Dear Me

Jeepers Creepers

August 3rd, 2008

Dear Me,

So today at work I was so stinking bored that I actually (get this) actually talked to one of the customers. And not just any customer. You know me, hate random people.

But this customer was not random.

Oh boy, he wasn't random. In fact, I deliberately chose to talk to him because he kept staring at me. It was seriously getting annoying. I absolutely hate it when people stare at me - even if he's hot. And it just pissed me off!

So finally, after being stared at for five continuous minutes, I grabbed my wash towel (that stinks like bleach) and pretended to go wash tables. While his was last, I stopped and talked to him and told him he could take a picture, because pictures last longer. I made him blush. I guess he didn't realize he was staring.

Total.Boy. Stupid.Boy. Hot. Boy.

I've seen him around a few times, but just this time he decided to stare at me. GAH! I HATE THAT!

Anyway, so his name is Joe. And he did take a picture of me! He said, and I quote, "I need more pictures of hot girls in my phone."

Can we say Creeper?

So, yeah. Not much else happened. I really should write in here every day, I just...don't. Sorry. Please forgive me?

Who am I kidding? I'm writing letters to myself. You're an idiot, Kristin.

Well, I am pretty sure I need to go get my hair cut and colored since now I have a little bit of money. So I guess, until next time.

And so it goes,

- Me
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This is kinda my 'when I feel like it' story. And I think I just finished BB Good, so I decided to write more on this one.

Lemme know your thoughts.