The Life of a DesperateTeenage Mother

chapter two:0

Around the beginning of the 5th month Nicole decides its time to tell her parents about her pregnancy .They flip out on her and tell she just fucked up her entire life. She tells them she loves the baby and plans to keep it. Theyare not very happy but they say ok and tell her she will have to get a job and stay in school. She says ok but what about the baby. They tell her they will watch it while shes gone. She agrees . How will she tell damien shes already 5 months pregnant The baby is due in december. She realizes he may bail out but she has no choice but to tell him. After all it is his kid.
Well Nicole is 6 months pregnant now. She is still debating on wheter to tell Damien or not. She decides to tell him as soon as she hits 7 months, which is only about 2 weeks away. Nicole hasn't decided on how to tell him yet. One night as she is getting ready for bed her mother asks her if she has told Damien about the pregnancy yet. Nicole says she hasn't told him yet but will very soon. Her mother is not to thrilled that she has not told him yet. Jamia starts lecturing her on the consequences of not telling him right away. Nicole jsut basically blows her off and continues what she was doing before her bitch of a mother walked in..
Nicole continues to go to school. She is steadily preparing for the baby. She has put in applications at many stores. She has to go for an interview in two days. She is hoping they dont pass her up just because she is pregnant. She continues to see Damien. He is starting to get suspicious. He begins questioning her why shes gaining so much weightt. Nicole jsut changes the subject wehever he brings it up.
Well by now there is only one week left for Nicole to decide how to tell Damien the big news.She has made the decision of having him come to her house for dinner and that she will brign up the topic of pregnancy during dinner. Then she will explain to him she is 7 months pregnant with his child.She hopes and prays he wont flip out.

Well...She decides to ask him on monday if he would like to come to dinner at her house on friday. Nicoel sees Damien in the hallway on monday and rushes over to ask him. She asks him to dinner friday and he accepts. She is extremely thrilled. After school that day she tells her mother that damien has agreed to come to dinner. Her mother is happy that nicole finally decided to tell him about the baby. They start discussing a way to break it to him gently.

Well its now friday morning and Nicole is standing in the hallway talking to Damien and the word pregnant comes out of her mouth..Damien is like "what did you just say?" and Nicole replies"I said im 7 months pregnant with your baby". Damien starts freaking out and nicole starts crying..And he hugs her and says "baby im sorry but the baby cant be mine we used protection everytime.." She scream at him and says well your the only one ive fucked since weve been together!!

Nicole is devastated that Damien thinks the baby isnt his.. "There is no way in hell the baby is anyone elses" she screams at Damien as he walks away.. That was the last time she talekd to Damien for four months... As she was standing there alone she feels something pour down her legs.. adn she realizes her water broke.She bolts down the hallway to the nurses office and starts crying for them to call 911 because her water just broke.

Nicole is rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Her mother meets the abulance at the hospital. Nicoel is rushed into a room and quickly put into a hospital gown and contractions start and they realize she is about to have her baby. she is having her baby 6 weeks before she is due. they realize there may be something wrong with the baby. The doctors tell nicole there is a chance the baby may not suvive. She breaks down into tears and starts crying.. she is devastated she may lose her first child.

Niocle tells her mother to call Damien at his house. When he picks up her mother tells him to come to the hospital now his baby is on the way and he hangs up on her. She tries his cell phone and when he answers he tells her the baby isnt his. and nicoles mom starts bitching at him.

By this time the baby is on its way into the world. Nicoles screams one last time as the baby enters the world.. the doctors tell nicole its a girl and the baby is really small.They also tell ehr the baby may not survive.In spite of all this she still names the baby Shayla Marie Armstrong. While she is naming the baby it is rushed to the nicu where it can be taken care of until it is stong enough to breathe on her own..
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Tell me what you think:) if you have any suggestions let me know becasue i have writers block:0