Just Girl

rain drops and deadly personalities

I open Phil, and the world goes quiet from my point of view. The last page, the evil page. The seven names of the seven people who don't deserve the respect they get.

Charlie Patterson=Lauden Mishamait was are new exchange student for Iraq. He was awesome. Charlie thought it would be funny to stick a fake bomb in his locker. Lauden was in tears. The police came and brought him away, and he was so scared. I could see it in his eyes. The fear, he just wanted people to like him. Charlie was laughing behind the doors of the school entrance. I couldn't believe it, the lengths people will go to hurt others. It will come back to him. Karma is a bitch.

Maria Sanchez=Two Abortions in one year. This girl thinks it the shit to exchange fake love for passing grades, until she got pregnant. Then she got herpes from the Janitor. I don't know what grade she was getting with that tutor session. The she gave out herpes in goody bags to the boys of the sophomore class. All i can day is that she plays the younger boys and gets played the older men. Her life is one twisted game.

As i skim through the page i come to the last name. Daniel Shepard, this is the kid that makes my heart melt. When i see him he makes me want to just stop and sing a love song to him. Maybe thats weird to most but he is that amazing. When i dream he is there. He will always be in there somewhere. Cause you know what they say, a dream is a wish the heart makes. He works at Starbucks so now i have an obsession with coffee. He smiles at me all the time.
I liked him Freshmen year. He use to look at me in all the classes we had together. Three to be exact, and i thought he liked me to. Then he told me he didn't after i shared and Oreo with him. Oh the Audacity. Sometimes i want him to hurt for the Oreos sake.
Though i do want him, but there is no chance. No chemistry and no love. Its sick really.

As i am in Sophie world i hear the car door shut from outside my bedroom window. Its my sister Sybil and my father. He had gone to the store, i waited and then he opened my door, sat down the five containers of Oreos and then picked up the 15 dollars of my dresser and left. He doesn't talk to me anymore, he thinks i need help and that i just want attention. He use to think i was pretty cool too. Then he just changed. Its all because of...?

Sybil oh Sybil, she is on my list just because i hate her. What can i say i am a blunt person. She thinks she is the best, and yet she is. She has a 4.0. GPA. She has a Ken Doll boyfriend and my parents think she does no wrong. Yet she has had her stomach pumped twice, stole money out of my fathers wallet for Cocaine and she has been Bulimic since we were like 10. Yet she and my parents still think I'm the messed up one.

I open my Oreos and pull the Blankets over me. I grab my labtop and look through google. Weird hobby i know but i like to google things and just open my mind up to things. About six Oreos later, i close the labtop stick the Oreos on my dresser and get comfy. Its still raining. The drops put me to sleep with there own little melody.
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thankful, your awesome.