Grand Theft Autumn

Our First Kiss

“Yo quiero ir a Colombia y ver a la familia, y para que Alexa conozca a la familia otra vez.” I over heard mi mama say.
“ No se, porque yo creo que ella preferia estar con sus amigos este verano para las fiestas de graduacion.” I heard my dad say. And it was true that is what I wanted to do.
“I hope not.” my mom said.


“Hey Billie! HEY MIKE! I miss you guys so much!” I said screaming into the phone.
“We miss you a lot, we really wish you were here with us.” Mike said.
“I know, its sucks here, it so different here in Colombia, I wish I was in Cali with you guys.
“Why aren’t your parents letting you go to one of the parties though?” Billie asked.
“Cause they want me to see my family here and I haven’t seen them for at least ten years now so yeah.......”
“Well that sucks.”
“I know, well I gotta go now but I’ll try calling you back.”
“BYE!” they yelled into the phone.

I’ve been here for a few days now, its not so bad here, I remember all of my cousins but I gotta speak to them in Spanish which is kinda hard cause I forgot how to but its coming back to my head once again. There is this boy, Eduardo, he is one of my cousin’s friends, I can never stop flirting with him but I still have a crush on Mike. Eduardo is really cute, he has blue eyes, black hair, he is really nice to me all the time and he is really funny.My cousin Natalia has a crush on him too but she doesn’t want to fight over him but I can tell she is jealous which makes me laugh a little bit.

*Natalia’s P.O.V.*

I was getting sick of it, seeing them two together got me really pissed. Whenever Eduardo came over, all he wanted to do was talk to Alexa. Now there going somewhere, probably the park or something.


I followed them.

God I’m so pathetic. They were getting really close, both are smiley and happy and now there holding hands. My anger is starting to get the better of me and I really have the urge just to go over there and slap her. Then they just stopped walking, they face each other and stare into each other’s eyes.

*My P.O.V.*

This is the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! I am so glad I get to stay for the whole summer.

Eduardo and I stopped walking, and then he just stared at me. Oh my god, I know its gonna sound like a stupid teen romance movie, but he has such nice blue eyes. Then I started to see Mike. His blue eyes and blonde hair. Then his face got closer to mine.

And closer and closer until then we sealed a kiss. My first kiss. I smiled after that, he walked me home, but neither of us said anything on the home. He held my hand and then we got their and said our goodbyes.

I ran upstairs to my room and jumped up and down on my bed. But then I realized something.
Something that I felt so guilty about.

*next day*

I called Billie but he didn’t answer the phone but then I remembered that in the U.S. they are three hours behind, so that means its 7:09 a.m. He’s probably not awake yet.

Bored, there was nothing to do today. Probably could talk to Natalia but she’s been acting weird last night with me.

“Good morning.” I said to her.
She didn’t answer back.
“Um, good morning?” No answer from her again.
“Natalia is there something wrong?” She gave me the thumb. I was surprised that she would really be pissed off at me like that. The phone rang.

Saved by the bell

“Hey Alex, its Billie”
“Oh Hey, what’s up?”
“Having fun in Cali, how about you?”
“I’m actually enjoying it here a lot. I met this guy and I think I like him a lot.”

“Well that’s gonna break someone’s heart.” he mumbled into the phone.
“What did you say?”
“Oh nothing, so what’s his name?”
“Billie what did you just say?”
“I didn’t say anything
“Yes you did!” I said with a bit of anger.
“Nu uh!”
“Yeah huh!”
“Nu uh” He yelled. I started to get really pissed off.
“Oh my god,” he said in a girly voice “I just heard you swear for the first time, you are such a bad girl.” he kept saying in his girly girl voice, I could hear him laughing.
“Billie don’t change the subject! What the hell did you just say?!”
“You know people could hear you and your gonna get punished for being a bad ass.”
“Nu uh, cause nobody in my family understands or speaks English except for my parents and they aren’t here right now.”
“Ooooo, makes me wonder what they are doing right now.” he said pervertedly.
“Stop changing the subject and tell me now dammit!”
“Oh my god, YOU SWORE AGAIN!” he said in his girly voice.
“Billie, if you don’t tell me now I’m gonna beat your ass when I come back.”
“Ok, ok, well, Mike has a gigantic crush on you.”

A smile crept on my face as I bit my lower lip.

“Really?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yah! So like maybe you should like come back and like um I don’t know like he could be your boyfriend.” he said in his girly voice once again. I just laughed at him.


The thought of Mike liking me made me smile for the whole day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just want to let you guys know that when I wrote that she gave me the thumb that’s like giving someone the middle finger, except what you do is that you put your thumb between you index finger and the middle finger but you have to make sure you can see the thumb