Warmness on the Soul

You Picked Me

The ride to Zacky's house was absolutely delightful. Boy oh boy, how much I liked riding on the motorcycle. I was almost disappointed when Matt turned into what I could only imagine being Zacky's driveway and stopped the bike. I looked at the house, or should I say mansion, that stood in front of me. It was big, enormous and, you guessed it, amazing.

Matt helped me get off the Harley and watched me, big smile on his face. "Bigger than you imagined?" He asked, chuckling at my surprised expression.

"Yeah, well no... I mean, I knew you guys probably had big houses but I mean. I thought my house was average in size, now I'm not so sure anymore." I said making him laugh.

He guided me towards the backyard where I heard someone sing "Who wears short shorts? We wear short shorts!" Matt turned around and smiled down at me. "Don't mind him... He's always like that," He explained to me, nodding his head towards Jimmy, whom was running around the pool in his... Thong? "What the hell?" I thought, giggling.

"Geez man! Put your shorts back on, you're scaring Haylee!" Zacky said, pointing at me.

"He's not only scaring Haylee, he's scaring me too!" Johnny admitted, hiding his face with his hands.

I saw Brian sitting next to him laughing his ass off at the little display Jimmy was doing.

I tore my gaze away as Zacky made his way towards Matt and I, handing me a Mojito and a beer to his friend. "Danni makes the greatest Mojitos!" He said with a huge smile.

"Oh really?" I said, taking a sip of my drink and looking down at it, nodding in agreement. "Wow, she does! But, who's Danni?" I asked, taking another sip of the delightful drink.

"Ohhh Danni's the love of my life!" He replied, with a smile that was as bright as the sun.

"Is she here?" I asked, smiling back in return. I noticed Matt was still standing beside me, watching Zacky and I talking.

"Yes! She went to change into her bathing suit." He replied.

"How long have you two been together?" I asked.

"A year now." He smiled.

"How did you meet? I mean... I hope I'm not asking too many personal questions, you don't have to-" I started.

"It's cool! No problem, don't worry about it. It's a funny story actually." He said, pausing to take a sip of his beer. I looked at him, very curious as to what the story was. "We were doing this show in San Antonio and Jason came up to me with this box, telling me a fan gave it to him and said it was from one of her friends in Australia. Since I didn't know if the box was to someone in particular in the band, I waited until all the guys were there with me to see what was inside. When we got back on the bus I showed the box to the guys and we opened it, noticing there were gifts for all of us. I thought it was very cute and awesome that a fan would have thought of sending us stuff that represented her country. I looked at the name on the box and it said Danni." He stopped and took another sip of his beer. "Anyway, a couple of months passed and we were doing this show in Australia. I had kept the box and her address and wrote to her, 5 days before our concert in her hometown. I had sent her a pair of backstage tickets, in case she wanted to bring a friend with her. For some reason, I just wanted to know this girl. She had written us a letter and I was the one that kept it. I read it a couple of times and it just made me smile every time." He continued.

"So the night of our show, I waited for her outside. I waited a good hour or so, I was so fuckin' nervous I think I smoked 10 cigarettes in less than 15 minutes. And then... There she was. I saw her walking towards me, waving at me. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her black and blue hair was a little wavy and blowing in the wind. She looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes and smiled. She stole my heart right then and there. Ever since that day, I've been head over heals for her." He admitted.

Who would have thought that Zacky Vengeance was a romantic?

I heard someone's footsteps coming closer and looked at the girl making her way towards us. She was stunning! I assumed this was Danni, Zacky's soul mate. She was wearing a black and blue bikini that matched her hair. She had a blue pareo that was wrapped around her waist, which flowed in the air at every step she took.

Zacky turned around and his smile grew even bigger at the sight of her. "This is my baby!" He exclaimed, wrapping his tattooed arm around Danni's waist and pulling her close to him, kissing the top of her head.

"Hi!" She smiled at me.

"Hello! I'm Haylee." I said, holding out my hand for her to shake. She shook it and flashed me another beautiful smile.

"I know who you are; Matt here just won't shut up about you." She said, turning her gaze at Matt who in return looked away, sipping at his beer.

I looked down at my drink and felt my cheeks burning. I heard her giggle and felt her grab my wrist. "Come on! Let's get you a refill." She said, guiding me inside. I followed her in, looking behind me and noticing Matt looking back at me.

"You like it?" She asked, pulling me out of my stare.

"Matt?" I asked, making her laugh. Uh-Oh... why was she laughing, what did I say?

"No, not Matt-" She smiled. "The drink, you like it?" She asked.

"Ohhh... oh yes!" I replied, feeling my cheeks burning once more.

"Do you want to change?" She asked, looking me up and down.

"Oh... sure, where's the bathroom?" I asked.

She giggled. "We have four of them." she smiled. "You can change in that one over there." She said, pointing at a door a couple of feet away on the right. "There's also two upstairs, one is connected to our bedroom, the other one is two doors down on the left and the other bathroom is in the basement." She explained.

"Wow ok..." I said.

"Yeah, I know... but believe me, it comes in handy when we're throwing a party." She chuckled.

"Haha, I bet." I said with a smile. "Well, I'm gonna go change then. I won't take long." I continued, heading towards the bathroom.

"Go ahead, I'm going to be here when you get out, I'm making more mojitos." She said, flashing me another smile.

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I flicked the lights on and was stunned by how big it was. It was two times the size of my bathroom and I always thought mine was huge. The walls were a beautiful sea blue color and the tiles on the floor were a grayish blue. Basically, everything matched and it was absolutely amazing.

A couple of minutes later I walked back out of the bathroom with my clothes in hands. "Where do I-" I started, walking up to Danni.

"Oh, here, give them to me, I'll put them upstairs in Zacky's and my room." She said, taking the clothes from my hands and walking upstairs. I stood there and watched her as she disappeared.

I heard a sound and turned my gaze at the guys outside. Matt, Brian, Zacky and Jimmy were in the pool playing volleyball. They had put up this net in the middle of the pool and seemed to be having a fun time. Johnny looked like he was playing the referee, calling out the scores and telling them if they weren't playing by the rules.

My eyes fell on Matt's tattooed chest and I bit my bottom lip. I gazed up at him, examinating his tone body when I felt eyes burning into my skin. I looked up into his eyes, only to see him staring back at me, flashing me his dimpled smile. I turned my gaze away and fast, feeling my cheeks flush immediately.

"Haylee! Come join us!" Brian yelled from his spot in the pool. He was Matt's team mate.

"Um... I... soon!" I yelled back.

As if on cue, Danni appeared down the stairs and walked towards me. "You ready to join the guys?" She asked adjusting her pareo.

"Oh, erm, yeah." I replied, biting my lip nervously.

She walked to the counter and picked up the two glasses of mojitos, turning around and handing me one. "Here you go." She said with a smile. She grabbed my free hand and pulled me out of the house and into the backyard. She guided me towards an empty chair next to Johnny and sat down on another chair near by.

"So, whose team are we in?" She asked.

"I call Haylee!" Brian said. I looked at him then Matt, who nodded and smiled at me. I put my drink on the little table near by and got up. I sat on the edge of the pool and dipped in one leg at the time. Brian made his way towards me and settled himself between my legs.

"Here, let me help you." He said with a smirk. He gently poured water on my right arm and did the same with my left one.

I observed him as he did this, feeling a little bit uncomfortable. Sure he was hot, I mean, its Synyster fucking Gates we're talking about here. But I mean, how was I supposed to react? I did what I did best in these situations, I giggled. Yep, I giggled like a little schoolgirl.

Brian smirked at me and continued pouring water on my arms and thighs.

I looked up and my eyes fell on Matt again, who stood there and watched us. He smiled at me and looked down at the volleyball in his hands.

"You guys ready?" Johnny asked, sitting down next to me and snapping me out of my gaze.

"I, uh..." I started.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked me.

"I seriously suck at playing volleyball, I just want to let you guys know." I stated, looking down at my lap.

I felt Brian's calloused fingers wrapping themselves under my chin and lifting my head up so I was looking into his eyes. "Don't worry about it, I'll help you out, give you pointers." He said, encouragingly. "Come on." He continued, pulling me in his arms and gently lowering me into the water.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, he took my hand and guided me in front of the net. He went behind me and put his hands on my hips. "Ready?" He asked.

"Ready for what?" I asked confused, but soon knew why. The ball flew in the air and was about to hit me right in the face. I let a scream escape from between my lips and put both hands in front of my face, shielding it from the upcoming ball. I felt Brian moving behind me and heard him hit the ball with the palm of his hand, saving me.

"Hey, it's ok." He said, putting both hands on my shoulders and massaging them softly. "You can open your eyes now." He whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around, noticing all eyes were on me. I felt my face heat up instantly under their gaze.

Danni must have noticed and made her way towards me, standing on the other side of the net. "Don't worry; I did the stupidest thing the first time we played." She started, smiling at me. "I did a slam shot and the ball hit Johnny right in the face." She continued, letting a small giggle escape her lips at the memory and earning a good laugh from the guys.

"Yeah, we thought she broke his nose. She felt so bad that she grabbed his wrist in a hurry, guided him to the bathroom and cleaned him up; just to make sure it wasn't broken." Brian said, squeezing my shoulders lightly.

I looked over at Johnny and he smiled at me. "So don't worry, we all make fools of ourselves when we play volleyball." He said, making me feel less stupid about the reaction I had.

"So, are you ready?" Brian asked. I nodded and felt him put his hands back on my waist. I could feel his toned chest pressing against my back, his strong muscles flexing at every movement he made.

"Here we go!" Zacky said, doing the service, sending the ball towards Matt who jumped and hit it back.

The game lasted a good hour or so. I managed to hit a couple of balls without being scared of getting hit in the face. Brian would be standing behind me all the time, helping me jump out of the water at time, grabbing me by the hips and lifting me up. Sometimes it would distract me and I'd miss the ball, making Danni's team score some points.

"So did you have fun?" Danni asked, taking a sip of her mojito.

"Yes, a lot!" I replied, dipping down and grabbing my drink as well.

"You know, we should do a girl's night me and you, if you're up to it." She suggested, taking another sip.

"I'd love to." I said with a big smile. Never in my life had I met a girl as sweet as Danni. You could tell she was an honest and fun person.

I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me. I looked at the arms and smiled, knowing it was Brian. "Don't try to steal her away from me." He said to Danni.

"Oh, I believe I don't have to try, she's already mine." She said with a smirk.

"I doubt it." He replied with an amused tone.

"Ah well, we already have a date." She said, sticking her tongue out at him. "You're too late!" She continued.

"Is it true?" He asked, turning me around so I was facing him. His arms were still wrapped around my waist, his face inches from mine. He looked down at me; water was dripping from his hair, landing on me.

"Yes." I said smiling up at him.

"When?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at me then at Danni who was standing behind me.

"I was thinking we should do it next Saturday." She asked more than stated.

"That would be great!" I replied, turning back around so I was facing her again. I felt Brian hug me from behind. He laid his chin on top of my head and pulled me even closer, if possible.

"Alright, so Saturday night you're not free... BUT! Saturday during the day you are though, right?" He asked.

"Yes, she is." Danni answered for me.

"Are you?" He asked me, just to make sure.

"Yes I am." I replied.

"Well then Haylee..." He said stepping away. I turned around and looked at him. He got down on one knee and looked up at me, taking one of my small hands into his big ones. "Would you like to go on a date with me Saturday?" He asked.

I heard Danni giggling beside me and the guys laughing and whistling.

"I would love to go on a date with you Mister Haner." I replied with a small chuckle. He kissed the back of my hand and stood back up, pulling me back in his arms and hugging me.

"Hey you love birds! Are you hungry?" Zacky yelled from inside the house.

Brian looked down at me. "Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"Yeah, a little actually." I replied.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked.

"I don't know, whatever you guys want to eat, I don't mind at all." I said.

"Alright." He smiled. "YEAH! WE'RE HUNGRY!" Brian screamed, his eyes still on me.

"Jesus, man! You don't have to scream! I'm standing right here!" Zacky said, standing next to Danni.

"Oh, sorry." Brian said.

"It's cool. So I thought it would be cool if we ordered pizza or something, you guys ok with that?" He asked, hugging his girlfriend and kissing her forehead.

Brian looked down at me. "Yes, sounds good." I replied with smile.

"Alright, so pizza it is!" Zacky said, taking Danni's hand in his and guiding her inside the house.

I looked around and noticed we were the only ones still in the backyard. "Where's everyone?" I asked.

"They must be inside, changing their clothes." He replied. "Wanna go change too?" He asked after a couple of seconds.

My bikini felt dry enough so I nodded. "Yeah, I think I'll go put my clothes back on." I replied.

He grabbed my hand and did the same thing Zacky had done with Danni a few moments ago. He guided me to the house and let me get in before him.

"The Pizza man should be here in half an hour." Johnny said, sitting on the couch beside Matt who was flipping through channels.

"Alright, well I'll go get dressed." I said, making my way upstairs slowly.

I made a right turn and searched for Danni and Zacky's room so I could get my clothes. I heard a muffled sound coming from the room to my left. I peeked inside and saw Zacky laying on his back and Danni straddling him. His hands were making their way towards the laces of her top, ready to pull on them. I gasped and turned around fast.

I was about to make my way down the hallway until I heard my name. "Haylee?" She said, giggling. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned around, my eyes still closed. I opened them slowly, noticing Danni standing in front of me with a huge grin. "Did you want your clothes?" She asked, still smiling widely.

"Um... Yeah... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything-" I started.

"-It's ok, don't worry about it." She said, chuckling lightly. "You didn't interrupt anything." She told me.

Zacky walked out of the bedroom and smiled down at me. He put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. "I'll go see what the guys are doing." He said, walking off.

"Come on, you can change here." She said, walking back into her bedroom. I followed close behind her and picked my clothes up from the top of the drawer. "You can change in the bathroom while I change here." she continued.

I nodded and got in the bathroom, closing the door behind me. This one was bigger than the other I had seen earlier. The walls were painted a beautiful green color and the floor was dark grey, almost black. It was amazing.

Once I was done I knocked on the door, making sure she was decent before I opened it. "It's cool! You can come in!" She said through the door. I watched her as she tied her hair up in a ponytail.

She looked back at me through the mirror and smiled. "So, you and Mister Gates are going on a date, huh?" She asked.

"Yes." I smiled shyly.

"You know... Matt's a great guy too." She said, turning around so she was facing me.

"I know. All of them are very nice." I replied, smiling widely.

She nodded and smiled. "Come on! Let's go downstairs, the pizza should be here very soon." She said.

For some reason, I couldn't help but feel like she was trying to tell me something. I pushed it aside and followed her out of the bedroom.

She led me downstairs and into the living room where all the guys were sitting and watching television. A baseball game was playing and Zacky seemed pretty interested in it. He would yell some profanities every single time his favorite team wouldn’t hit the ball or the ball wouldn’t go far enough.

I was standing next to Danni when the doorbell rang. “That must be the pizza.” She said as she walked away and opened the front door to reveal the pizza man. She handed him the money and took the 5 boxes from him. “Thank you!” She said, closing the door and walking back towards us.

“Need any help?” I asked as soon as she got in the kitchen.

“Sure, could you bring these to the guys?” She asked as she pointed towards 5 plates with 3 slices of pizza each.

“Sure, no problem.” I smiled. I took the plates and walked into the living room, handing out the plates to all of the guys.

Once I was done, I sat down between Matt and Johnny. I noticed I forgot to bring my own plate and was about to get up but felt someone’s hand on my forearm, keeping me from getting up. I turned around and saw Matt smiling down at me. “Here, let me get it.” He said, flashing me another of his dimple smiles. He got up and disappeared into the kitchen. I could hear him and Danni talk but couldn’t make out what they were saying.

I was deep in thoughts, trying to figure out if Danni was trying to tell me something earlier when I felt someone sit next to me. “Here you go, sorry it took me so long.” Matt said, handing me my plate. He flashed me another one of his famous smiles “You know, we should hang out sometimes, if you’d like.” He said.

“I’d love to!” I replied with a big smile.

Danni was right, he was a great guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I once again would like to thank all the people who take the time to read and comment ^_^ it's truly appreciated and I can't thank you enough for it! I'm so happy you guys enjoy the story and I hope you love this chapter! Please feel free to give me your thoughts!! I read all of them!!

I also want to thank Danni (Damsel_Of_Darkness) for always helping me out ^_^ she's awesome! She's also Zacky's mate hehehehe ^_^ I love you! You're amazing and thank you for always helping me!

I'm sorry if this one was short, it seemed bigger =( I'll try to make the next one bigger!