I Love You. Even Though We're Setting Ourselves Up For Heartbreak

Fri 23/01/2009 16:29

From: Carl Cort [carlcort@inbox.co.uk]

To: Alex Winters [alex@wintersmail.co.uk]

Subject: RE: Free car insurance for all newly qualified drivers - barely any strings attached!

once again you have fooled me with your attractive subject descriptions p!

i apologise for not letting you know i had passed. as you know i did indeed pass second time - thats why i had to leave early on new year as my test was on the 2nd and i didn't want to be half asleep. not that it worked anyway.

i'm sure i will take you for a little spin somewhen, depending on whether it has any go-go-juice in it at that particular time!

congratulations to you again for getting into your music college.

when do you plan on taking said driving test?

talking of exams i have taken the second today, just one more of the buggers left, not til next friday though, so plently of time for mental preparation beforehand. have your exams finished already?

these long emails would indicate that we live many miles from each other, though last time i checked we do still enjoy the same surroundings of shaston high, so i'm sure i will see you soon and that will give us an opportunity to catch up verbally. although we won't have anything to say after this.

i would end in the same way as you ended your email, but it is in foreignish and alas i have no idea what it means...i don't want to get myself into any trouble!

see you soon

double C