Last Night I Took One Look at You

Part 1/1

Daniel Hetherton. Known as a whore who spent most evening coaxing women into his bedroom. His brother however, hardly the type so you think. How wrong you are?

Edward Hetherton found enjoyment in the same pastime as his younger brother. The pubs and clubs of York were often graced with his presence in the evenings. The early hours of the morning, he would be leading his next victim home to his room.

Tonight was no different from any other night. Ed was sat at the bar of his local pub, his eyes scouring the crowd for the right person. By this time he was already on his 10th can. His eyes were drawn to someone in particular. Whoever this person was, they were not a regular.

Using the confidence he had gained from his numerous beers, he made his way towards his victim. Their hair was long, about shoulder length, and they hadn’t particularly done anything to it other than maybe brush it. Ed tapped her on the shoulder and she spun round immediately to face him.

He smiled.

She smirked.

He began speaking.

She listened to his drunken slurs.

He offered her a drink or two.

She accepted.

He got her more and more drinks.

She became drunk.

He led her home.

She didn’t mind.

His parents and brothers were out.

He was glad. In fact he couldn’t wait. Unlike his brother, Ed hadn’t completely grasped the concept of teasing.

They had barely reached his room when he began kissing her roughly. Pushing her towards his bed, he began removing her top.

What a shock he got. She was not a she.

Did he care?


What happened next was something Edward Hetherton would never admit to. In fact, the slightest mention would have him blushing a dark shade of crimson.

For this night he finally came to terms with his sexuality. He’d never really wanted to think about it before but one thing Ed Hetherton never did was turn down free sex. No matter what type.

The next morning he found himself waking up with a banging headache only to turn to his right and see the back of his latest shag. This surprised him. Usually they didn’t stick
around. As he moved slightly to get comfy, the figure next to him stirred.

It wasn’t easy to say who screamed the loudest but neither were particularly quiet. There was thundering footsteps outside the room and Dan came bursting into the room. What a predicament.

Within seconds Dan was laughing hysterically, Ed had his head in his hands, blushing furiously and Ali Paul, long time friend, had fled from the room after grabbing his clothes and running as fast as he could.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ta da!

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