In the sea of guys he is the only one I see

In the sea of guys he is the only one I see number

My ears were filled with blaring music from my black video i-pod as we pulled into camp for juvenile delinquents. I really don't know why I am being sent here, all I know is I am here and I see a lot of guys you could fill a whole entire ocean with all the guys I see.
Guy's are staring at me as if they have never seen a girl before. I have to admit I kinda like it. Some of the are really hot Oh my god look at him ooh would I just love to-" Get out of my car!" yelled my Mother, a pleasant one isn't she interrupting my thoughts about Mr. Yummy over there. I opened my door and grabbed my bag and my red and black suitcase. As soon as both of my feet were on the ground and the door was shut my Mother pulled away as fast as she could like she thought the whole place was going to explode and the only way she could live was to drive like a maniac out of here. Ah good old Mother not a hug or kiss or even a nice goodbye from her just a get out of my car and some maniac driving.
I took my headphones out of my ears and placed them and my i-pod in my bag. Guys continued to stared but hell I wasn't complaining. I walked up to a door marked Head Masters Office and knocked. Waiting for some one to answer the door I taped my foot impatiently. today I was wearing my all favorite lucky red converse.
"What do you want? Oh it's you come in." Head Masters said moving away from the door to let me in."Sit there." he said to mt pointing at a chair that reminded me of on of those old toucher chairs you see in movies. Ugh what is that smell ewww that's nasty it smells like dead fish, ewww I think it's the Head Master. I sat down in the death chair, it made a sicking noise when I sat down to only receive a dirty look from the Head Master. God I didn't think I was that fat I only weigh 93 pounds.
"So as you know you are the only girl here so ........" I stopped listening after he said that confetti and firework went off in my head.
"Um sorry to cut you off but did you just say that I'm the only girl here?" I asked trying not to sound so excited.
"Yes will that be a problem Miss. Harley?"
"No not at all that's fine with me no problem here." Damn I was trying not to get excited but I don't think I was hiding it very well.
"Then you will be staying in cabin 17, here is your key don't lose it. Now get out of my office." He said pointing to the door, I could feel his eyes on me as I left.
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Hope you like it message my if you have comments or complaints about it.