‹ Prequel: Vengeance Banks In

The Gates of Hell

In Love With A Girl

“Me!” I matched her tone, loud and shrill. “I left you!”

“With all those morons!” she continued, on a different subject I do believe. We were kind of drowning out everyone else that was fussing at Zacky.

“I did!” I agreed, my voice still high, her eyes widened and then narrowed.

“Why are you agreeing with me? I’m trying to be very pissed off at you but its hard when your owning up to everything,” she stated putting her hands on her hips.

“Oh, I thought we were having a state-the-obvious contest,” I tried to look serious but I failed at it. She smiled though, so I’m in the clear on that. “I’m sorry, Caty. But everyone was fighting and we wanted to be alone, Vegas seemed like a good idea at the time and we ran with it.”

“I’m glad your back,” she murmured before I was crushed into a hug, thankfully it didn’t last to long.

“I’m happy to be back,” I stated with a genuine smile, I had missed home and everyone apart of it. “So…what happened when we left?”

“Well, Brian was punched by all the guys, all at different times though. Michelle and Val got some swings in too, he left for awhile and came back apologizing,” she summed it up quite nice. “Now let me see the rock…”

“Yeah, he got me a new one in Vegas, its really pretty,” I showed her my solid white gold wedding band to her.

“That is so pretty,” she examined it for a good two minutes before Val and Michelle made their way over. “Oh Valarie, Michelle look at this.”

Guess that means they aren’t fighting anymore…

“That is beautiful,” Val said softly as she gazed down at my ring. “Let’s get to the point, shall we? Briony, are you having another wedding that we can actually come too?”

I laughed though I tried not to; Val was a hard-ass just like Matt when she needed too. Perfect coupling. “Yes, though it may be awhile,” I smirked when their serious expressions turned confused and curious.

“What the hell are you talking about a while and why are you smirking?” Val questioned putting her hands on her hips, she was getting irritated and annoyed by me, ha!

“I might be to fat,” I started off, “I’m pregnant,” I whispered so only they could hear, as soon as I said it their eyes widened more than I’ve ever seen happened before and they started squealing like piglets. “Shut up!”

“Why?” Michelle bounced on her toes like a child does when excited, it was actually quite funny to watch, I had to make myself stop staring.

“Because, I haven’t told Zacky yet, I found out this morning. I was going to surprise him with the news at dinner,” I explained with a hushed sound, they got the hint and obediently sat down on the couch. “Okay, so when are we eating?”

“We can go now if you want,” Matt strolled over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, he was close to suffocating me with his big, tight moobs (man boobs) when Zacky pulled me away. “Dude, I was hugging her!”

“Dude, you were also about to smother her to death,” Zacky laughed when I hugged his chest and pretended to be scared. “You traumatized my wife, man.”

“You like saying that don’t you?” Matt smiled wryly and crossed his arms over his chest. Zacky nodded happily as he squeezed my shoulders in a sideways embrace.

“Let’s go,” Johnny stood up from his recliner and helped my mom up off the couch beside it. “I’m starving.”

“Where did you get those clothes, by the way?” Danielle wondered out loud puling at my shirt, it wasn’t fancy but it wasn’t casual either, it was like a flower dress cut short and it was silver.

“Zacky bought us clothes in Vegas,” I glanced over at my husband at smiled, my husband. Sounds rather nice.

“Way to go Zack, more fucking clothes that I have to fit into her closet,” Caty grumbled lowly, she was right after all. She was the one I made stuff all of my clothes into my closet, I couldn’t and somehow she could.

“Um—iloveyou, you’re the best, Caty!” Zacky smiled innocently as he hid behind me. I laughed, I had too. They were hysterical in more ways than one.

When I arrived at the nearest restaurant with my big ass dysfunctional family, I was nervous as Jimmy in a roomful of born-again Christians, nothing against them but—they seemed to have a bad out look on big bad Jimmy, the scary tall drummer. “So—how was the honeymoon?” of course, Leana had to ask, of course I turned ten shades of red and of course, Zacky had to answer.

“It was fucking great,” he shouted enthusiastically, like my mother and step-father wasn’t just across from us, watching with amused disinterest.

“Zacky,” I grabbed the hand he had sitting on my leg and pinched his finger. He grimaced in pain and looked down at me like I had just confessed to being a guy. “Parents, across the table, glaring.”

“Oh,” he looked across the table at my mom and Johnny, who both forced smiles. “My bad, you guys. I’ll stop now, Leana no more damn questions.”

“Gotcha!” she winked and done the finger/’gun thing before she started ordering hers and Jimmy’s food.

We chatted for over an hour, catching up with each person at the table, I was real interested in—oh hell, I was just putting off the announcement and three girls at that table knew it, they weren’t so happy about it anyway. Val had mouthed a just do it and get it over with where Michelle and Caty kept sending me looks that could kill a mere person, good think I’m not a mere person, being around these goofs. “Alright everyone,” I stood and gathered all the attention, I had to hurry while the courage I collected was still intact. “I have some good news.”
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The chapter title sounds weird but I was listening to Gavin DeGraw...

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