Grand Theft Autumn

Alexa Vergara was introduced to Mike Pritchard by Billie Joe, as soon as they meet, they like eachother. When they go on to high school together, they meet new friends, and start going out with other people knowing that they like eachother. They share something special together even though they regret it cause they are with someone else. But Mike finds something out about Alexa's boyfriend. Sometimes he wonders WHERE IS ALEXA'S BOY TONIGHT?
  1. First Time
    Alexa and Mike meet
  2. SEX ED! at age 10?
    Yeah i actually had to do this at my school when I was 10 and this is exactly what happened
  3. Billie's Dad
    I'm sure you know if you read the title
  4. Mike's Place
  5. This could be the last time
    we finally are done with the eigth grade ! NOW HIGH SCHOOL!! (kinda short and stupid)
  6. Our First Kiss