There's No Competetion in Love


As I walked through the school my crew next to me I felt strong, but with every strength comes a weakness and mine came in the form of a boy named Matthew Sanders.

Don't think for a second I love him, because you would be wrong. I hate him, with
every fiber of my being just like he does me. Maybe I should tell you a little bit about my life and this 'Matthew Sanders' or as his friends call him 'M. Shadows'.

My name is Amber Davison. I am the 'head' girl of an all girls boarding school. My parents, don't hate me they just don't trust me around guys. But silly stilly them. Next door is our competion school, An all boys boarding school. We are Co-ed schools. You can say. We are rivals. But thats why I have my crew.

My right hand girl is Gemma. She is an amazing swimmer. Truly the best, that is until "Shadows' thought his right hand man Brian Haner or 'Synyster Gates' his friends call him challenged her. So they are neck and neck.

My next girl down is Trish, She is ditzy and Brainy, but we love her. She is the best baseball player ever. Fuck softball. But for my crew 'Sanders' thought he could chanllege me so that brings me to his man Zach Baker, or "Zacky Vengence".

Next is Ashley, She is really annoying at times, but her basketball skilles blow everything out of the water. James Sullivan, or "The Reverand Thomlew Plague" thinks he can
take her. Silly Shadows.

My last, but certinitly not least girl in my crew is Dee. She can drible a soccer ball like no
other. She is shy and sweet, but is defintly someone you don't want to take on. But arogent Sanders leaves that job to John Seward, or 'Johnny Christ'.

Then of corse there is me. I really don't get sports besides Sex. I mean come on, why get all
sweaty with out some moral of pleasure? Sanders is no better, thats where we get our kicks. Seeing who can be the bigger whore. He wants me so bad its disgusting, he just hides it behind his sarcaism.

Silly people. One day I have faith that they will learn.