Surrender Your Heart


The roman shades in her room were forgotten about last night. The sun peeking through them was what woke Kylie. She rolled over and stretched her arm out, expecting a warm body to be lying next to her. All she found was an empty, cold spot. She was quickly jolted awake. She looked around and none of Matt’s clothes were lying around anymore. His phone was no longer on her nightstand, and his smell was only faint in her sheets. He had done exactly what she thought he’d never do; he left without a goodbye.

At first, Kylie didn’t believe it. She assumed he had just gotten up before her and was now in her kitchen or something. So she jumped out of bed, threw on a pair of shorts and padded down the hall, down the stairs, through the living room, and into the kitchen. It was empty. The only sound was the clock chiming that it was now ten o’clock. Now becoming slightly panicked and frantic, Kylie searched the kitchen for something, anything to give her some information as to where he went off to. There was nothing. She ran up to her bedroom and looked around, not sure what she was even looking for. A note maybe, telling her the guys had an emergency and that he’d be back soon. But she came up empty handed.

She grabbed her phone off of her nightstand and checked it for messages. She sighed in relief when there was one missed call. She checked the voicemail.

”I’m sorry Ky; Call me, I’ll explain later.” Kylie wanted to burst into tears, which was really unlike her. Why would he just leave? What reason would he have to pack up and leave like that?

Anger was running through her veins now; actually, a mix of anger, frustration, confusion, and just plain sadness. How dare he tell her to call him? How dare he do something like that after just leaving without so much as a freaking goodbye? Kylie, seeing red from being so angry, jumped in the shower and got ready to head to the studio, where Squire was working with a new band this week. After throwing her hair into a messy bun and putting on a pair of jeans and a plain white baby tee, Kylie slipped on some flip flops and left. Maybe Squire had some answers.


The blonde pulled into the Red Bull Studio parking lot, parked, and hopped out. Brand New was singing to her about a genie in a bottle, owing Jesse one last wish and she was thinking that was her. Her genie owed her one last wish. She walked into the studio, where Squire was in the pre-pro room with the guys from A Rocket to the Moon. Not even thinking, Kylie burst into the room and said, quite loudly, “Where the fuck did they go?” Squire looked at her, confused and agitated, and Nick looked slightly frightened by the loud girl in front of him.

“Ky, I don’t know—”

“Shut the fuck up and don’t you dare tell me you don’t know who I’m talking about!” she yelled at the producer. “Where did the guys go?” she growled.

Squire sighed. “Hold on a minute, guys,” he told the red head and his band, and then got up and dragged Kylie out of the room. “Now, can you calmly explain to me what all the yelling and anger is for?”

Now that she had a chance to take a breath and calm down, her emotions were getting the best of her. Her voice was shaky as she said, “Matt left with nothing more than a message saying he’s sorry, but they need to go. He didn’t wake me up or anything.”

Matt sighed and rubbed his forehead. He didn’t like seeing the girl he had molded into becoming one of the best production assistants around so vulnerable. “They went to New Jersey to record. They didn’t tell you?”

Kylie’s jaw dropped. “New fucking Jersey?!” she yelled at the producer. She couldn’t believe she was hearing this. This couldn’t be happening.

Squire shook his head. This wasn’t like Kylie. She never got upset over guys. But then again, what did he know? “Ky, why don’t you call him? I’m sure he’d give you a good reason as to why they just left without telling you.”

Kylie shook her head. “Fuck him and that stupid band. I’m out. Call me if you need anything,” she told the older man, and then left.

She was too shook up to drive, but she didn’t have a choice. So she hopped in her jeep and drove towards the closest mall. When she got there, she got out and walked inside, letting the cold air from the AC wash over her as she dug out her cell phone. She sat down in the food court and dialed his number. She was too anxious to not do so. It rang and rang and rang, but he never answered. Fuck, she thought and didn’t leave a message. She dialed everyone in the band’s number, getting the same result every time. No one was picking up. Fuck them, she thought, turning her phone off and setting her head down on her arms which were resting on the table, letting tears fall down her cheeks.


Matt sighed as he hit ignore on his phone once again as the name Kylie flashed across the screen. He hated this. He hated doing this to her, but he didn’t have a choice right now. At the moment, his reasons for leaving were simple but he didn’t know how to tell her of them so instead, he ignored his problems and ran from them.

Alex, sitting next to his tour manager and friend, sighed as he watched him hit the ignore button again. Not long after, his phone started going off. When he received a death glare from Matt clearly telling him not to answer it if it was her, he too hit ignore and shoved his phone in his pocket. When all the guys did the same minutes later, Alex shook his head. “This isn’t—”

Matt silenced him. “Shut up, Alex. I don’t need a lecture from Mr. Responsibility right now, ok?”

Alex just nodded. He wasn’t going to push this right now. He didn’t care to have Matt freak out on him before they even got on the plane that they would then be on for way too long. “Fine,” he said and then got up to go to the bathroom. He stood in front of the line of sinks and pulled out his phone. He opened a new text message and typed out: I’m sorry we didn’t tell you we were leaving Ky. I don’t really know much about what’s going on, so there’s not much else to say besides I’m sorry and I’ll force Matt to call you ASAP to fill you in. He sent the message and leaned against the sink, waiting for a response. Sure enough, not a minute later, his phone signaled he had a new message. He opened it and read.

Oh goodie. Glad to know I’ll be informed of what the fuck is going on. Fuck all of you, to be quite honest; tell Matt fuck you for me.

Alex shook his head. If he had learned anything about this girl over the time they had all grown to know her, it was that she was sarcastic and while it was hard to get sarcasm across in a text message, she succeeded quite well. Matt’s going to murder me if he finds out I had any contact with you. Tell him fuck you yourself. Talk to you later. He locked his phone and shoved it into his pocket, and then walked back out to wait to board his plane.
“What took you so long? Did you fall in or something?” Jack asked curiously, not caring how rude and loud he was being so early in the morning.

Alex chuckled and shook his head, leaning it back to rest against his seat. “Shut up, Jack.”

Soon enough, the four guys minus Zack, who was coming out in a few days, were boarding the plane, which would take them to New Jersey. No one talked to Matt and Matt didn’t talk to anyone. He wanted to see Kylie again. He wanted to explain what was going on and why he just left; he didn’t want to lose her, but he was afraid it was already too late for that.


It didn’t take long for Squire to have the ingenious light bulb moment he knew he was going to have to have eventually. He was sitting with the guys from A Rocket to the Moon when the idea popped into his head. “I’ll be right back,” he told the guys, jumping up and walking out of the room.

♠ ♠ ♠
The end.
I hope you guys don't hate me for this.
But, good news?

There's a sequal! I'll be posting that soon, but the first chapter isn't going up until after June 27. I'm going to be really busy these next few days with birthday stuff. =)
So yeah. I hope you guys liked it though, and I thank every single one of you for reading this and I thank those of you who have commented on every chapter. It meant a lot.
I love you guys!