Dance With the Devil

The Beginning of the End

“Are you sure you’ll be ok? I mean, I just don’t feel comfortable sending you out on your own like this,” Bruce expressed to me for what felt like the hundredth time that day as I sat in my new 2008 Honda Accord. Bruce had surprised me with it the day after I arrived as a present, and I was finally going to get to drive it for the first time.

It had been precisely one week since my arrival and everything was going rather well so far. Of course, I’d only left the manor once to visit Wayne Enterprises, which is when Bruce gave me a tour of the city. After a full day of intent listening to all the back alleys I was forbidden to go down and what the easiest route to get to the Gotham General Hospital was, I felt confident that I could navigate myself around the city for a few hours.

“Don’t worry, I have a map in the dashboard just in case I get lost,” I said reassuringly.

He nodded, finally seeming to cave in. “Okay, tell me again exactly what it is you’re doing again,” he demanded. It was definitely obvious he wasn’t used to the whole guardian thing yet.

I sighed before diving into the explanation again. “I’m going to park my car in the garage beside Wayne Enterprises. Then, I’m going to walk around the city for a few hours and shop. I will then walk safely back to my car and drive back here where I’m sure you will be waiting for me nervously,” I said with a smirk.

He shot me the ‘you’re such a smart alic’ look. “Good, if you need me, just call,” he said. He’d also purchased me a new cell phone since he claimed mine was too “outdated,” which I thought was ridiculous; silly billionaires.

I climbed into the car while giving him a small salute. “Sir, yes, sir,” I said before driving off, intentionally spinning my wheels as I did so.

I couldn’t suppress a laugh as I heard him bellow, “Don’t do that!”

Turning onto the familiar road that led to the heart of the city, I found a good alternative rock station Bruce had recommended to me. As I sat behind the wheel I couldn’t help but think that Bruce had no right to preach to me about driving like a maniac. A couple of nights ago while reading in my room I heard the loud sound of wheels screeching and looked out my window to investigate. A person I could only assume to be Bruce was the culprit; he was speeding off down the driveway in a sleek black car, one I’d never seen before. I guess it was really none of my business how he spent his nights, but it didn't leave me any less curious.

Pushing this out of my mind, I made my way into the main part of Gotham where the shops were located. I pulled up to the entrance of the parking garage, flashing my access card to the security guard before finding a parking space. I made sure I’d collected everything I’d need for the day out of the car before locking it up and heading out. It felt strange having to lock my car. Reston had been the type of town where everyone knew everyone, and no one would dare break into anyone’s car. Here it was a completely different story, even in a guarded parking garage.

I made my way down the busy sidewalk, doing my best not to bump into anyone. Spotting a store that looked pretty fancy, I went in and purchased a black cocktail dress, a pair of high heels and some jewelry to match. Alfred had informed me that Bruce was known for hosting spur of the moment parties, giving me a keen opportunity to make this purchase.

I entered a few more stores here and there and grabbed something quick to eat at a McDonald’s before deciding it was time to head back to the manor before Bruce had a conniption. I walked into the parking garage as I dug for my keys in my purse. I’d only made it halfway to my car when the entire room went pitch black. My heart began to pound as I prayed it was just a quick power outage. It was only after a minute passed by with no change that I really started to panic.

“Hello!,” I called, “Is anyone else in here?!”

It was just my luck that there would be no answer. Weren’t there supposed to be back up lights or something in here for situations like this? Cursing the whole situation, I felt around in my purse for my cell phone. When I finally tapped it and the light came on, I quickly picked it up and dialed Bruce’s number. It only rang two times before I heard my godfather’s voice on the other line.

“Hey, where are you?” he asked.

“I’m in the parking garage. All of the lights went out. I figured there was some sort of power outage,” I said, hoping he would then comfort me with words of reassurance, though I knew deep down that really wasn’t how life worked.

“No, there isn’t...Look, just stay in the garage. I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he said hurriedly, worry coating his words.

“Okay,” I stated, my voice now becoming shaky. I was beginning to get that uncanny feeling that I wasn’t alone. I felt like one of those helpless damsels in distress that I always laughed at during horror movies; I certainly wasn’t laughing now.

We both hung and I took a deep breath to calm myself. “It’s going to be alright, Jessica. Bruce is on his way,” I said to myself.

“Talking to yourself is a form of craziness, you know?” a voice stated from somewhere behind me. I felt a cold terror take hold of my body as my worst fear was confirmed: I wasn’t alone.

“W-where are you?” I asked stupidly, wishing I had just stayed quiet.

“Isn’t that a funny question? See, I really could be anywhere in this big, dark room. I could be on the other side of the garage, the mere echo of my voice reaching your pretty little ears. Or I could be just a figment of your imagination, fear taunting you as you wait alone.” The man let out a cold laugh that seemed to sink into every part of my body…it sounded strangely familiar.

“Or I could be…”

As his voice trailed off I found myself desperately hoping it had been my imagination. A drop of sweat fell down my brow as I waited for a continuation.

“…right behind you,” the man said directly by my ear, his warm breath tickling the back of my neck.

Scream for help.

“HELP M-” My cry was cut off by a strong hand covering my mouth, his fingertips sinking into my cheek.

“You wouldn’t want anyone to disrupt us, beautiful. People might think you’re in trouble,” he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Hot tears brimmed over and fell down my cheek, his hand stopping them from passing. Why in the world was this happening to me, now of all times?

“HIT THE LIGHTS BOBERT!” the man screamed, leaving a ringing in my ear. His arm snaked around my waist, making me sick to my stomach. “If I take my hand away, do you promise not to scream?” he asked in a serious voice.

I nodded furiously, desperately wanting this person off of me. On cue, the lights come on, straining my eyes as my pupils adjusted to the sudden brightness. The hand moved from in front of my mouth and I whipped around to face the culprit. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I found myself face to face to a man with greenish, blonde hair and smudged up clown make-up on his face. The recognition of who this person was hit me fast: the Joker.

I screamed as loud as my body would allow me to. The Joker quickly leapt forward and smashed his hand in front of my mouth, roughly grasping the hair on the back of my head with the other.

“Ah, you broke your promise,” he paused to lick his ruby red lips. “That wasn’t very nice of you, now was it? I think you’re going to need to be punished for that.” I heard a tiny ‘click’ and seconds later I was looking straight at the blade of a knife.

More tears fell from my eyes as I became paralyzed with fear. My eyes were glued onto the knife he was grasping in his hands, unable to get the image of it coming towards me out of my head.

“You liked this, huh? Here, I have a little…introduction story for ya. Do you wanna know how I got these scars?” he asked as if we were two people sitting in a coffee shop just enjoying the day. My chest began to heave up and down when the cold blade touched the part of my cheek his hand wasn’t in front of. I didn’t dare move an inch for the fear the blade would tear into my flesh.

“See, my father was a-” he began, but stopped himself when he seemed to think of something all of a sudden. “Don’t worry, you’ll hear that story another time. Let’s take a picture together for good ol’ Brucey to find when he arrives,” he said, bending down to pick my phone up off the ground. “I trust you won’t scream this time or,” he glanced at his knife, “you know what will happen.”

In the blink of an eye I was spun around, my back now to his front. I felt violated as he pulled me close to his body, his arm around my waist. I could hear him pressing buttons on my phone before his arm extended out in front of me. “Say cheese,” he stated before taking the picture.

The Joker looked at the phone before showing me the picture. My face had a look of utter terror and shock written on it as tears cascaded down my red face, the monster behind me smiling widely. “Looks like you need a retake. But, un-for-tun-ate-ly, we don’t have enough time.” I heard him lick his lips as he sat my phone down on the ground face up.

I felt a harsh tug on my arm as I was lead to a white van I hadn’t noticed before. I glanced over at the security office and saw a man lying dead on the floor, a smile carved into his face. I gagged slightly and felt more tears fall from my sore eyes as I was thrown in the back of the van, my head bashing onto the floor. One men and woman who appeared to be only a few years older than I climbed in after me before the door slammed. I quickly scurried over to the seat on the far left side and looked around the van. There were random objects all over the floor, including a black pistol.

That’s when it hit me full force: I was being kidnapped by the most dangerous killer in all of Gotham. This was my last thought before I slipped into a cold darkness.

Bruce Wayne’s POV

Bruce sped into the parking garage in his black lamborghini. He noticed two strange things right off the bat: one, the gates were wide open and two, all the lights were on. He stopped the car and climbed out as quickly as possible.

“Jessica!” he yelled and looked around frantically. His eyes landed on a purse with contents splayed out all around it, including a cell phone…Jessica’s cell phone.

He sped over and picked it up. What he saw made his whole body shake in fury. He stared into the dark eyes of the man he’d written off as a nobody just days before.

“JESSICA!!” he bellowed in anger, still holding onto a bit of hope that she would crawl out from behind of a car with just a few scratches. When this light was burned out completely by nothing but the sound of cars driving past, he used his own phone to call Gordon at the police department.

“Gordon speaking,” said the voice on the other line.

“Gordon, it’s Bruce Wayne. I need you and your men down at the Wayne Parking Garage immediately,” he said, his voice coated in rage, a vengeful fire burning in his eyes.

“Why? What’s happened?” he asked in concern on the other line.

“My goddaughter’s been taken by the Joker,” he replied venomously.
♠ ♠ ♠
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