I Love You. Even Though We're Setting Ourselves Up For Heartbreak

Wed 21/01/2009 23:24

From: Alex Winters [alex@wintersmail.co.uk]

To: Carl Cort [carlcort@inbox.co.uk]

Subject: Free car insurance for all newly qualified drivers - barely any strings attached!


How dare you not tell me you passed your driving test!! All this time I've spent walking when all along you had a car...

Congrats anyway, the best drivers pass 2nd time! (unless I pass at any other attempt, in which case that becomes the ideal amount of attempts)

How are you today Carl? Have you finished your exams yet?

I hope they weren't too nasty... But then again, examiners are from a totally different universe to most people, I start to wonder what has gone wrong in the world when there are aliens, (probably previously featured on Dr Who), marking our exam papers...

Speaking of Dr Who, I am totally gutted that David Tennant is leaving. The guy who is replacing him looks a bit weird in my opinion (I am judging this on the interview they did with him during Dr Who Confidential). I am not one to usually comment on someone's hair being totally ridiculous but I must make an exception for this bloke because it looks particularly dreadful.

Anyway, I must dash because my brother is nagging me to watch Heroes with him.

Speak soon!

AdiĆ³s mi amor,
