The Life of a Teenage Girl

Monday: January 26, 2009

Shit. I so didn't update yesterday! Sorry about that!

Anyway, yesterday was my dad's birthday. And I feel so bad because I never said Happy Birthday to him. I feel horrible for that.

I'm so glad I didn't have to go to school today. There;s like two feet of snow on the fucking ground give or take a few inches. I hate snow.

I'm also glad I got to stay home today to do homework. I'm finally doing my fuckin' BOE for History that is due today.

I don't know what else to say right now. I'm currently listening to Choose by Stone Sour. Good Song. I listened to Snuff like twice this morning. I love that song now. I always have but still. Now I'm listening to Hand Held High by Linkin Park. Sad song but good.

Has anyone who has heard Bother by Stone Sour ever noticed that Snuff is a lot more emotionally driven than Bother? It's amazing. I was amazed by it the very first time I heard it. And it's the most Corey has ever gotten into detailing love betrayal. It's more detailed than Vermilion and Part 2.

Anyway enough of my rambling I'll check in later.