannot believe—no I actually can believe you did that,” he spoke loudly, gaining the attention of all the employees and brides-to-be and their family and friends. They gawked at the mans sprawled out figure and my statue figure standing over the top of him with what I assumed to have smirk on my face of triumph.

“Stop fighting with me,” I growled leaning down to a crouch in front of him, I poked my finger at his chest with every word, every poke earned a grimace. “It’s my wedding.”

“I’m sorry, my darling,” he spoke sweetly as he held his hands out as if he wanted me to help him up. Unfortunately, I did. My weakness was his frowning; well basically any of the guys looking sad was my weakness. He stood up and held his arms out, pulling me into a tight, breathtaking—literally, hug.

“Its okay,” I managed to escape the bone crushing hug and get a sweet and gentle hug, it actually earned a bunch of awes when I laid my head on his chest and he rested his chin on my head. I heard a couple additional awes besides my family and friends and glanced up to see the inhabitants of the bridal shop staring at Brian and I.

“You two are just so cute together,” the Betty woman spoke gushy like, I vaguely remember telling her he was my Made Of Honor but apparently she was what the girls and I call, true blond.

“We are just so in love,” Brian spoke before I could comment on him not being my…whatever. He squeezed my sides tighter and swished his face up into a bunny smile as I call it, I really had a strong urge to harm him.

“Brian, what the hell?” I heard that voice I have come to love so much, problem was it didn’t sound so happy and hyper, it kind of sounded pissed the fuck off. “Briony?”

“It is so not what it looks like,” I was going to explain more but Zacky’s laughing stopped dead in my tracks.

“Dude, its okay,” Zacky gently transferred me from Brian’s arms to his. “We got done, did you?”

“I’m confused,” I heard loud murmurs surrounding us but I ignored them and snuggled into Zacky’s warm embrace, it always felt like home.

“Yeah we got done,” I said quietly as he rubbed my back comfortingly in circular motion.

“Don’t be confused,” I heard Caty laughed loud but didn’t realize what she said until it was to late and I had arms surrounding me all over, the boys were hugging me and I felt smothered. The boys being Matt, Zacky of course, Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, Robert, Benji, Joel, Paul and Billy. A lot of fucking hands. “Briony, you okay?”

“I can’t breathe,” I gasped out, thankfully both Zacky and Matt shouted for everyone to, and I quote get the fuck off! and they listened well, they were off in seconds.

“Sorry,” Jimmy murmured and sweetly kissed the top of my head before he ran off to hide behind Leana, she grinned and wrapped her arms around his waist, giggling as she did.

“Wimp,” Caty and Danielle stated at the same time, both crossed their arms in bitch please stance and smirked at Jimmy, who flipped them off in return.

“Be nice,” I scolded them, Jimmy stuck his tongue out and laughed at the frowns that suddenly appeared on their faces, masking over the growing smirks.

“Let’s go,” Zacky picked me up by the waist and started walking backwards to the door, I knew his tone was meant as let’s go before we get kicked out, someone’s about to get into a fight because of the looks Jimmy, Caty and Danielle were sending each other.

“So the wedding is in two weeks, are you two getting cold feet yet?” Robert turned up at my side, after Zacky had set me down outside and grabbed my hand, intertwined it with his and started humming as he walked aimlessly forward.

“Nope,” I spoke knowingly, marrying Zacky was something I had come to realize was my one true wish; he’s everything I ever dreamed of and so much more.

“Nope,” Zacky mimicked me as he looked over at Robert with a playful grin on his lips. “Would you get cold feet if you were marrying this beauty?”

“Nope,” Robert laughed as he kissed my head and patted Zacky’s back before he slowed to be in step with Kassie.

“Are you nervous?” Zacky whispered leaning down to rest the side of his head against the top of mine, I let go of his hand and wrapped both of my arms around his waist, still walking it was quite the talent.

“Not a bit,” that would be somewhat of a lie, I was nervous about one thing. The wedding night, I figured if we waited until we were married, if I sucked in bed he’d have to deal with it or divorce me.

“Liar,” he grinned but left it at that. By the time we reached the house, everyone was irritable, Michelle had nearly bit off Brian’s head, Val was getting pissed at Matt for laughing at them, Caty was ready to kill Michelle for being a bitch and my mom was about to pull her hair out.

“Maybe we should,” I pointed off behind me. “You know, make them stop before a double homicide happens, or just plain massacre.”

“Good idea,” Zacky stopped walking and turned around, whistled loudly (my mom had taught him) and glared at everyone. “If you don’t stop fucking fighting I’m going to lock you out of the house, you got it?”

“Fine,” various comments were thrown but Zacky didn’t pay any attention, he just turned back around and slid his arm around my waist again.

“Alright,” he nodded his head down at me with a goofy smile on his face, he was proud of himself.

“Good job, baby,” I bounced up on my toes to kiss his lips, then I laughed when I heard an oh fuck this and a crunch of what sounded like a fist hitting a face. I turned, oh shit. It was a fist hitting a face, Caty’s fist and Michelle’s pretty face.
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