When You Came Along


"Heads up loser!" A shout came from across the oval. A giant tennis ball came whizzing through the air and hit an unexpected girl on the head.

"Oww," Alisa shouted, from underneath her tree.

Two boys came running towards her in the distance. Yeah, you better run, 'cos you'll be running for a long time to get back this ball, Alisa sneered. She walked over to where the tennis ball lay on the ground, picked it up and kicked it as hard as she could across the other oval, it went so far that it hit the roof of a house. It rolled to the gutter but went no further. that'll show them.

The two boys ran up to her, puffing from running so far. "Hey! What was that for?" One of them asked.

For being a total jerk "For hitting me in the head with your stupid tennis ball," She answered back.

"We said heads up," the other boy said.

"Yeah, that doesn't give you the right to kick it over the fence!" The first boy said.

"But I wasn't kicking it over the fence, who's to say I wasn't kicking it to you." Idiots.

"Oh nice try Alisa, but we'll get you for this one!" the first boy sneered.

"Do your worst Tony, it'll never be good enough, just like you." Alisa laughed.

Thats it, the anger welled up inside of him and he couldn't control it anymore. He pulled his arm back over his head and then thrust it forward with so much power and speed that no one would have seen it coming. His fist collied with Alisa's face, and she fell back.

"Woah! Dude, you never hit a girl!" Said Tony's friend.

"Shut up, Eric!" She got what was coming to her, a triumphant smile on his lips.

Tony, Tony, Tony, will you ever learn. Alisa smiled and stood up, she could taste the blood on her lips but she didn't care. "You see Tony, this is exactly why you never get me back for anything," Alisa turned around to where a crowd was swarming towards and started moaning tears in her eyes.

I can't believe it, tony punched his fist against the tree, she did it to me again.

"Not the smartest thing to do, Tony," a voice with an air of authority spoke to him, "how could you do this to a fellow classmate? And you Eric, for letting it happen. A weeks detention Eric and we'll discuss your punishment in my office after school Tony." She turned towards Alisa, a kind smile on her lips, "Come now dear, lets wash that blood off," she led her towards the school buildings.

"Thanks a lot Tony!" Eric shouted turning off towards the oval.

"Yeah well," he started Why? Why, does she always do this to me, why the hell does she hate me so much? The answer was plan and simple, because he hated her and vise versa, It had always been that way. He didn't know why. They were just born enemies. And he was the one that always got the smaller end of the bon bon. Alisa had always been one step ahead of him, playing on his weaknesses, but he didn't know hers. Which is why he always lost.


Alisa sat in the nurse's office, with a tissue trying to stop the bleeding coming from her nose. She was mad at Tony for giving her a blood nose, but also really happy that it had gotten him into trouble.

"Well dear," the nurse came over, "It's not broken so you're free to go back to class, but you are more than welcome to stay here until the bleeding subsides."

"Thank you miss," she said standing up, "But it's just about stopped now, I'll just take a few tissues to go."

"Okay dear," the nurse said, turning away.

Alisa left the nurse's office and headed to class. She had lied about her nose, it was still bleeding pretty badly. But she would be seeing Tony in class and she couldn't wait for an opportunity to make him feel bad, or embarrassed.