You're Clouding up My Mind


We all rushed up the stairs, kicking each other.
Immature? Yes, we are.

"What're we having?" Haylen asked politely, flashing a smile at Georg.
"Salmon, rice and beans." Georg replied, smiling in return.
We all sat down at the table. I let Haylen sit in between Bill and Tom, because I know she has a small "thing" for Bill. She smirked at me, when I sat down next to Gustav and Tom, leaving an open chair beside Bill.
Bill started shovelling the food into his mouth and so did Tom. Fat asses. I wonder how they always stay so skinny?

After dinner, Georg sat everyone down in the basement around a large coffee table.
"So, as everyone knows Abbigail and her friend Haylen are going to be on tour with us, yes?" Georg said, nodding at everyone. Bill and Tom nodded back, but Gustav stayed still.
I don't think Gusti likes me very much.
"We have a few rules we have to obey, right? Well... Let's get this done quickly so I can stop acting like a parent, kay?" Georg said, pointing a finger in the air.
"Number One. No going out of the bus, unless we say you can. There's going to be fans all over the place. Number Two." Georg stuck another finger in the air. "Tom, this one is for you. No seducing my younger sister, or her friend." Tom smirked, and nodded like a three year old would. After Georg looked away, he made puppy eyes at me. Ew.
"Number three." He stuck up another finger. "No acting immature. That's it for the rules." He finished, clapping his hands together.

Damn rules, I thought.

Whatever, it was only 6 more days until we go onto the tour with Tokio Hotel, anyways.
I was fucking stoked as hell! So was Haylen.

--6 days later--

"Are you all packed?" Asked Georg, helping me with my suitcases and loading them onto the tour bus. "Yeah." I groaned, lifting another large and extremely heavy suitcase onto the bus. I must've had about ten or eleven large pink suitcases filled with clothing.
I lifted Haylen's large blue bags into the tourbus, because they weren't so heavy,

You see, I guess I have an over-packing problem.

Once the bags were all loaded, the three of us hopped onto the tourbus.
Sitting by the white table, was Bill, Tom and Gustav.
"Hey ladies." Bill said, politely winking at Haylen and I.
"Hey!" I waved to the three of them, not looking at Tom.
I looked at a white sheet of paper stapled to the wall in the bus.
There were a bunch of cities. I guessed those cities were where we were headed.

"Lepizig, Paris, Brussels." I read off the list, scrolling with my pointing finger.
"Montreal, Quevec City, Toronto." Those were in Canada.
"New York, California, Seattle." The US.

"We're only going to 9 places?" I asked, a little annoyed. I thought it was going to be a large tour, where we travelled a whole dman country.
"Well, we're probably going to get book at a few lounges, bars and whatnot." Bill replied, smiling.

The bus took off a few minutes later, when everyone was situated.
Now, this is where the real fun starts,