I Want to Be Your Sky

I Want To Be Your Sky

Walking through the sweltering Las Vegas heat, I smiled. I loved the city, I loved the heat – it was all I’d ever known. A gentle breeze made my chocolate brown hair fly behind me like a cape, it was very fitting, I felt like a superhero at times. Managing two jobs (which I both loved) and still being able to have a vibrant social life was a very big feat and I’d managed to tackle it.

I arrived back at my studio apartment in the small suburb of Summerlin, dumping my bags on the floor; I looked through the various letters I’d received in the mail. Most of them were bills, just as I was going to chuck them on the coffee table, I noticed a cream envelope and I immediately knew what it was. Holding back squeals, I opened it.

Keltie Angela Colleen
George Ryan Ross
Invite you to share in their love
and happiness as they exchange
vows of marriage and begin their
new life together
On the Saturday 16th August 2009

I grinned as I read the words that were printed in elegant lettering on the pale lemon card. I turned the letter over and saw Keltie’s curly handwriting adorning the card.

Isla, you’re my best friend in the whole world and I would love it if you would be my maid of honour.

As soon as I read the words, I whipped my phone out and dialled Keltie’s very familiar number.

“Isla?” she asked brightly as she answered the phone.

“Kelt! I just got the invite and of course I’ll be your maid of honour hon!” I cried.

“Thanks so much Tay, you have no idea how much this means to me.”

“It’s nothing Kelt, I know you’d do the same for me,” I smiled. “How’s Ryan?”

“He’s doing good thanks; he’s really excited for the wedding.”

“Great, when do you want me to come over?”

“Um…next week?” she suggested unsurely.

“Of course!”

Keltie and I had been friends for nine and a half years; we met at dance school in 1999. She pursued a career in dancing; I pursued a career in my first love – photography.

After we parted ways at the end of dance school, we kept in touch, meeting up as often as we could possibly manage. A few months before she had moved to England with her fiancé, I wasn’t surprised when she told me, she always spoke of her love for the British culture, the British people and believe it or not – the British weather!

I have to admit, I was devastated when she left, but I knew it was the right thing for her to do and I couldn’t hold her back.

She and Ryan had been together for almost four years – they were perfect for each other. So perfect it was unreal, they loved the same books, the same films, the same colours, they finished each other sentences, it was crazy how well they matched.

Over the next few days I got really excited about the upcoming wedding, I booked my flight and I was raring to go. The Saturday before I was due to fly out, I went shopping for wedding gifts my best friends. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to get for Keltie and I knew exactly what I was getting Ryan, I had ordered it via the internet and according to the company it was going to be with me ‘within 3-5 working days’.

Walking out of a small boutique, I sighed, nothing I had seen was what I was looking for for Keltie. I knew her style – she liked things that were quirky, but not too crazy.
Nearing the end of my tether, I went into one last shop, a high end boutique store.

My eyes gazed over all of the beautiful garments, so much to choose from. There were so many things that I knew for sure that Keltie would’ve liked, but nothing special enough to be her wedding gift.

Then, I saw it, it was a red wrap dress and right then I knew it was the one. Keltie’s favourite colour was red and I knew it would suit her petite figure perfectly. It was a Diane Von Furstenberg dress, so I knew it was going to be pricey, but I didn’t care – I knew she would love it.

I bought the dress (it cost $286.00), I left the store thoroughly pleased with my purchase.

Once I was at home, I carefully placed the dress in a gift box and then inside a larger box so that it could be shipped to England without getting damaged. I was putting the box inside my closet when the doorbell rang.

Jogging as fast as possible without actually breaking out into a run, I got to the door. I opened it and was met with a delivery guy.

“Are you Isla Peters?” he asked rather cheerily.

“Yes I am.”

“Well then, this is for you,” he manoeuvred a large box into my hallway.

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure love, sign here please.”

I quickly scribbled my name on the form, eager to look at what I assumed to be Ryan’s wedding gift.

Speedily peeling off the tape on the box, I pulled out the vintage black Gibson Les Paul guitar. I admired its beauty before packing it away again for fear of harming it.
Feeling very happy with myself, I made my way into my room and lay down on my bed. I was exhausted from the day’s activities but completely pleased with myself.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The shrill sound of my alarm clock flooded my otherwise silent room. I slapped my hand down on it to cease the infernal ringing. A mix of happiness and excitement flowed through my body, I was leaving to go to Keltie and Ryan’s wedding.

I jumped in the shower, letting the continuous flow of steaming water relax my overly worked, tense muscles.

Feeling refreshed after my shower, I called a cab before I changed into a simple floral summer dress and sandals and grabbed my suitcase.

As if out of nowhere an odd feeling overcame me, I wondered; why wasn’t it me getting married? Why wasn’t I with the guy of my dreams? Why was I all alone? I shook of the feeling, I should be happy I told myself, Keltie’s a great girl, and she deserves all the happiness she gets.

Ding dong.

The familiar chime of my doorbell rang throughout the apartment. I grabbed all my stuff and made my way to the door.

In no time I was at the airport waiting. I drank a Starbucks coffee as I read my book, totally engrossed; I almost missed my flight being called.

“Flight 241 to London, Gatwick is now boarding.” The voice sounded over speaker system.

I picked up my bag and began the short walk over to the boarding point. I pushed through a few people to get there; quickly I had a spot in the line.

What is the time difference between Vegas and London? I wondered as I looked at my watch.

“Excuse me; do you know what the time difference between Vegas and London is?” A young, handsome, brown-haired man asked me.

I laughed quietly, “no actually I don’t, I was just wondering the same thing.”

“Oh, don’t worry thanks anyway.” He smiled a smile which I thought was incredibly gorgeous and turned to look out the window which overlooked the runway. It had many different planes dotted on it, the most prominent and closest was one which belonged to British Airways; I guessed it was my plane.

“Sorry to bother you again, but the line has moved.” The sweet voice said from behind me.

I turned a deep red, “thank you.” I mumbled before shuffling toward the check-in desk.

“How are you today miss?” the BA employee asked me.

I smiled at her thick English accent before saying, “Yes, I’m fine thank you.”

“Here you go,” she passed me back my ticket and boarding pass. “Have a lovely flight ma’am.”

Seat 23P, 23P. My eyes glanced over all the seats around me, finally I found it. I saw the newly familiar hair of the guy behind me in line. He smiled as I approached him, upon seeing this my stomach did flips.

“Gosh, not you again,” I mock sighed as I sat down next to him. He joined in with my laughter. “Isla.” I held out my hand and he shook it firmly. His skin was so soft to the touch – I didn’t want to let go.

“Nice to meet you, Brendon.”

“This is your captain Phil speaking, I’d like to thank you for choosing BA, we should arrive in London around 1pm GMT. Thank you. Cabin staff: please prepare for take off.” As these words entered my ears, I broke out in a nervous sweat. I hated flying, it scare the living daylights out of me. Up until that point I’d managed to completely block out fear, but the captain’s words suddenly made it all come screaming back at me.

“Are you okay?” Brendon asked me worriedly.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied, “I have a fear of flying.” I laughed uneasily.

“Oh.” He muttered.

“I’m going to try and get some sleep. Sorry for being so boring.” I smiled weakly.

“Don’t worry; I have stuff to keep me occupied.” He grinned pointing towards his battered iPod. That’s the last thing I remember, after I drifted into a very uneasy sleep.

I woke being softly shaken.

“Isla?” Brendon’s voice asked from beside me. I slowly opened my eyes and sleepily smiled at him, I could get used to waking up and looking at that face, I thought.“We’re here.”

“Oh thanks for waking me up.” I rubbed my eyes out of habit as a yawn escaped my lips.

We got off the plane together and began walking to luggage reclaim.

“Sorry about being such a bore, how was the flight?” I asked him, just wanting to hear his gorgeous voice again.

“It was okay, The Beatles kept me company.” He chuckled.

“Bye Brendon, it was nice meeting you.” I pulled him into a hug before we parted ways. He seemed to linger in the embrace a little longer than necessary – not that I was complaining.

“Bye Isla, it was great meeting you too.” He smiled before walking off into the crowded airport.

I walked into the parking lot searching for Ryan or Keltie, I wasn’t sure which of the two was coming to pick me up.

Just as I pulled out my phone to call Keltie, I saw the familiar face of Spencer, Ryan’s best friend.

“Spence!” I called waving at him.

“Isla! Are you okay?” he asked while hugging me.

“Yeah, I’m great thanks. Come on.” He took my hand and led me to his car.

Within no time at all, we arrived at Ryan and Keltie’s house. As we pulled up, I couldn’t believe my eyes, they had a huge house. It was a stately home, the ivy crawling up the side of the house and the flawless flower beds made the house picturesque. It was utterly beautiful.

“Isla? You know, if you stop staring at the house, we can go inside and see Keltie.”

“Oh yeah,” I chuckled at how easily I was distracted.

Approaching the house I couldn’t help but stare, it was very beautiful and very Keltie, I always thought that she’s end up in a house like that.

Spencer pulled out a set of keys and opened the door, I walked inside. The entrance was simply beautiful, styled with white walls and purple accessories.

“Go on inside, they’re in the kitchen – I’ll go and get your bags.”

“Aw thanks Spence.” I kissed his cheek and he flashed his amazing smile before walking off back to the car.

I ventured further into the house, although calling it a house didn’t seem appropriate – it was more like a mansion.

“Keltie?” I called into the house, realising I didn’t actually know where the kitchen was.

“Isla?!” I heard her voice call back.

“Yep, it’s me!”

“Oh my god! I’ve been waiting for you all day!”

“How are you?” I asked pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

“I’m great, I’m really excited!” she said. I didn’t have to ask what she was excited about – I knew it was her upcoming nuptials.

“Good, I don’t expect anything less.” I smiled. I heard some movement behind me and turned around. “Mr. Ross, don’t you hide from me!” I ran over to him and hugged him also.

“Hey Isla, how are you?”

“I’m good, dear god man – you’re wasting away!” I said prodding him in the side. Bringing up our long running joke of how thin Ryan was.

We all sat down and we began talking like were never apart. Filling each other in on every aspect of our lives that the other had missed, it was a great evening.

In the midst of all the laughter and fun, the doorbell rang. Ryan rose from his seat and went to answer the door, mumbling something as he left the room.

Spencer, Keltie and I got back to talking, a few minutes later, Ryan re-entered the room, closely followed by someone else.

“Guys, this is Brendon.” At the mention of the name, my head shot up.


“Isla!” he ran over to me and hugged me. The three other people in the room had very confused expressions on their faces.

“You guys know each other?” Spencer asked us.

“Yeah, we sat next to each other on the plane.” Brendon explained.

“Oh.” They said, all three of them drawing out the ‘o’ sound.

Over the week before the wedding, Brendon and I got much closer – it was inevitable, we spent so much time together arranging last minute things for the wedding.

“Isla, do you think, we should do something for the wedding?” Brendon asked me, three days before the wedding.

“What do you mean Bren?”

“I mean like a performance or something.”

“Yeah, I think you should sing.” Upon hearing the words, his face reddened.

“No, I can’t sing.” He insisted.

“Bren, your voice is amazing – trust me.”

“What will you do?”

“I’ll play the piano,” I smiled.

“You play piano?” he asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Yes, I’m a classically trained pianist I’ll have you know.”


“Nope I’m lying to you,” I grinned sarcastically.

He shoved me playfully.

“Oh I’ll be right back Bren.” I jogged up the stairs, going to my room to get my phone. I walked past the room that belonged to Ryan and Keltie to hear soft singing from inside. Peeking my head around the door, I saw him sitting on the bed, acoustic guitar in hand. After he stopped singing, I began applauding him, he slowly lifted his head looking slightly embarrassed.

“Ry, that was awesome.” I smiled at him.

“Nah, it wasn-” his sentence was interrupted.

“Ryan!” Keltie called from downstairs.

He placed the guitar down on the bed and left the room. I walked over to the bed and looked at the lyric sheet that was on the bed.

As I read the beautiful lyrics on the page, it was as if a light bulb went on in my head. I folded up the sheet of paper and left.

“Bren, I know what we can do for the performance!” I cried.

“What is it?” As he asked me, Ryan and Keltie entered the room, their hands entwined. They told us they were going out, I explained to Brendon my plan and once Ryan and Keltie left, we ran to Ryan’s music room and began practising.

“How do you think I should play it?” I asked Brendon as I sat at the piano. He walked over to me and placed his hands on top of mine, showing me the notes he thought I should play. Sitting down next to me he continued showing me, his soft skin on top of mine drove me wild.

I looked up into his deep brown eyes and couldn’t stop myself, and I kissed him. He pulled me onto his lap, his lips on mine. It was a blissful moment.

Before I knew it, it was the day of Ryan and Keltie’s wedding.

“Isla, does my dress look okay? It’s not too puffy is it?” Keltie asked as she stood in front of the mirror smoothing down the pure white dress she wore.

“Kelt, you look absolutely beautiful.” I said.

“Thank you so much, you’ve been such a help over the past week.” She smiled.

“It’s the least I could do, you’re my best friend. No, you’re more like a sister.” I hugged her.

“Keltie? It time.” Her dad said holding out his hand for her to take.

“You can do it.” I whispered in her ear as I walked past, ready to walk down the aisle, with Brendon no less.

I looked up and saw him in his classic black suit with a dark blue tie and I couldn’t help but smile.

“M’lady.” He held out his hand and I took it, the bridal march began and he and I began to walk down the aisle. Ryan and Keltie’s spacious garden had been transformed, beautiful white and yellow flowers were strategically placed around. It was amazing.

“You look very sexy.” I smiled as we walked down, our arms linked.

“Likewise Isla, likewise.” He smiled down at me.

The ceremony was beautiful, not a dry eye in the house, or garden. Even Ryan shed a tear.

Afterwards, the festivities took place in a large gazebo that was placed towards the back of the garden. Almost immediately after we were all in our seats, food was served. The meal was delicious; I had chicken and rice, one of three meals that were available.

Sooner than I hoped, it was time for the speeches and mine was first.

“Well, what can I say? My best friend found her perfect man. Never have I seen two people more perfect for each other. I love them both dearly, so I don’t want to make you sit here and listen to me speak. Ryan’s best man Brendon and I have arranged to do something else. Brendon?”

In a flash he was by my side. I took my seat at the piano and he grabbed his acoustic guitar and stood behind the microphone. And Jon, another of Ryan’s friends played the bass for us.

I began playing, then Brendon and Jon joined me before Brendon’s powerful voice sounded out.

When the moon fell in love with the sun
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night

When the sun found the moon
She was drinking tea in a garden
Under the green umbrella trees
In the middle of summer

When the moon found the sun
He looked like he was barely hanging on
But her eyes saved his life
In the middle of summer (summer)

In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer (summer)
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer, summer, summer, summer
All was golden when the day met the night

So he said, "Would it be all right
If we just sat and talked for a little while
If in exchange for your time
I give you this smile?"

So she said, "That's okay
As long as you can make a promise
Not to break my little heart
Or leave me all alone in the summer."

Well he was just hanging around
Then he fell in love
And he didn't know how
But he couldn't get out
Just hanging around
Then he fell in love

In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer, summer, summer, summer
When the moon fell in love with the sun
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night

Summer, summer, summer, summer
In the middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
the middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
the middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
In the middle of..

Brendon walked over to me and took my face in his hands and kissed me passionately earning many wolf whistles from the guests. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he whispered in my ear.

“Of course I will Bren.” I smiled.

Later, as Keltie and Ryan ahd their first dance, Brendon dragged me onto th dancefloor and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt completely safe and happy in his arms - it was where I wanted to be forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
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