Warmness on the Soul

Come On, Come Out

I woke up for the 10th time, blinking my eyes and glanced at the clock on my desk. I sighed and sat up, stretching and yawning. "I can't believe this..." I said out loud. I went to bed at 1 in the morning and only managed to get 3 hours of sleep. I would wake up every single time a noise could be heard. I was so scared that someone would enter my house, scared that this someone could be one of the men that attacked me only a couple of hours ago, that I couldn't close my eyes for more than 15 minutes before reopening them again and looking around my room.

I shivered as I pulled the covers off of me, getting up instantly and making my way to the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and splashed water on my face, trying to wash the tiredness away. I looked at myself in the mirror, my shoulder length jet black hair was tangled and my mascara had left smudges under my dark colored eyes. I sighed and picked up a towel, making my way towards the shower, turning the water on. I put the towel near by and got in, feeling the hot water splash against my skin, making me feel better instantly. I felt the droplets fall onto my face and closed my eyes, feeling my body relaxing.

I stepped out of the shower several minutes later as the phone rang. I raised an eyebrow, wondering who would be calling me. I didn’t have anything planned for the day and the only person I hung out with most of the time, was with her boyfriend and told me she wasn’t going to be there all weekend long. I picked up the phone beside my bed and held it to my ear, not bothering looking at the caller ID.

“Hello?” I asked through the receiver.

“Haylee?” A male voice asked on the other end of the phone.

“Yes, may I know who’s speaking?” I asked.

“It’s Brian.” He replied. A small smile appeared on my lips as I heard his name.

“Hi Brian!” I said, sounding almost too happy, feeling the same butterflies from ‘last night’ coming back to life.

“Hey beautiful, how are you feeling this morning?” He asked. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm good, didn't get much sleep though..." I replied. I was having such a hard time focusing on what he was saying, I was just too excited that none other than the SYNYSTER GATES himself, had called me and was talking to me on the phone.

"Hello? Haylee? Are you there?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry... what were you saying?" I asked shyly.

"I asked if everything was ok and if you wanted to hang with me and the guys today?" He said.

He had no clue how his offer made me feel. I felt the butterflies growing bigger and smiled widely.

"I would love to!" I replied without hesitating
"Awesome! I'll pick you up in... Let’s say... 15 minutes?" He asked.

"Great!" I said, a huge smile plastered on my face. I just couldn't help it...

Think about it, you get a whole day with Avenged Sevenfold! What fan of theirs wouldn't like that?

"Well I'll see you in a few! Peace!" He said, making me giggle.

"Bye!" I replied, probably a little too excitedly.

I hung up the phone and made my way back into the bathroom. I applied some black eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my hairdryer and dried my hair, putting a little of volume in it. Once I was satisfied with my look, I walked to my room and pulled out my black skinny jeans and a Guns 'N' Roses t-shirt. I put on my socks and my DC shoes and looked at myself one last time. "Not too bad..." I smiled.

I heard a knock on the door and made my way downstairs, getting nervous all of a sudden. I looked through the peephole and couldn't see anything, it was completely black. I looked into the peephole again, confused as to why it was pitch black.

"Guess who!" I heard on the other side of the door.

I smiled widely and opened the door, earning a 'Woah!' from Brian as he fell towards me.
The only thing I saw before landing on my ass, was Brian staring at me with his eyes wide open and his mouth agape in surprise. I fell on my ass and was pushed further onto the ground as Brian fell on top of me with his arms on either side of me, holding himself so he wouldn't crush me under his weight.

"Well, this is certainly a different way of being welcomed into a house." He said, smiling down at me. My hands were pressed against his chest and I could feel him breathing against my face.

I let a small giggle escape my lips and looked up into his eyes shyly, feeling my cheeks burning. "Are you alright?" He asked, getting up slowly and taking one of my hands into his, helping me up as well.

"Yes." I nodded with a small smile.

"Phew! I thought I had crushed you!" He said with a smirk, earning another giggle from me. Boy, if he knew how absolutely sexy he looked. "So, ready to go?" He asked. I nodded, looking down at my hand. It was then that it hit me that he was still holding my hand. "Alright, let's get going." He continued, pulling me towards his ride. I took the time to look him up and down while he had his back turned towards me. He was wearing a sleeveless Pantera shirt, black pants and a pair of Harley Davidson boots.

When I finished examining him, my eyes fell on the most beautiful motorcycle I had ever seen. Brian stopped beside it and tapped the seat. "Well Haylee Davidson, I'm happy to present to you my Harley Davidson." He smiled sheepishly at what he had just said.
I giggled and made my way closer to the bike. It was so beautiful; it was all black with stainless steal. It looked like a chopper although the front wheel was a little less far away from the rest of the bike and the seat was wide enough to sit two people.

"It's beautiful!" I said walking around and looking at it from every angle possible.

"I have 5 of them; all of them are different and unique." He smiled. He watched me as I slid a hand along the seat. "What are you waiting for? Go ahead and sit!" He added.

I sat on it and sighed. I always wanted one of these. It reminded me of my father.

"What's wrong?" He asked, gazing at me. I probably looked deep in thoughts... that or I was a grinning like a maniac and he thought I was crazy.

"I was just thinking..." I replied.

"About what?" He asked, his eyes never leaving me.

"My father. He was the one to give me the name Haylee. He was a huge Harley Davidson fan." I admitted with a smile.

"Well that explains the similarity." He said with a grin.

"Yeah, he had one when I was younger but sold it after his best friend, my godfather, died of a motorcycle accident." I explained.

"I'm sorry to hear..." He replied with a frown.

"It's ok..." I said. "So, are we going?" I asked after a short minute of silence.

"Alright, let's go!" He replied

He sat in front of me and told me to wrap my arms around his waist. I did as I was told, feeling his strong muscles moving under my tight grip on his firm body. I smiled against his back and closed my eyes, feeling the wind blowing against my face as he started driving slowly down the road. He turned around the corner and picked up speed. I could feel my hair floating in the air and smiled. I loved the sound of a Harley Davidson and the feeling of freedom you had when you were riding a motorcycle.

The ride took about 25 minutes. Once in a while Brian would ask me if I was ok, making sure I was comfortable.

He parked the bike beside a couple of other Harley Davidson.

"Seems like the guys are already here." He said.

I looked at him, completely oblivious to what he had said and he smiled. "Those are their bikes." He explained, pointing at the Harley Davidsons that I was looking at in awe.

"You guys have great rides." I replied, still looking at all of their bikes.

"Thanks, I-" He started.

"Hey! Haylee, Brian!" I heard someone say from behind us. We turned around and saw Matt making his way towards us. "It was about time you guys arrived, we've been waiting for you for almost an hour." He continued, hugging me tight.

"Sorry dude, I left a little later than I told you." Brian replied. "So where are the guys?" He replied looking over his friend's shoulder.

"We haven't eaten anything so we were about to grab burgers and shakes. They're waiting in line, I said I'd go and take a look if you guys were there." He replied.

"Alright. Are you hungry?" Brian asked, turning his head towards me.

"A little actually..." I replied, feeling my stomach growling at the smell of fast food filling the air.

We made our way towards the little restaurant which was outside. There were picnic tables everywhere and the place was filled with people. It was a beautiful day and we were by the beach so it was nothing new.

I felt someone put his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to his body. I looked up and saw Matt smiling down at me.

"What do you want to eat? It's on me." He said with a wink.

"You don't have to..." I replied shyly.

"I know I don't have to, I want to." He replied.

We stopped behind a couple of people who were waiting in line. I looked up at the menu and the images, wondering what I wanted to eat.

"Have you made your choice?" Matt asked, after a while.

"I think I'll take a cheeseburger with fries and a Dr.pepper." I replied shyly. I felt a little uncomfortable about making him pay for my food. I mean, yeah, it's only a 5 dollar lunch, but still...

"Good choice." He said with a smile.

After a good 10 minutes of waiting, it was finally our turn to order.

"Hello, what is it going to be?" The cashier asked, looking at the both of us.

"She'll have a cheeseburger, fries and a dr.pepper. I'll have 2 cheeseburgers, fries and a coke." He replied.

"It'll be $16,59." she replied.

He took his wallet out and handed her a 20, waiting for the change. "You can sit with the guys over there, I got this." Matt said, grabbing the change from the girl and pointing towards the table where the guys were eating and talking.

I nodded and thanked him. I made my way towards the table as Zacky waved at me. "Hey look who's here!" He exclaimed.

"Hi guys!" I replied with a smile. I felt my cheeks burning as I got closer to them. They were all staring at me with big smiles.

Brian tapped the space next to him. "I saved you a place." He smiled. He was so sweet. I sat down next to him and waved at the guys.

"How did you sleep?" Johnny asked, a fry in one hand and his burger in the other.

"Alright." I replied.

"You're lying." Brian said matter-of-factly, nudging me with his elbow.

I chuckled and nudged him back playfully. "No I'm not!" I replied

"Well, it's funny though, I remember talking to you two hours ago and getting a different answer when I asked you that." He said, squinting his eyes at me.

"Ok, true, true! I didn't sleep too well, I kept waking up." I admitted.

"Because of those two assholes?" Zacky asked.

I just nodded and looked down at my hands nervously.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt you anymore." He continued. "We made sure of that." he added with a smirk.

"I seriously can't thank you guys enough. I owe-" I started.

"You don't owe us anything." Matt said, cutting me off, putting the tray on the table and sitting down in front of me. "I told you yesterday and I'll tell you again, we helped you because we wanted to. Because you needed our help. Plus, the biggest reward we could ask for was for you to be safe and you are." he continued.

I looked at everyone and they all nodded in agreement. I felt my cheeks burning once more as they all returned their looks towards me. I turned my gaze back to Matt, who was watching me intensely. He flashed me one of his famous smiles, showing off his sexy dimples.

"Here you go." He said, giving me my food.

"Thank you." I replied, grabbing it from him.

The guys started to make small talk amongst themselves, while I ate and watched them silently. I could feel Matt gazing at me once in a while and every time I would look up at him, he'd smile or wink at me.

"Well, you're quite the chatterbox." Brian said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah! Would you please shush? We're trying to have a conversation here!" Johnny said jokingly, throwing his arms in the air and accidentally knocking Zacky's drink, which fell all over Jimmy who was sitting in front of him.

"Dammit!" He said, standing up and picking a couple of napkins off of his tray. He looked up and glared at Johnny, who in return, stared back at him with a hand in front of his mouth, obviously holding back his laughter.

The guys and I started laughing, making Johnny burst into fits of laughter as well.

"Yeah, you all laugh!" He said, pointing an accusing finger at all of us. "You'll pay for this." He continued, directing his threat to Johnny.

"Oh I'm scared!" He teased.

"You'll be scared... Oh yes you will..." Jimmy replied.

"You won't be able to hurt me." Johnny said confidently.

"Really, what makes you think that?" He asked, sitting back down.

"Haylee will protect me!" He replied, looking at me with a big grin.

Everyone stared at me as I looked back at Johnny with a confused expression. "What!?" I replied with wide eyes.

"Oh! She speaks!" He said as if it was a miracle, making the guys chuckle.

Brian hugged me to his side even tighter, if that was even possible and smiled down at me.
"Are you always quiet like that?" Zacky asked.

"Well.. I, um...-" I started, looking down at my hands. Geez, what was I supposed to tell them. 'I'm a huge fan of yours and I'm just a little in awe right now? This would sound stupid.

"Are you okay?" Brian whispered into my ear.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I replied. "I know I don't talk a lot... I just... It's kind of unreal..." I continued.

"What's unreal?" He asked, almost in a whisper. I could feel his hot breath near my ear and it gave me butterflies.

"This. Being with you guys right now." I explained. "I've been a fan since Sounding The Seventh Trumpet." I admitted, feeling my cheeks burning for the 100th time. "I would never have, not in a million years, imagined I'd ever meet you guys." I continued. I felt quite ridiculous at this point, but I had to get it off my chest. My face felt so hot, I'm sure people could spot me from a mile away.

"That's awesome. We're really flattered!" Matt spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah! What's your favorite song?" Johnny asked.

"Gosh, that's a hard question." I said, looking down at the table and staring at the empty tray in front of me. "I'd say Unholy Confessions, but then again, I love all of your songs." I replied.
"Oh, awesome." Zacky smiled. "What other bands do you listen to? I couldn't help but notice you're wearing a Guns 'N' Roses t-shirt." He said.

"Haha, yes, I love GNR." I replied, returning the smile. "I also listen to Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Iron Maiden, Danzing, Misfits... The list goes on and on." I continued.

"Well you definitely have great music taste. You know, since we're in there." He said, making me smile and giggle.

The guys asked me what concerts I went to and what bands I liked the most live. Our conversation lasted a good hour or so.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could go for a swim right now." Jimmy said.
"Me too!" Brian replied, putting his arms in the air and stretching. He got up and stretched his legs as well. "Uh oh... I forgot to ask her to bring her bathing suit." He added, looking down at me.

"It's cool man. I'll take her to her place; we'll meet you guys at Zacky's house." Matt said, making his way around the table and standing next to me. He put his hand on the small of my back and looked down at me. "Well, if it's cool with you." He added.

"Sure." I replied with a smile.

"I could take her you know." Brian said.

"It's cool man, I got this." Matt replied, guiding me out of the group and towards the motorcycles.

The walk to the bikes was pretty short. He showed me which one was his and motioned for me to sit on it. It was a little bigger than Brian's. It was black and grey, with a drawing of a skull. It was amazing. He sat in front of me and told me the same thing Brian had said to me earlier. I wrapped my arms around his waist, feeling his muscles move under my grip. Boy this guy sure is big, I thought to myself. He started to motorcycle and we were off to my house a few seconds later.

The ride back to my house seemed shorter. Maybe because I was wrapped in my thoughts and enjoying myself on the motorcycle too much.

He parked in front of my house and got off the bike, helping me get off as well. I led the way to my door and unlocked it, making my way inside, followed by Matt.

“Nice place.” He said, looking around the place.

“Thank you.” I smiled. “You can wait in the living room, I won’t be too long.” I continued. He nodded and sat down on one of the couches, grabbing one of the many Rolling Stone magazines I had on the little table beside it.

I walked upstairs to my room and grabbed my black bikini with skulls. I went into the bathroom and changed, putting my clothes back on afterwards. I glanced at myself in the mirror quickly and refreshed my make-up. Once I was satisfied with my look, I stepped out of the bathroom and got back downstairs. I saw Matt sitting on the couch patiently and looking out the window.

I walked into the living room slowly, not wanting to startle him. “Ready already?” He asked, turning his gaze towards me. I smiled and nodded. “Well you were telling the truth when you said you wouldn’t be too long.” He said with a grin. “I like that about a girl.” He added, making me blush instantly.

He got up and walked to me. “Alright, let’s get going.” He said, opening the front door and letting me walk out before him. He followed me out and shut the door, waiting for me to lock it.

As I was putting my keys back into my purse, I thought about someting and grabbed my wallet.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked watching me with a confused look.

"This." I said, handing him ten dollars. He looked down at my hand and chuckled.

"Why are you giving me this?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Because you paid for my lunch and I feel really bad. You did enough for me, you didn't have to buy me food." I retorted, earning another chuckle from him.

"I have plenty of money. Ten buck isn't going to ruin me." He replied.

I grabbed his hand, put the money into his large palm and turned around, preparing to walk away but was too slow. He caught me by the wrist and turned me back around. "Please, keep it. I offered to pay because I wanted to." He said, slipping the money back into my hand. He walked away, leaving me standing there. I sighed and put the money back into my wallet, following him.

We settled ourselves on his motorcycle and were on our way to Zacky’s place. I felt the wind blowing against my face and smiled. This was for sure, one of the best days of my life. Even with what had happened the day before, I couldn’t help but smile.

The bike stopped and I felt Matt’s hand on my forearm, giving it a squeeze and looking above his shoulder to me. “We’re almost there.” He said, flashing me his dimpled smile. I looked in front of us and noticed we were at a red light. “You enjoying yourself?” He asked. I smiled and said yes. “Great, that’s all I needed to know.” He continued. He turned his gaze back in front of him and the light went back to green seconds later, letting us continuing on our way to Zacky’s.

Yes, this was, without a doubt, the best day of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not so sure about this chapter. I liked how I started it, but then I had another fun writter's block and yeah anyway.

Fortunately, Danni was there to help me ^_^. She rocks!!! I want to thank her for helping me out with everything. This girl is kick ass. Go read her stories. Damsel_of_darkness!

Also, thank you to everyone of subscribed and wrote comments about my story. I appreciate it a lot, seriously!

Please tell me what you guys think about it.

The title comes from the band A Fine Frenzy.