Status: Suffering from writers block

Through the Eyes of an Immortal Teenager


I stalked over to my closet and grabbed the uniform that the maids left hanging on the door. At least the uniforms are some what sensible at this school for humans. The blouse is white with the schools emblem written in a royal purple on the upper left chest. The skirt a is plaid, it`s a darker purple then the purple used for the emblem on the blouse, with black and some white. There is an optional black jacket, and a tie that matches the skirt. If I wanted to wear pants they would be black, dress pants. The knee high socks can be one of three colours, white, black, or purple.

I got dressed as fast as possible. When I was done I was wearing I was wearing the black knee- highs, the skirt, the white blouse with the black jacket on top and the tie. My long black hair was tied in a high pony tail, my bangs hung a little past my hazel eyes. My makeup was done lightly, a little bit of mascara and eyeliner, with purple eye shadow and clear lip gloss. I walked down the stairs with a sour look on my face. I walked past my parents’ room, hearing their soft breathing on the other side of the door.
I shook my head, so unfair. I thought. At the bottom of the stairs I was greeted by a cheery maid.

“Good morning, Miss. Wynter!”

I just looked at her, it`s amusing, she knows that I’m a vampire and here she is talking to a very cranky one. Well she’s not really human either, so she really doesn’t have a reason to be afraid. This young maid is an Enchantress more commonly known as a witch; it is because of this she doesn’t have to be afraid, she could protect herself with spells.

“Breakfast is prepared Miss. Wynter!” She pranced

“Yeah, uh thanks.” I said to her, I think her name was Catherine.

I walked to the kitchen. On the table there was a plate that had toast, eggs, and bacon, a small dish with some fruits in it. Beside the plate there was a glass of water and beside that a wine glass of blood. I walked to the table, and downed the blood. As I licked my lips Catherine poured me another glass. This time I downed it slowly, so as to savour the taste. It`s not as good as when drinking it from the source, but at least its real blood. My parents have contacts at the blood clinic, so it`s fairly easy to get blood, especially since the contacts are Vampires.

I ate my breakfast and finished getting ready. I grabbed my shoulder bag, and walked out the front door. I walked down the steps of the manor to the sleek black car. I stepped into the back of the car, said hi to Peter, the driver. He smiled at me, I made an attempt to smile back.
Peter is about 18 in vampire years; he has messy brown hair, and kind green eyes. He’s a lower class Vampire, and is older than he looks, well in human terms any way. He has been driving me for a number of years, and I’ve known him even longer.

“How do you do it?” I asked

“Do what?” He responds

“How do you bear the sunlight when driving me to school?”

“I grew used to it, plus the windows are tinted.” He smiled

I nodded.

I forgot to say, Peter is easy to talk to, that would probably be because I have known him since I was a kid.

“You don’t seem too enthused” He said in a joking tone.

“Do I ever seem enthused in the morning?”

“No, not unless its night time, you know the more you detest the sunlight the harder it will be to ignore it.”

I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed.

“Jeez if you are like this at this time in the morning I would hate to see you on the brightest hours of the day.” He said jokingly.

“You really don’t want to know.”

“I figured as much, we’re here.” He said pulling into the school parking lot.
I nodded

“Thanks for the ride.” I said, with a small smile on my face.

“Any time Wynter.”

I smiled, and ran for the doors of the school the sooner out of the sunlight, the better. I barely made it to the door when my name was called.

I turned around, just in time to see, Sonia jump on me. I staggered back and grunted.

“What was that for?”I glowered

Sonia passed her hand through her white blond hair. “I thought I’d catch you off guard.” She giggled.

I shook my head.

“Yeah? Well I defiantly wasn’t expecting that, you almost knocked me down.”

“Sorry about that.” She giggled.

I smiled.

Sonia is a noble vampire who is also my best friend; she is half human and so very capable of withstanding the sunlight. We are two of the three vampire teenagers in this high school. Every one else is human, all 1000 of them. The other Vampire teen at this high school is a boy, his name is Ace. He is Sonia’s older brother, and unlike his younger sister he is full vampire.

“Where’s your brother?” I asked Sonia.


I jumped and turned around. Standing so close to me I could feel his breath, was Ace.

“What the hell are you doing there?!”

“Where?” He asked

I glowered

“You scared the SHIT out of me.”

“That was the point sweet heart, and it’s not my fault you are jumpy today.”

I glared at him

“I’m sorry grouchy.”
I growled.
“Wynter why are jumpy today? You are rarely ever jumpy, pissed yeah, but not jumpy.” Asked Sonia.
“It`s the sunlight, and well I have a bad feeling.”
Sonia nodded and Ace walked off.
I shook my head, as we headed to our lockers, Sonia and I had ours side by side. We deposited our stuff and went to class. Sonia and I headed to English class; we are both in grade 10.
“So what do you think that bad feeling was about?” Sonia asked
“I don’t know, and I really don’t care, at the moment I am only worried about what I might do to the humans in the room.”
Sonia giggled.
“It’s funny, that you haven’t realized that as long as you don’t THINK about the enticing scent of the humans, you won`t be effected as much by their scent.”
“Easy for you to say, you are a half human, remember?” I joked
“How could I forget Wynter?” She said batting her eyelashes “But there’s one thing you need to remember, I may be half human, but my lust is equal to yours, I just know how to IGNORE it.” She giggled.
I smiled
I blinked.
“Of course not, why on earth would you think that?”
Class has started, huh, I haven’t even heard the bell...
Out side of her class room a group of men sat hidden and staring in through the window, eyes trained on Wynter and her companion. They waited and watched, as the girls took part in the class. Soon they thought, these girls have no IDEA about what lay in store for them. Nor would they, and when they do find out it just may be too late, for the both of them. The men smiled, as they continued to think of what they would do next...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ace's name is just a nick name, I have yet to figure out what for.

Comment and tell me what you think please.