The Life of a Teenage Girl

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I have a friend that I met in 7th.
She isn't the most stable person out there.
Sadly she's attempted suicide, gone to a metal hospital close to my house, and gone to rehab and back.
She still drinks, smokes and puffs.
I don't think she'll ever stop and the sad thing is is she has a 4.0 GPA.
I want her to do something with her life and not just ruin it.
But I know that will never happen unless she wants to do something.
I know she has the potential and she has the brains but I don't know if she'll take advantage of what she has and do something.
It seriously makes me want to cry cause she can have it all if she would just want it.
And she also has the looks and she's a bigger girl but I don't think size matters like that when it comes to my friends that I think are pretty or beautiful.
and she's lost so much weight since the last time I've seen her.
And her home life is a bit shitty from what I've heard and witnessed.

I have told her that she has potential and all that shit.
Does she seem to take that into consideration?
I don't think she does.
I really wish she would.

I also think some of her other friends are some of the bad influences she doesn't need.
Like her and our friend Guy ditched fifth block today and it worried me because she has already ditched and got two weeks of grounding and I was talking to him and told him I don't want her to get in trouble again.
What was his answer?
"Really Maggie. She's okay."
I don't give a fuck if she's okay.
I don't want her to ruin what she can have.
I don't want her to end up like my uncle and aunt.
Most likely my aunt.
She married a rich guy, bought things just to use his money.

I'm glad I'm nothing like that.
I'm just not at all fond of her.

I don't want her to drop out either and I just don't know what to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Email me with suggestions?
and comment if you want.
This is the girl I was talking about.
She's pretty or beautiful isn't she?