You're Clouding up My Mind

Georg's younger sister - who lives with him - starts to spend some time with his band. Tokio Hotel. Georg's loudmouth sister will get them both in trouble. Wether it be on stage, behind stage, during an interview or during a meet and greet with the fans, she'll start something. A fight? Maybe. An exageration to piss fans off? Probably. Tell someone the wrong thing? Definately.
  1. 001
    Abbigail goes to Practice with Georg.
  2. 002
    Notes in my pocket, Notes in my pocket... CHIP BAGS
  3. 003
  4. 004
  5. 005
    Over dramatic? Well... maybe.
  6. 006
  7. 007
  8. 008
    Y'don't gotta be such a jerk;
  9. 009
    Do you like the new you? NO? WHAT!