The Life of a Teenage Girl

Thursday: January 29, 2009

Well, today started off shitty as hell.

I still hate my math teacher as much, if not, more than I did yesterday. I want a new one but I know that won't happen until next year at High School.

Science of course was the best class today. We got to play with dry ice. Quite fun if you ask me. We got to see two dry ice bombs go off. It was cool.

English I fell asleep again cause it's boring as hell right now. Still reading Romeo and Juliet.

Social Studies was fun. We're doing the writing portion of the BOE now. We have to choose three inventions that have the same thing in common. I chose the Iron Lung, Defibrillator, and X-Ray cause it's all in the medical field and I know I can get some info about each thing from my mom cause she's been a nurse for like 28 years.

And Gym. Phys Ed. Whatever you want to call it. We had to do a fucking basketball tourney and I didn't want to be on the court at all. I hate basketball and volleyball with a fucking passion. They both suck balls to me. Anyway I never touched the ball and then we had to play Bump. Oh how much I hate that game. And we have some of the more popular kids [girls] in that class and they piss me off pretty much daily. They're always yelling at people to do things and it's so annoying.

If I can get all my grades to at least a C I get to get my lip pierced for real. I'm really happy.

Anyway I have nothing else to share tonight so I'll update tomorrow.

It's beautiful how flowers can look even if the person looks lifeless...
Especially white roses, they look like they are full of complete and utter innocence.